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Robert Tyrrell

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Posts posted by Robert Tyrrell

  1. Good Morning,


    who’s fault is that Thailand !!?? When you wake up look in the mirror and you will find your answer ???? 

    slow roll out of Covid Protocols, Still a non robust covid testing strategy, The Thai Baht being falsely manipulated over the last almost 3 years or longer  ,

    Dual Pricing especially in the middle of a pandemic and list goes on ————- ????  

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  2. Hello ,

    1. The inconsistency in Immigration Process as an Expat , When the Thai Immigration Laws state differently then what your local Immigration Office tells you.
    Example : The Financial Income Affidavit Letter is no longer required and replaced with Bank Statements, Bank Conformation Letter of your Account, Yet I’m still asked to provide a Income Affidavit Letter in Thai Language and English Language as an American Expat !! Why !!?? 

    2. Banking Holidays delaying Pension Electronic Deposits, Some times 2-3 days on average.

    Yet if a individual does a Electronic Bank Transfer in Thailand It’s instant !! Or If an individual sends a Western Union to you in Thailand It’s instant !! This is just plain poor Customer Service for Expats , and Electronic Deposits Period !!

    Most anywhere in the Banking World Electronic Deposits are instant or at minimum under 24 hours at most , Thus the term Electronic Deposit !! 

    3. Driving while Intoxicated, Not wearing seat belts , Speeding , Not wearing helmets with motorcycles and many other driving safety violations and in general The Thai Police rearely enforce these violations !!

    Yet rest assured violating foreigners are a walking Atm for Tea Money !!  

    These are the Top three concerns I have.

  3. Hello ,


    Those who Ignore Dictators and Oppressors , They soon will be knocking at your door !!

    Not to mention Thailand ???????? Is a Standing Member of The United Nations , Even non members like Finland and Sweden are considering joining !! Prayut is an Embarrassment to the Global Community !! DID WE NOT LEARN ANYTHING FROM WORLD WAR -2  !!!??

  4. Prayut is a embarrassment to Thailand !!  You are a Standing Member of The United Nations and your Neutral on Russian Invasion of Ukrainian, What an embarrassment to Thailand and it’s people. Even Neutral Countries like Finland and Sweden want to consider membership in The United Nations !! 

    ประยุทธ์เป็นเหตุให้ไทยต้องอับอาย !!  คุณเป็นสมาชิกถาวรของสหประชาชาติและเป็นกลางในการรุกรานยูเครนของรัสเซีย ช่างเป็นเรื่องที่น่าอับอายสำหรับประเทศไทยและประชาชน  แม้แต่ประเทศเป็นกลางอย่างฟินแลนด์และสวีเดนก็ยังต้องการพิจารณาเป็นสมาชิกในองค์การสหประชาชาติ !!

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  5. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Kings Cross once a red light district many moons ago, is now a trendy upmarket area, besides they have strict noise pollution rules in Sydney.


    I suppose at the end of the day it's the luck of the draw, I chose the country life away from neighbours, only music, if any that I can hear is from a distance when there is a festival of sorts and it is not enough to bother me.


    As for answering the topics question, the environment in Thailand is much harsher than the 4 seasons I was used to, that said, with a well insulated and comfortable home, it beats the hell out of working 5/7ths if not 6/7ths of your life and in an office environment for most who would also be stressed out from the work, not happy having to travel in the traffic and have very little time for themselves.


    Retirement in the old country for most is not sustainable, just a couple of examples, rents shy high, your pension would just about cover your rent if you didn't own a property outright, then it would be to the local grocery store for tonight's dinner, canned dog food.


    The cost of living is crazy, a kilo of chicken breast will set you back 250 baht vs 88 baht here and you can keep adding on from there.


    The cost of living here is way cheaper than back home if you go easy on the imports where they stick it to you.


    I mean what's a drivers licence cost here for 5 years, 300 odd baht, home country you would be lucky to see any change from 4,750 baht.


    Living here, you have to take the good with the bad, it's not perfect, but perfect is what you make of every situation.


    I'm good, just have to turn off when it's bad and wait for the good to come up again, that said, it's mostly good and relaxing living the life here in Thailand.


    Whatever you do, don't talk health insurance costs because that is in the bad, but part of life ????


