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Posts posted by taxexile

  1. The problem in the UK is that the whining, hand wringing liberals are convincing the authorities that it is bad to lock up criminals, something to do with infringing on their human rights. It won't be long before the British tax payer will be footing the bill for sending these types on rehabilitation trips to tropical beach resorts.

    ....... and this just in , from the uk !!

    Failed asylum seeker who killed former Royal Marine cannot be deported

    A failed asylum seeker who killed a former Royal Marine in a hit-and-run crash has escaped deportation because of a loophole which means his crime is not considered "serious enough" by the Home Office.

    By Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent

    Last Updated: 5:54PM GMT 18 Jan 2009

    Jean Mukadi, who has had asylum applications rejected three times and failed a driving test seven times, was jailed for four months after fatally injuring Simon Lawrence while driving without a licence or insurance.

    But he was not sent back to his native Democratic Republic of Congo because foreign offenders can only be deported if they have been jailed for at least 12 months or if they have been convicted of serious gun or drug crimes.

    It means that Mukadi, 33, can remain in Britain while he fights a lengthy appeal against the decision to deny him asylum. He has already served more than half his sentence and it remains unclear whether he has been freed.

    Alison Roberts, Lawrence's sister and a former police officer, said: "This is ridiculous. Mukadi has had his asylum claim refused three times and in court it was said he had failed to get a driving licence seven times. So, by any estimation, he should not have been on the road.

    "He showed what kind of a person he was when he drove off after killing Simon because he didn't want to endanger his own interests. And yet apparently he cannot be deported."

    Lawrence, 55, served as a Royal Marines commando during the 1970s, including two tours of duty in Northern Ireland and a period on board the aircraft carrier Hermes alongside the Prince of Wales.

    He was on his motorbike when he was struck by Mukadi's Toyota car in Harefield, west London, in June last year. He died instantly.

    Mukadi fled from the scene, but was arrested several days later. He told police that he had failed to stop because he did not want to endanger a pending asylum appeal, and said he had not realised that he had hit a person.

    Mukadi admitted charges of leaving the scene of an accident, driving without a licence and having no insurance at Uxbridge magistrates' court.

    Mrs Roberts contacted her MP, James Arbuthnot, asking him to write to ministers seeking an explanation for why he was not considered for deportation.

    Meg Hillier, a Home Office minister, replied: "It appears that Mr Mukadi does not meet the criteria to be considered for deportation.

    "I recognise that this may not be the information that Ms Roberts wishes to hear. However, I am afraid that the UK Border Agency can only deport foreign national offenders in line with published policy and legal powers."

    The Tories claim that about 3,000 foreign convicts are released back into society each year despite a pledge by Gordon Brown to deport all foreign lawbreakers.

    A spokesman for the UK Border Agency said: "We will not tolerate those that come here and break our rules. Last year we exceeded the tough target set by government to remove 5,000 foreign lawbreakers. We are targeting the most harmful [offenders] first."

    It is understood that attempts to remove Mukadi from Britain via the asylum process are being pursued.

  2. You dont need appetite suppresants, you need to exercise effectively and make better food choices.

    Functional strength training, eating light, eating often, of the RIGH food, and creating a daily exercise habit is whats needed.

    The day you create positive lifestyle changes, you will see the results! The results are many, and diverse, feeling sof self esteem, confidence and losing fat will all contribute a new positive self image.

    this man does not have a weight problem , he has a psychological problem.

    am starting a regimen of xenical, and an appetite suppressant today and got a nutritionists form Chiva Som to work out a strict regiment diest including two weeks of juicing (but no sugar rich fruits or vegetables) and thereafter a gradual built up to fat and sugar free solid foods. Also, my doctor has started intravenous L-carnithine injections and I am starting to jog this evenning at Lumpini and did about 15 sit-ups. My bf, best friend, my driver and my staff are providing me with the moral support and my mum is flying in a few days time to also assists.

    I am also considering doing thermage at Apex as it supposedly works wonders but is painful and also lipolysis at targetted waist points.

    advising a man who talks like this (with your tired mantras of psycho babble) to concentrate on his perceived cosmetic needs is wrong in this case . its his obsession with his appearance that needs attention.

    whilst your services might be suitable for some people , they are certainly not suitable for him and you are just compounding his problems.

    Increase the visits to the head doctor.

    is the best advice for this man.

  3. the ayam beans need a bit of fine tuning to make them acceptable.

    add a little decent ketchup and a generous pinch or two of strong freshly ground black pepper , two thick slices of buttered toast and you'll think you were back in batley in front of the fire on a cold january afternoon waiting for sports report.

