That matters not, they have been deemed unsafe, should another disaster happen I wonder what a lawyer working for a bereaved family would make of the authorities not closing an unsafe establishment down, ker ching
Beer under the seat, whatever is the world coming to, I wonder if the operatives were standing in front and obscuring the tail lights, a thorough investigation will find out the cause to help stop it happening again !!!!!!!!
Here kids and parents consider them like a pedal cycle which would not raise an eyelid, the issue is parents allowing and encouraging 3 up and modified for there 10 year olds to use, but then crying when it all hits the fan.
It is the lack of common sence regarding who fitted it.
Assuming it was a plastic door I would have thought a bit of kicking and pulling if she was strong eneough would have got a positive result, anyway she is out but will she get the lock changed!!!!!