All you need to know about Thailand. Locks up folk for years who shout at hold up a car but lets a corrupt convicted criminal ex PM out. All you rose tinted Thai apologists should know archaic Kingdom of Siam is thriving
All you need to know about Thailand on ANYTHING. always reactive and not proactive.. and by 'reactive" I mean, public statement about "concern, taking action etc' The whole country is nothing more than a talking shop
Nothing will be done and the real reason is because Thai folk in Bangkok and across the country dont actually thinks its that important they burn and drive their motorbikes and vehicles.
Had a Qdenga vaccine at a clinic tonight after a discussion with doctor. He told me its a commercial reason why it wasn't tested in over 60s and the.only problem as you get later into 60's and older is the effectiveness issue.
Yes. Best option is to leave Thailand if cannot get the vaccine by any means. Because you are more vulnerable to the disease having a weakened immunity as you get older and no protection because manufacturers never tested on over 60's . Its Madness
I have been making enquiries about a Dengue fever vaccine in Thailand and discovered the one used called Qdenga is avaible . Problem is it only administered up to 60 years of age . Don't know why. I had Dengue fever last year and what is important to know is you are not immune from being infeceted again . Thailand is getting higher than normal numbers of Dengue fever reported cases even though its not rainy season .
If Thai workers are in Israel and not close to the war zone then surely they can stay . Freedom of choice and some of those recently back in Thailand say they want to go back asap .