  4. the op came here asking if it were possible for uk debt collectors to pursue his debt in thailand , if he had any intention of re paying this debt , it would have been done years ago , he has been living and working here for years , so we can assume that had he wanted to pay it back he could have put a few pounds a week aside and paid it off by now.

    he obviously had and has no intention of paying it back , he has received a letter or a call from the uk and is scared , and he has come to thai visa seeking advice on how to avoid re paying his debt , that is immoral if not illegal , and under the posting rules of thai visa should not be allowed.

    would they allow posting about an advertiser/sponsor trying to avoid to pay their accounts to thai visa ? i dont think so.

    giving voice to the irresponsible is neither productive nor admirable , and it is strange to see it allowed on a forum that seems to go to ever increasing lengths to control discussions of issues that might be deemed even slightly illegal and/or immoral.

  5. From The Sunday TimesJanuary 18, 2009

    Wealthy men give women more orgasms

    Jonathan Leake, Science and Environment Editor

    Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner's bank balance.

    They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms.

    "Women's orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner," said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research.

    He believes the phenomenon is an "evolutionary adaptation" that is hard-wired into women, driving them to select men on the basis of their perceived quality.

    The study is certain to prove controversial, suggesting that women are inherently programmed to be gold-diggers.

    However, it fits into a wider body of research known as evolutionary psychology which suggests that both men and women are genetically predisposed to ruthlessly exploit each other to achieve the best chances of survival for their genes.

    The female orgasm is the focus of much research because it appears to have no reproductive purpose. Women can become pregnant whatever their pleasure levels.

    Pollet, and Professor Daniel Nettle, his co-author, believed, however, that the female orgasm is an evolutionary adaptation that drives women to choose and retain high-quality partners.

    He and Nettle tested that idea using data gathered in one of the world's biggest lifestyle studies. The Chinese Health and Family Life Survey targeted 5,000 people across China for in-depth interviews about their personal lives, including questions about their sex lives, income and other factors. Among these were 1,534 women with male partners whose data was the basis for the study.

    They found that 121 of these women always had orgasms during sex, while 408 more had them "often". Another 762 "sometimes" orgasmed while 243 had them rarely or never. Such figures are similar to those for western countries.

    There were of course, several factors involved in such differences but, said Pollet, money was one of the main ones.

    He said: "Increasing partner income had a highly positive effect on women's self-reported frequency of orgasm. More desirable mates cause women to experience more orgasms."

    This is not an effect limited to Chinese women. Previous research in Germany and America has looked at attributes such as body symmetry and attractiveness, finding that these are also linked with orgasm frequency. Money, however, seems even more important.

    David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, who raised this question in his book The Evolution of Desire believes female orgasms have several possible purposes.

    "They could promote emotional bonding with a high-quality male or they could serve as a signal that women are highly sexually satisfied, and hence unlikely to seek sex with other men," he said. "What those orgasms are saying is 'I'm extremely loyal, so you should invest in me and my children'."

  6. I have found the amazing power of using the brain as success driving mechanism and taking the 'postive thoughts' concept to a whole level!

    Go get the Book Psycho-Cybernetics, written by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. Supporting evidence of the belief mechanisms of success, sports application to basketballers, golfers and sales people, normal people.

    Our brain connot determine what is real and what we perceive as being the truth! Hence locking into a self guiding sub conscious journey to achieve the desired outcome.

    This is no hocus pocus. Its real, it works, and it defines your goals, and the level of success you will achieve in life.

    :o:D:D ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  7. You ( kharsi)are castigating "the banks" for not paying their creditors, yet advocating that the "poor OP" is quite justified in doing so.

    Why the double standard?

    because the aptly named kharsi has no idea how to construct a convincing case and is content to repeat the usual childish mantras spouted by those who think that those with the least are entitled to the most.
    And all of this self rightious rubbish from a nut with the Avator "tax exile"

    but at least i am right !!

  8. whilst no expert on these things , i would start by having a competent mechanic , preferably a nissan agent , check the earthing of the battery and the alternator , the tension of the belts , and the condition of all the electrical connectors and cables between the starter , alternator and battery. a loose , friable or partially rusted contact could give intermittent problems.

    p.s. check that the interior light and boot ( trunk) light are switching off when doors and boot lid are closed , something as simple as a light remaining on could be running your battery down overnight.

    have a look here too.







    i never said or implied that you are a bad parent , nor did i make any comment on the unsuitability of a bar girl as a marriage partner or mother.

    what i said was that the authorities in the uk could very likely make those judgements based on their own prejudices and the atmosphere of political correctness that exists there , ( only last week a couple were barred from adopting a young child because they were overweight and therefore deemed unsuitable to be parents.)

    as i said , you need good legal advice before you decide on any action.

