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Everything posted by Almer

  1. His about the governor stop the burning then you could call him good at his job
  2. Not funny if you are slipped some dodgy notes when out wandering, you can only plead that they were given to you, all 10.000 of them.
  3. Maybe Korea is fed up with Thai people who flock there to work
  4. KoIp Korea are not so reliant on tourism, if Thailand starts to be selective I suggest they increase there manufacturing and import people who will work in a factory to produce all those items to make up for the loss of Tourism revenue
  5. Korea are not so reliant on tourism, if Thailand starts to be selective I suggest they increase there manufacturing and import people who will work in a factory to produce all those items to make up for the loss of Tourism revenue
  6. Somebody checked the figures Mrs won 19.000 a while ago, after she had given money to everybody she knew and had couple of BBQ nights, i asked how much she had left and how much she had played the lottery the last 12 months, when I get the answer I will edit this post or better still forget I asked her
  7. Even from a considerable distance and only having 25 years in the people carrying business I hazard a guess that the brakes were functioning and a close look at the tyres may shed light on this almost daily ritual
  8. How does the BMW with its fancy camera detect an overstayer?
  9. Give them a chance they only just found the phones, plus they have many things to deal with, speeding cars, well I can't think of anything else but I am sure they are busy because you never see them out working.
  10. Let's go speak to the boss and see who he blames
  11. Why do they use such stupid reporting, calamity!!
  12. I think many will prefer shot
  13. Amazing when you are wanted that you can get into Spain, Brazil, UAE, and the Land of Smiles. But the BMW will be out searching.
  14. Was the driver driver under the influence, and did he ram or collide with the shelter
  15. It's the dirty smoke belching buses and pick ups.
  16. More exposure on social media.
  17. In case you feel I'll you can go and buy cannabis medicine
  18. Give them money to pay there debts and get there blue or green books back, and. As soon as you turn your backs hey presto they will start all over again
  19. Thailand is doomed, first we have Thaksin back on the streets, followed by a population decrease, and if that wasn't enough now we have to talk for a month about Capybara pants, wake up for the sake of the Kingdom. Oh and I forget there was probably 50 people killed on the roads yesterday.
  20. Class 1 so everything covered by my insurers
  21. I have been rear ended 3 times in 6 years and only 1 of the 3 had any tax or insurances
  22. IMO forget compulsory for anybody who shows 1 or 2 with insurance companies issuing an annual sticker
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