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Everything posted by Almer

  1. I live in Issan never had rat, but I have only been here 8 years, but I do have many friends and speak with most people I see. get help when I need it etc, I can sit and look at the scenery and not have the constant drum of traffic? I wonder how may of the people who knock Issan have ever lived or stayed there, I don't mean a dirty weekend in Udon, you go to Bkk and everybody is racing around no time to stop and stare I had all of that for 50 working years, no more thank you just me the much younger wife and the Buffalo who keeps very good health. Just off fishing now with a packed lunch a couple of beers and the dogs, no noise no rats. No hassle and no need to get the tractor out as the fishing lake is in the back garden, have a nice day city dwellers.
  2. Have had similar problems over the years, the UK DWP is archaic needing things done by letter post. The recent LC was a nightmare to get witnessed, in the end the I went to the amphur and was charged 1000baht and didn't even show any ID he didn't understand the form only the 1000baht, the Tourist police wanted house book etc etc etc as difficult as they could make it and that would have been 500baht. DWP make it as difficult as possible because they don't like sending the money out of the country the fact we no longer are a drain on the UK resources stands for nothing
  3. And if you don't tell them you will keep looking over your shoulder
  4. Raided at 3.16 and it is reported that"allegedly " flouting the 02.00 Am rule
  5. How do you or anybody else know the figures were correct last year, I have no doubt they will be correct again this year, but how do they gather the figures?
  6. Ok with you now, it wasn't to early for me it was the late night, have a nice day, Englands batting so have to go.
  7. I loaned 15000 to family and in return got the keys to a 6 month old Wave ( no book!!!!) that was 3 years ago, I assume that they are still paying for the wave, I have been using the bike for 3 years, 15,000 ÷1095 days = 14 baht a day plus the 15000 is still outstanding and if all else fails I will sell the bike engine and bits
  8. I have never been asked to produce anything at a road check other than 200 baht 5 years ago for a window disc which was 8 days out
  9. It is why this country is stuck in the doldrums, how can those who rely on accurate figures for planning etc expect TAT to say anything negative like they will have to do some work to attract tourists, easier to say we are doing a good job and exspect to see 30 million with no way of the figures being followed up.
  10. So he says they won't, why am I such a doubting Thomas
  11. Don't blame the suitcase do we know if she had checked in, it may well have been intended to go in the hold, however assuming it was not checked in why are people so against checking stuff in, in a small regional Airport it can be like 10 minutes before it's on the merry go round.
  12. If she was on her phone, not paying attention will also be thrown at her
  13. What would the titles of said Senators be, Doctors, solicitors, or General Captain, or the like?
  14. It is reported that a Chevrolet car and a 6 Wheeler, how do they count wheels, in a made up country j think it is accepted a 6 Wheeler is a 3 able I can only see 2 axles, poor reporting yet again
  15. Yes no shortage, but a real shortage of get up and go, my local Bar in Issan has been looking for staff for 2 months, kitchen and front of house, nobody is interested, the 2 that started didn't like the no phone policy
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