  10. He is obviously seized of sufficient integrity

    if he had but one microgram of integrity then he would be attempting to pay back that which he agreed to pay back when the bank helped him out in his time of need and not fretting about losing his right to remain unchallenged as a debtor (working and earning) thousands of miles away from the uk.

    if he can do it and get away with it , then why arent we all doing it ?

  11. can anyone advise what i can do

    take expert legal advice before anything.

    this is england , in case you forgot , the home of social services , the government run homebreaking organisation , so put your daughters interests first.

    with a knife wielding ex- prostitute as a mother , and a father who married a prostitute , and an axe wielding mother in law thrown into the mix , just wait till social services hear about it ....and if it should go to court , then they will.... as will the gutter press.

    you might both be considered as unfit parents.

  12. I have no sympathy at all for the banks

    i have little sympathy for the banks too , but those who need loans have nowhere else to go ..... the original poster said that the only way he could survive was by borrowing from a bank..... and businesses that offer jobs and opportunities rely on banks for financing.

    the more bad debts they have on loans , then the more regular people will suffer as loans become harder to obtain.

    the selfish and irresponsible behaviour of the original poster will , in its small way , affect all those who need the services that banks can offer.

    remember , it was your money , and my money , that the banks loaned to this joker in his time of need.

    a bad risk is a bad risk , whether it be a 6000 pound loan to an irresponsible chancer who cant be found , or a 6 million pound loan to a hedge fund manager , so why is it all right to cheer on the chancer but crucify the hedge fund manager. they both squander our money.

    it is the public who will suffer when they default.

  13. I have no sympathy for these companies they feed off other peoples misfortune and misery.

    where is the misery and misfortune in this case?

    someone did a runner to thailand 3 years ago leaving someone else to pick up his tab and clear up his mess.

    it seems that most people here are cheering him on for running away from his responsibilities to the people he willingly entered into a legal contract with to borrow and then repay the money.

    its cases like this that make borrowing harder for those who really need the loans and fully intend to pay them back.

    although its unlikely that he will be chased up for it in thailand , a debt of 6000 over 3 years works out as under 6 pounds a day. hardly misery and misfortune.

    I was in a real fix at the time and it was the only way to survive.

    as he is working here now , he should pay it back and stop looking to escape his responsibilities to those who were willing to help him when he most needed it.

  14. today , i renewed my extension based on retirement at hua hin immigration office.

    the renewal was done quickly by a friendly officer.

    after presenting my paperwork and getting the stamp in my passport , the officer asked me to wait for a few minutes whilst he went over to his computer and typed away for about 5 or 10 minutes.

    he came back with a long letter in thai and he asked me to sign it and to draw a map of where i lived on the back.

    i read thai and so started to read it , most of it was just a statement by the officer , giving his name and saying he had examined my paperwork etc. and he had asked me questions about my address , my bank account etc.

    the letter gave details of the questions he asked and details of the answers i gave , even though he had in fact not directly asked me these questions. the details of my bank statement and address etc. were correct.

    one question he claimed to have asked was a bit strange though.

    it asked if i was in any ongoing legal dispute with my wife , and he had written that the answer i gave was "no"

    as i was renewing an extension based on retirement , and not marriage i wonder why this statement was included , and how did he know i was married.

    looking back on it i should have questioned him about this , but i didnt.

    i didnt see anything incriminating in this or any other of the questions/answers so i duly signed it.

    i have never had to sign a statement on previous renewals , and would like to warn / advise others to question what you might be asked to sign as there was no english translation provided.

    has anybody else had to sign a statement like this ?

  15. QUOTE (Farang99 @ 2008-11-04 10:46:08) post_snapback.gifI went the the Phuket amphur to find out what THEIR requirements are. They told me the essential is a translation of my passport - which must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - in Bangkok!!

    So much for a simple easy free process.

    hua hin also require lots of certified and notarised translations. i enquired today about getting a yellow book.

    passport , copies of relevent pages of passport certified by the embassy.

    those copied pages must then be translated into thai , along with the visa page , these translations must then be notarised and the whole lot sent off to the ministry of foreign affairs in bangkok for certification.

    a notarised translation of parents names are also required.

    the companies that do the notarised translations will send everything off to the ministry in bangkok for certification.

    the notarised , translated and certified documents are then taken to the tessaban office and the yellow book will be issued.

    i will start the process as soon as i have completed my course in advanced hoop jumping.

  16. "A couple, 21 and 24 years old, from Uriceham were on Tuesday sentenced to 1 year and three months in prison in Thailand. They were convicted of stealing two T-shirts in a store in Patong Beach.

    what this sentence will do , if it is publicised widely enough , is act as a strong deterrent to others tempted to steal and pilfer.

    which is exactly the purpose of harsh sentencing.

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