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Posts posted by SweetStickyRice

  1. Hello "Joe Mcseismic" Please do not get offended if you have a fat belly. Yes, I can be a judgemental snob sometimes, everyone can. Please try to understand the whole context. If you have a fat belly and have some kind of means to sustain yourself here, by all means, but if you are scraping Baht each month to make ends meet and don't have anything saved for a rainy day, you are or eventually will be a burden to the society. I will leave it at that. Thailand is just getting on with the program. Every country in the world has strict immigration regulations, although Thailand didn't enforce them for a long time, people took chances and now it blew up in their faces. Be prepared when you move and decide to live in a foreign country. That's all I'm saying.

  2. Hello "Olmate" To reply to your questions and assumptions, I am just fine. Am I set for life? I can tell you that I'm very comfortable. Not nearly where I want to be, but I can put THB800k in the bank and leave it there all year round. No problem. Am I a good or a bad guy? That is none of your business. You've also assumed I'm not retired either, which is correct. I work/ed really hard to be where I am. If I wanted to, I probably could and live here very comfortably. And you are very incorrect to say my views is worthless on this topic. If I've touched a nerve, maybe you're just one of those who made the wrong decision in the past and it's going to come back and bite you now. What people fail to realise, is that they living in a foreign country, no matter how long anyone has been here. Do it the right way, and don't come here with nothing and expect everything to work out.

  3. Good guys in. Bad guys out. I know this is bad news for some good guys that don't have that type of money to put aside for an extended period of time, or don't have that type of money at all. I've always told people if they wanted to come and live here for long term, to always have something to go back to back home. Set yourself up in a way where you won't have nothing, otherwise don't come here. If you want to come here and teach (long term), stay home, attend university, get the proper qualifications and get a decent teaching job at a decent international school with decent pay and you can live a normal life. There is no use coming here only to return back where you came from poorer than how you arrived. Immigration laws / conditions are dynamic, even in the so called "first world" countries (which are even more stringent). As much as I feel sorry for the good guys that don't have that sort of money, I feel happy as well that slowly but surely Thailand will eradicate all the old men sitting on bar stools with their bellies hanging out, scraping up Baht just to make ends meet who ran away from families / problems back home and dragged their problems with them to Thailand. It's pretty simple people, Thailand is slowly getting in there with the rest of the world and enforcing laws which the bad guys took advantage of for decades. You can poke a bear once and maybe get away with it, but if you keep poking him... 

  4. Dear "Spidey" Government, court, potato, tomato. I'm sure you understood the context of it. Next time I will use "authorities" or "the powers that be" and it will save you and others who want to get technical on certain matters writing the obvious. Hopefully as you say it will be a very lengthy process that will take years, and if she does ultimately survive and gets her citizenship reinstated, she has to make her own way across the Mediterranean on a boat or a piece of wood. If we lucky, she will stay where she is.

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  5. "Chomper Higgot" I find your question rather silly and would be a waste of my life to reply to that because it's very obvious. It is not I who holds the power to grant, revoke or reinstate citizenships. It's the British government and for good reason. I will let you do the research and come to your own conclusion. If you still feel offended by what I have written, life will go on. "TopDeadSenter" Thank you for taking the time to reply to that silly question.  

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    • Confused 1
  6. I would even go one step further and ostracize her completely. Ban the media in the UK from reporting on this traitor and brand this story as fake news. Pretend as if nothing happened. I'm sure she'll figure it out, we've all had our ups and downs. Stay where you are young lady, it is best for all of us. If you've left the UK to go and help "YOUR" people, help "US" now and just stay there. I always like to end things on a slightly positive note. Young lady, despite anything, you did what you believed in and should be proud of yourself. If you return, it will completely erase what you have stood for in the first place. Is it worth it? Stay where you are. It's best for all of us and you.

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  7. No excuse. I'm almost 100% sure that it does say on the instructions that you should take it 30 minutes to an hour before sexual activity. If he had not planned the 30 minutes or an hour ahead, has he not heard of Mrs Palm and her five daughters? I only take Viagra one hour before I go for my fortnightly soapy. I read the instructions. Just saying.

  8. I don't get this. If he was given a 19 year prison term in 2016, is he in prison in Thailand or has he fled to a different country and has been given the sentence in absentia? If he is in a Thai prison, can this not just go in front of a court / judge and give him another 100 years? Maybe something inventive like hanging him up by the testicles? If that would be deemed inhumane by some, I most certainly be willing to donate to a "go fund me" or some form of charity to cover the costs of surgically snipping a (proven beyond reasonable doubt) paedophile.   

  9. I would even go one step further and ostracize her completely. Ban the media in the UK from reporting on this traitor and brand this story as fake news. Pretend as if nothing happened. I'm sure she'll figure it out, we've all had our ups and downs. Stay where you are young lady, it is best for all of us. If you've left the UK to go and help "YOUR" people, help "US" now and just stay there. I always like to end things on a slightly positive note. Young lady, despite anything, you did what you believed in and should be proud of yourself. If you return, it will completely erase what you have stood for in the first place. Is it worth it? Stay where you are. It's best for all of us and you.

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  10. Was my previous comment considered off topic or troll? I have noticed it has been removed. I think I've made a valid point. Somebody else here mentioned that Sweden has one of the highest rates of suicide in Europe. In addition to that, Sweden now holds the records for a lot of other activities which are unimaginable in a Western society. It's not what it used to be. Everybody knows. Combine that with the cold weather, I don't find it surprising somebody could lose their mind knowing they are going back to that after getting used to life here in Thailand. With that said, it is very important not to behave irrationally while in Thailand drawing unnecessary attention to oneself, legal or not, always stay under the radar and keep a low profile. Be kind and behave. 

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