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Everything posted by pixelaoffy

  1. Thailand food industry a total monopoly. Bought up by the Thai Chinese company and a joke of monopoly commission let it happen . Screwing the public everyday just as the rotten to the core Prayut gov
  2. CP have a monopoly stranglehold with Lotus, makro, 7-11 and the laughable competition commission let it all through. All to add to the misery of Thai consumers .
  3. The gov or certain folk not want to upset CP . Fact is there is no reason for the massive increase and the price in comparison to higher costs of labour and living in West
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-05-26/chicken-prices-are-surging-thanks-to-three-pandemics-and-a-drought. Nothing to do with war in Ukraine
  5. It's more 3 $ a kilo US in Thailand
  6. The price of chicken is now more per kg than back home .. and I have checked. Absolute madness
  7. Still? I in 10 beautiful
  8. Wrong ! There was a narrower beach almost the whole length apart from the end with rocks
  9. Tourists come evenings along there. That's why the vendors want to get business with free access to punters and clog up the beach. NO... Enforce the law
  10. All sounds simple. But you don t understand Thai vendors. occupy ANY public space if think there are punters Only way is to have a law and enforce it. Otherwise they ignore
  11. Nonsense ! They are going to get nothing under gov plan. Unemployed
  12. Another typical Thai BS to get more money from Grab. Thai Gov has no interest in Grab motorbike riders earning a living. No Democracy in the land of Corruption and selfishness
  13. Understand Thailand and how the powder keg behaviour works with population you might get it
  14. Sure that's how shallow Thais are. Affection is Skin deep and fat Wallet. Learn to spell
  15. sex with Thais.. the most unfeeling and non sensual experience in life
  16. Not really. I was abused and threatened by thais in street when they didnt like me not wearing a masks. bunch of ignorant poorly educated air heads
  17. An eye witness says "the german man initiated the fight" Hahha A thai friend of the thug. dont expect the guy in the brown shirt to do anything... lawless city
  18. Typical of your attitude on so much. .if nothing constructive to say put a sock in it
  19. I mean don't you think I asked! Read First post
  20. Exactly. First actual info I asked for
  21. Bread is the best. The rest of products poor quality
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