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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. If I was a member of the Thai government I would seriously consider not letting any tourists on the roads,for their own good, Cars motorcycles or bicycles It really is a different world to what they are used to. The pampered cyclists of the UK for example, who now, for some strange reason, don't even have to use a cycle lane when one is provided, and have been "advised" to ride in the centre of the lane they are using. amongst other woke / green influenced nonsense. As another poster pointed out, that sense of entitlement doesn't travel very well, especially to Thailand. Here it boils down to 2 things "the right of might" I,e, large and heavy give way to small and light, and secondly social deference,, pedestrians are at the bottom of the list , as they are considered too poor to buy a vehicle closely followed by cyclists for similar reasons , motorcyclists come next , and finally cars, in order of value a Benz, being near the top. I'm not saying its right or wrong, its just how it is and we are not the people who can change it .
  2. I wouldn't worry or wait too long. Pulling a tooth is a relatively basic task for any dentist. I've had several whipped out over here including a nasty wisdom tooth A couple of shots of novocaine and away you go. No need to worry about english skills or bedside manner you'll be in and out of the chair in 15 min max. If you leave it too long and get an abscess you will regret it as things will get a whole lot worse and more expensive of course
  3. I just got the under consideration stamp and main stamp together today at Surin First Covid ext and got 60 days starting tomorrow. previous expiry was 23/6 I asked about any changes as I'd also heard a rumour (why do peolpe start things like that) and the officer replied that she had not heard anything but I'd say she was effectively neither confirming nor denying it
  4. OMFG Anybody who intentionally gets that close to one of those vicious devil-beasts should be locked up for their own protection
  5. Well just got back from Kapchoeng immigration (Surin) with my 60 day covid extension, no problems at all , 14 day "Under consideration" stamp and full 60 day stamp both given at the same time, happy days ! I did ask about the "rumour" I'd heard about extensions being reduced to 30 days and the officer shook her head and said "as far as she was aware" that was not the case.
  6. Nice turn of phrase and very appropriate "<deleted> head armchair expert" there's a lot of them on here , Have you ever noticed the plethora of panic posts on this website every time there is an alcohol free day looming on the horizon. I think there is actually a pinned post alerting them to the scheduled "dry " days so they can send their long suffering wives to stock up for them at the local shop. Even the daily restriction regarding on buying alcohol between 2 and 5 pm is a big thorn in their side despite the fact that its only enforced in 7/11's and major supermarkets, mainly because to buy it else where would require a very basic level of Thai which in my experience most of them don't have even after 30+ years in many cases I could almost accept non (tobacco) smoking teetotallers discouraging cannabis smoking but when it comes from these old "soaks" it kind of defies any logic whatsoever.( people who live in glass houses really should not throw stones) But on the other hand at least it gives them something different to talk about during happy hour other than "Thai Bashing" which is their other favourite subject Most of them will be 5 or 6 bottles deep by now in their chosen (farang men only) watering hole so there won't be so many pathetic replies posted for a while until they have slept it off
  7. There is no shortage of high functioning "pot heads" as you like to call cannabis users, Elon Musk for example to name just one But the fact that cannabis has been Illegal for a long time, coupled of course with the ridiculous narrow minded views of misinformed people like yourself, generally discourages people from admitting their use too publicly
  8. As opposed to the ones doing 120km/hour sideways on their roof, often ending up smashed into an electricity pole or some poor pedestrian, What kind of drug, I wonder, have those people been "abusing" See it every day on the tv. can't ever remember any news stories regarding a guy driving "stoned out of his mind" as the reefer madness crowd like to call it. It may have only been just legalized but only the most naiive amongst you would think that no one was smoking it before. Of course we can expect plenty of stories over the next few months as the media frenzy developes. But its patently obvious that its effects are completely different to alcohol and far less debilitating so it should not be treated in the same way
  9. The weed is NOT illegal although I can't fault your maths. On the other hand presumably alcoholics are people of the highest quality and can only benefit society
  10. And then there's this.... chronic drinkers never amount to anything in life. How can you function at the best of your capacity while drunk af? The old psa about living in salvation army hostels or under disused railway bridges or in derelict buildings is very true. The only thing chronic drinkers produce is urine often covering their own clothes and bedding
  11. heavy drinkers make light of the trauma which spinning ,nausea, inebriation, paranoia and disassociation with reality all very real if you are not used to drinking 40% by volume alchohol ore even just 5% by volume beer in sufficient quantities. nothing to do with weed just alcohol there have been many and will be more hospitalizations but not many on here complaining about cannabis are so vocal about alcohol, why is that?
  12. The reason you couldn't get a drink in the afternoon is, that like it or not, its actually the law, however seeing as only the larger supermarkets and 7/11 actually adhere to that policy you weren't really trying very hard were you. The reason that cannabis is available is because the law now permits it. You need to accept it
  13. this is a fine example of the benefits of "profiling" I would think it is standard practice to X-ray anybody coming here from Addis Ababa whilst the rest of the less suspicious tourists can pass through customs relatively quickly. Compare this to the UK for example where "profiling" is considered inappropriate and not allowed (officially) So everybody gets checked resulting in huge queues and missed flights. Despite the fact that ... well I'm not going to say it but you all know what I mean
  14. Hi I wouldn't worry too much, especially If Ubon Joe has heard nothing. To be honest the guy who passed the info on to me is here on marriage extensions and won't have applied for a covid extension himself. He's not a rumour monger either but would have received his info from a third party who may have got confused, for example applying for his 60 day covid extension prior to applying for his 30 "standard " extension. I don't seem to be able to contact him today to ask the details. I'll post on here tomorrow when I get back but I'm in Surin so any info I have may not be relevant to Bangkok immigration procedeures
  15. Excellent post I'd go with the traditional personally good price too ! could you give a location?
  16. For once a somewhat positive post regarding the relaxation of the ridiculous politically motivated prohibition of cannabis. However it was predictably hi-jacked by the very vocal and badly informed self appointed anti cannabis "community" If you don't like it just stay away from it and leave the rest of us to enjoy it in peace. Its legal now so you are just going to have to get over it as there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Far more constructive advice would be, if trying it for the first time take things easy, perhaps speak to an experienced smoker (there's plenty on here who I am sure would be willing to give advice) Personally I would recommend staying away from edibles at first as its difficult to judge intake. and just bear in mind that if trying alcohol for the first time it probably wouldn't be wise to start off by consuming a full bottle of scotch would it.
  17. Thanks for the comment, it makes me feel a bit more confident, 30 days would be a pain as I already changed my flight ! If they tell me anything different tomorrow I will post it on here
  18. i Will be going to immigration tomorrow to request a covid extension, however last night a friend emailed me saying he had heard that as from 22nd of june (this wednesday) the rules will be changing and they may only be giving a 30 day extension. I can't find anything to substantiate this and have not been able to contact him to ask where he heard it. I was wondering if anybody else has heard anything about this possibility.
  19. I still don't understand why people who obviously don't partake insist on posting negative comments on a subject they know very little or nothing about. Posting a link to a tree hugging acupuncturist doesn't really validate anything that you allege
  20. drugs in the uk are classed as A, B, C not 1,2,3 etc cannabis is class b it was once reduced to class c then it was upgraded to class b again
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