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Posts posted by SweetStickyRice

  1. I find it very hard to believe that;


    "Facebook said it acted to remove the video after being alerted to it by New Zealand police shortly after the livestream began."




    "Police alerted us to a video on Facebook shortly after the livestream commenced and we quickly removed both the shooter’s Facebook and Instagram accounts and the video."


    If NZ Police were so quick to alert FB after the video commenced, why were they so slow to respond to it? I don't know who here has seen it, but the whole video is about sixteen-and-half minutes long. About seven-and-half minutes of it is the actual shooting. No police in sight. 


    I understand that nobody wants to watch something like that, but I also believe that NZ government / police is so eager to get it off the internet / social platforms as soon as possible to not get criticised for the slow, or no response. They were fast asleep. 


    I remember years back when NZ Police made an operation on Kim Dotcom's mansion to take him into custody. They made a spectacle out of it, armed police, special tactics, helicopter, you name it. To arrest a man, a nonviolent person, wanted for some internet / copyright violations in the US. The NZ government granted this man a residency. Two cops could've went to his home, knocked on the door and asked to come along to the cop shop for a chat. They decided it was that serious to make circus out of it.


    NZ Police failed miserably on the 15th of March 2019. And although I'm the kind to say sh*t happens, this went on for far too long.


  2. Camillian Hospital at the bottom of Soi Thonglo has testing facilities on site. If not too busy they'll have the blood work / results for you one the same day. Camillian Hospital is much more reasonably priced than Bangkok Hospital, and you get a good efficient service. I know someone here (from Samui) said go to any clinic, doctor will check your blood pressure, blah, blah, blah. Things work different down on the islands in the south. When I lived in Phuket a long time ago, I went for my medical and was simply asked, "how are you today?" I replied, "I'm fine." And he signed it off. You don't want that! Go to a proper clinic that deals with testing, or as I said, Camillian has a lab on site. Probably most of them do, but that's my hospital for the last 10 years and I have no complaints. 

  3. "Meanwhile the man in the video has said he will counter sue himself and wants to go after the person who put the footage online for damaging his name."


    Good luck with that buddy. Judges in a court only wants FACTS in front of them. What they don't like is people wasting their time with nonsense. This video won't do you any justice, and since it does already form part of the evidence, or is the ONLY evidence, you can't refuse it being played in court. Just put your tail between your legs and walk away quietly. 

  4. Dear Mr Durian, out of respect for your wishes I will not call, but just have a glimpse of hope that you read ThaiVisa and see this comment. I want to put my name in the bag, I do not want 10,000,000 Baht but just to give your daughter a good time for a short time. I'm not good in relationships living here in Thailand. Most women here say that I'm a "butterfly." If that suits you, it suits me. Send me a message if or when you see this. Regards;

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