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Everything posted by Almer

  1. If most Thai’s are still really scared of Covid why are they happy to sit in a big circle, eat from the same dish and share the fire water glass. Maybe it is true what you say, if so, there is no helping stupid. To avoid confusion I live in Issan in a small village and see it every day
  2. Or, take it for a quiet drive for 10 minutes and stop worrying
  3. Agreed, the daughter lives in a condo on floor 26, which has an open kitchen and I get somewhat concerned when I see her on a pair of steps to get to the top shelf, the hand rail between me and death is at the height of my trouser pocket the bottom of the pocket.
  4. What happened to the plastic bag policeman and all his cars?
  5. Ha ha foreigners are the issue with reopening yet 3 months ago the most gracious Anutin said there was no law to make people wear masks foreign or not. Slightly off topic but not much, if ever Anutin becomes PM it will be parachute packing time for sure.
  6. It is that that bugs me, there reason for not paying an increase is the UK economy doesn't benefit, But the economy benefits from my private pension being taxed.
  7. I think it is for all retirees where there is not a reciprocal arrangement. Without all the tear dropping reasons they should pay me a full and benifit from annual increases they never will, there reason “ it was our choice” to live in the sun. I need to sit down and work out would I be better of renting a modest condo in Vietnam and live a bit in Thailand and a bit in Vietnam !!!!!!! I always have the option to return to Blighty and being I have no assets I would be able to claim every benefit going, plus I am self funding cancer treatment in Thailand so I would become a burden to an already stretched NHS, it’s my choice and I am under no illusion the day I left Blighty after all I paid in taxes NI etc it stood for nothing, I hope the MP’s enjoy there salmon sandwiches and wine fore lunch, me a bottle of Leo and what ever suits me fine
  8. That will pose some head scratching when it’s time to fit one in the back of a pickup
  9. 3 Pfiser and a good 10 days felt rotten, nothing like my previous man flue !!
  10. They don’t stand a chance anyway, my well heeled sister in law greased many palms I understand to get her son into a teaching university, he is as thick as they come but the whole family look up to him because “he is smart” and worked his way to university, I think the word was bought more than worked, but soon he will stand in front of the class with his books in front of him and the kids will all go through the same greased up system.
  11. Yes I agree about teachers not wanting questions from the class, thinking is not encouraged and some of the online stuff my grandchildren have asked me to explain makes no sense to this 72 year old. When there is a 3 option question and none of the options make any sense to the question what hope is there.
  12. I agree, but it makes you feel rotten for 10 days, i speak from experience
  13. I am 72 just over (almost) Omicron. I am a fit 72 but it knocked me for 6, in the village there are many many many walking about either coughing sweating or a job to put one foot in front of the other, Anutin should visit the sticks to get a better angle in the situation
  14. Correct, I’ve had my wife’s family listen to a 15 year old about driving skills and totally ignore my 50years vocational exp, they are never wrong and I am never to old to learn
  15. Could give it back to the bank to resell with no proceeds to the drinker/driver/ tisser
  16. They get a court order for the outstanding payments, if the punter didn’t follow the court order send him down and when he comes out the order is still valid, get serious with this problem or continue to turn a blind eye
  17. In theory you are correct, but nor do the countless drivers who have never taken a test and have insurance that would be void
  18. Hang on a minute, I was sure I read only yesterday that Anutin said they exspect to see an increase but it will all be under control and not to worry
  19. I had my third Pfizer after 3 months, and the village clinic called me in.
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