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Robert Tyrrell

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Posts posted by Robert Tyrrell

  1. Hello ,


    Increased infections and spread may seem better then other places in the World, But we are truly fooling ourselves to believe Thailand is doing better !! Certainly better then India but out of a population of almost 70 Million people in Thailand the Covid testing  numbers  are EXTREMELY !! LOW !! No one should fool themselves or believe otherwise.

    Safe and Healthy Wishes to You and Yours and All.

  2. Hello , 

    Thailand should be considering especially with Retired and Married Visa Expats should not have to pay for Covid Immunization , Especially with the failing Tourism Industry in Thailand and the amount of money they pump into the Thai Economy.

    I’m Retired in Thailand, If I have to pay I will if Thai Government is only offering the Chinese or Russian Vaccine, I will certainly pay and go to a private Hospital to get The Johnson and Johnson Vaccine when it becomes available !!   

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  3. Hello ,

     Covid does not care what Race , Color , Creed or Religion your are or if your a Migrant Worker or Native Worker to Thailand, It only know 3 things Infect , Spread and Potentially Kill PERIOD !!

    STOP !! This Witch Hunt and Prejudice Ignorance , Start a National Testing and Tracing Program Thailand and put a plan in place to Vaccinate Thailand’s Population regardless of Nationality, But most important start Educating Thailand on proper Mask Wearing , Social Distancing and Frequently Washing Hands and Avoiding Crowds 

    PERIOD !! 

  4. Hello ,


    I sent a message to a post Thailand W.H.O. Posted via Covid App on Facebook they filter it out !!??

    1. Thailand with a population of about

    70 Million and have only tested just over 145,000 People , How can you begin to discuss easing of lockdown ???

    2. The very problem Worldwide exists here in Thailand as well , Asymptomatic People who are infected but showing no signs yet still continue to potentially spread the virus  !!

    3. YES !! There will have to be a NEW !! NORMAL !! Understood by ALL !! to be effective in combating this virus especially before a cure comes, That The NUMBER ONE PRIORITY SHOULD BE TEST , TRACE AND ISOLATE !!

    Also some Info for some people :

    Thailand Infected just over 2,900 People 

    Deaths : 51 

    Thailands Population about 70 Million, Tested just over 145,000.

  5. Hello,


    I will be curious to see how many new cases arise from now until April 30th after Songkran , Not so sure Social Distancing Or much mask use was being effectively followed during Songkran.

    That will be a good indicator to watch for , The other issue is the lack of testing being done in many places in The World including !! Thailand!! Are really not giving us a true infected # !! 

  6. Hello ,


    false realities being stated :


    1. How many people have been tested in Thailand, Number is very low !! FACT !!


    2. What about Asymptomatic people !!?? People carrying the virus with no visible signs Fever etc... That Still can be spreading the virus !! FACT !!


    3. I live in Nakhon Ratchisma area and today the beginning of Songkran I went Out to for essentials only and returned home immediately !!

    Yet I seen  LARGE !! Numbers of people most no mask or social Distancing and a main highway I could see from 7-11 was bustling with MUCH !! Traffic !!

     4. I will certainly be curious to see the Covid-19 numbers about 2-3 weeks after Songkran ends !! 

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  7. I have a question Thailand Government ?


    what are your numbers for testing ? Because if there low and or everyone has not been tested then these downward trends of reported cases is false !!


    Secondly, There is NO !! Mention of Asymptomatic people.

    These are people showing no signs of infection visibly Fever , Cough etc... that can still be infected and spreading the virus , I’m greatly concerned with lack of both questions I’ve asked !!
    Thirdly , Today is the beginning  of Songkran, How many will violate the lockdown and continue to spread the virus ??

    Based on my own personal experience in my limited travels outside my home in Thailand for Food , Water , Pharmacy etc.. I see MANY !! Thai’s NOT !! Social Distancing , NOT !! Protecting themselves mask etc... Even within my Family Myself and my Wife ritually following Social Distancing and protecting with mask , Soap and Water and hand sanitizing my wife has mentioned today in her village there going to a local place for free rice , CRAZY !! Bringing more people together.

    needless to say myself and my wife WILL NOT !! Attend that !!

    In closing I wish everyone Safe and Healthy Thoughts , May Buddha and God Bless you !!    

    • Haha 1
  8. Hello,


    This percentage rate of 0.97 % is VERY FALSE !! For 3 Reasons.


    1. The amount of people STILL NOT !! Tested in Thailand, Just like many places in the World.


    2. Asymptomatic Carriers of Covid-19 showing no visible signs of the Virus and are carriers still spreading the virus !! 

    3. These issues will adjust a much higher percentage after the Apex has been reached , Deaths will rise significantly !!

  9. This man is the epitome of an idiot !!

    firstly if he had any education the mask that people are buying or being given are ineffective against the virus people coughing or sneezing release water droplets and they pass right through those mask , BIG WASTE OF MONEY !! If you want a proper mask a mask rated N95 or higher is needed for proper protection.

    secondly as for Thai people and hygiene they should really reflect on a statement as such from this idiot !!  , Most I see seldom wash after bathroom use and proceed to eat afterwards.

    85% of homes , food markets and restaurants would NEVER !! Pass Western Health Coed Standards by a long shot !! 
    Most share meals and eat from the same utensils as well certainly a disaster for spreading sickness.


    Mr. Health Minister STOP spreading lies , fear tactics and racism for sickness that should be taken as a World Pandemic that ALL !! Nations should work together to eradicate !!!



    • Haha 2
  10. What an environmental waste of water , Rob Paul to pay Peter.

    Make vehicle inspection of emissions and safety Mandatory for vehicles if they do not pass they must be repaired or decommissioned for road us.

    Impose fines on violators , Separately Industries must comply with safe emissions as well , THATS SENSIBLE INVESTMENT THAT MAKES COMMON SENSE AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY !! 

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  11. Hello,


    As an American Citizen I have felt the same pain that now U.K. Citizens and Australian Citizens are experiencing , The elimination of Income Verification letters not being able to share Pension Databases with Thailand.

    Hopefully at minimum these Countries can at least do what American Embassy did for American Citizens in Thailand.

    1. Allow Direct Electronic Bank Deposit of your Pension.p into Thai Bank Account.

    2. Give a Grace period for one more year of Income Verification Letter for VISA with Thai Immigration to allow time during the adjustment of the change.

    3. Thai Immigration does allow either lump sum of 400,000 or 800,000 THB in A Thai Bank Account 60 Days prior to Visa and must stay in the Bank 90 Days after Visa Approval , Or monthly proof of either 40,000 or 65,000 THB in a Thai Bank Account with a letter from Bank with 1 Years proof of copies of Bank Statements with the monthly deposit being made into your Thai Bank Account.


    Best Of Luck To All ???? 




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