    WR Life great Life and Health Insurance for Expats is Thailand !! I have both coverages very reasonable and good service ???? The cheapest I’ve found in Thailand:) 

    • Thanks 2
  6. Hello ,


    I get divesting into all groups for revenue to Thailand, However when they say other then retiring Expats there’s some things to consider

    Prime Minister Prayut/

    Thai Government  !! 
    There’s over 65,000 permanent Expats living and retired in Thailand, Thats over 65,000 streams of yearly revenue being spent and  invested into Thailand’s  ???????? Economy  !! 

  7. 4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I take it you are referring to immigration rules, because I cannot understand any other rules that you could be referring to.


    Not feeling welcome is with you, i.e. it's inside your head, what do you expect them to do, roll out the red carpet ?


    I don't have a problem with following immigration rules, 90 day online reports, chalk and cheese, annual extension, chalk and cheese, it's time consuming and an effort, but hey, it gives me 12 more months to stay away from the nanny state I used to live in, so I have to put in the effort, just the same as I would if I was working to earn my wages, except, I am not working and I have all the time in the world.


    Their country, their rules, if you don't like it here, there are other countries you can try to see if you feel welcome, but I believe what's in your head won't go away unless you let it go.


    I don't expect Thai's to say good morning to me or talk to me, but I get it, those that don't speak English are shy and I have proven it time and time again, a smile says a thousand words, so next time a Thai is looking at you, try smiling and I will bet you 9/10 times you will get a smile back. When I do meet a Thai who speaks a little English, they will talk forever because it's good practise for them and makes them feel confident that they are actually communicating with another being from another planet.


    Don't pay to much attention to the likes of the Anutin's of the world, he doesn't represent Thai's at all, he is just an egoistical rich mummies boy who didn't get a spanking when he was younger.


    I feel very welcome here, and realise that the Thai's are not up to scratch when it comes to speaking a second language, i.e. English, as much as you don't speak a second language, i.e. Thai, and we are in their country, so it's up to you to make yourself feel comfortable, I would never expect them to roll out the red carpet for me, or even smile at me first, it's just not a thing they do, so don't feel to proud.


    Oh by the way, I am not saying for you to go out there with a plastered smile on your face, just smile when approaching a Thai and see what happens, and if they don't smile back, don't let it get to you, could be a million reasons for it, the world we live in is not a perfect place and they could think you are acting weird or they have a lot of thoughts racing through their minds, no doubt Thai's more than us fortunate enough to be retired. I mean I wouldn't be smiling making the wages they make working and trying to buy land or a house or repaying a house or a car and not being able to afford an overseas holiday etc etc.


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    I think your missing the point , I have no issues with the immigration process.

    I have concern with the inconsistency from one Immigration Office to another the laws are not written or changed or created indifferently , There’s one set of laws in Immigration Law period !! , Secondly I don’t expect a Red Carpet roll out  ???? Thirdly but I do expect to be treating fairly with pricing for Services and Products , Anywhere else or most places in the world  that would be considered price gouging and illegal.

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  8. On 12/17/2021 at 5:11 PM, Cabradelmar said:

    I'm less skeptical of the viruses existence, and its continued evolution. However, it would appear we have currently reached our limits with regards to what vaccines can do to stop this particular pandemic. We are all frustrated (on many different levels and for different reasons). If its true that vaccines simply reduce my risk of death (vs. preventing me from getting sick), I'll probably stay on that path (but even that path has limits). Let those we don't want the vax take the other path. And we all move forward together to whatever comes next. Honestly, the best thing that can happen now is someone develops a cheap, fast and accurate detection test to try to keep us all safe(r)... but as we say in sysdev... pick two, because you can't have all three.

    They reduce severe illnesses and death

    • Haha 2
  9. Natural immunity varies in so many ways for each of person not even factoring in anybody that’s immune compromised  , Scientifically it has been proven before with other vaccines forms herd immunity with greater then 80% of population immunized, Fact ! 
    Vaccines level the playing field for robust immunity for everyone and herd immunity if 80% or greater is achieved.

    Otherwise are people willing to sit down and play Russ Roulette ?? Because that mindset is exactly what your doing !!

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