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Everything posted by pixelaoffy

  1. More nonsense. People being quarantined with no symptons and I have now spoken to a friend in Bangkok who works in a restaurant and a colleague tested positive . She was negative but still has to quarantine. Are people forced Into masks in open air and isolation when they have a cold ? No. Typical Thai over reaction. .. ready to take on the scared sheep in Thailand anytime oh and I am aware of "don't get it' expression. But completely misused by yourself
  2. Don't not 'get what' ? Another brainwashed
  3. Actually it is a 'big deal'. When idiots come threaten violence .. go to Jomtien beach area where people are mixing and there's very few masks ..
  4. Always one ' all Thais are mild mannered '. .. could make the s**t up
  5. If you want to know the madness and paranoia in the country . Tonight Sunday 9th I was walking along 3rd road and chased by two idiots(Thai of course) drinking ( took their masks off) . But were angry at me for not wearing mine in open space with not anyonevaround .the place is total basket case madness when this happens .. called police ..know where they are but no response. Will see what happens tomorrow. Don't expect much joy in this mad place... leaving soon
  6. 1st vaccine ? Too late to choose what one you want. That ships sailed
  7. Maybe you are thinking of just USA. I ignore their problems. Which are massive
  8. Where? It is a number of beds avaible in some countries. So wrong again
  9. Point out that anyone who has had 2 Pfizer previously cannot get the ,3rd pfizer.and that's all that's avaible at plaza. These are the facts
  10. Not completely out of control in UK . More nonsense posts
  11. I think you may get a booster of another name somewhere .. who knows. Only real alternative is go to Bangkok
  12. AForget plaza if you had 2 Pfizer previously I was told ' government rule only Pfizer booster available to those who had other vaccine previously'. That's the discrimination for you in the country
  13. Where else is walk in apart from banlamung hospital ? Royal plaza beach road still open for Booster ? Can I just bring proof of my first 2 Pfizer vaccines last year and get the booster?
  14. Good summary of Thailand and those in control who are accountable to very few and certainly not the people
  15. Because Thailand has controling dictators in control and the Thai public are generally believing of over reaction ..pretty easily scared
  16. It will be a case of eat in your own room or be like Thais who like to turn up at jomtienbeach with a pick up of half a kitchen. on the beach or footpath and consume food for several hours .. don't think I,ll do the latter..food consumed and a lot of air exhaled
  17. Hope there will be sites in UK that say exactly 'in Thailand ' it happened...a country steeled in hypocrisy and BS
  18. Current times are extremely hard but generally Thais in cities are terrible at managing money. Even if they come into alot . Like the guy with ex with 100,000 baht, they spend it on uneccessary items like a new smart phone for 40,000.
  19. Nothing story ! Just another foreigner who didn't want to be 'found'
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