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Everything posted by Almer

  1. And the road closed for a full investigation, and a meaningful prosecution if there is blame
  2. Yes my wife also passed her test in the Uk and won’t travel as a passenger with some of her family
  3. I have been driving for 54 years, inc 25 years as a European coach driver, and in all that time and inc 10s of thousands of coach passengers nobody has ever told me to slow down on bends, well as many people have told me, you learn something every day.
  4. You wouldn’t think that if you were in our village in the N.East with a huge Omicron cluster which I think followed New Year arrivals from all over
  5. I think the phrase “ I TOLD YOU SO” comes to mind, China does nothing for nothing a good government would row there own boat not get others to do it for them
  6. Somebody visit the gram rider and tell him EVENKEEL suggests extreme caution in the future
  7. I am real, my wife has 12 working for her, when one tried to sign on the system they asked her main place she worked, how is that for”very real”
  8. What I don’t understand is why we have been told to isolate but than instructed to go out to the clinic for a Covid test, i don’t need the likes of you to ask where I’ve been living the last 2 years. Read my initial post and assuming you got anything between your ears you will I hope understand
  9. But we havnt tested positive havnt even had a test
  10. Agreed, and now after being told to isolate for 14 days we find ourselves amongst 1/2 of the village who use the sister in laws shop absolute chaos the medics were 1 hour late coming and and another hour of set up and photoshoot, the head man is in his element on the mic but shows what a pr!ck He is after selecting all his family and friends to go first, typically shows Thailand at its very worst, my feeling if I get Covid it will be sat in this tent with many not distances themselves and twice people around me have hat to be told to put masks on there face not there chin.
  11. A useful way to gather data not only the freelancer but also who they work for
  12. My Wife’s sister and family have just gone Omicron Positive and live next door, the sister owns the village shop. The health people came out to confirm that they are in fact positive, at which time they told us to stay in for 14 days and put red tape around the perimeter of our house, my request to why fell on deaf ears. We have now had a phone call from the medical team to go to the local clinic for a Covid test <deleted>
  13. I was truly shocked when my wife’s daughter who is waiting to go to High School asked me to check her on line english work before submitting it, her absolute lack of understanding of anything connected to English was truly shameful for somebody who is waiting to go and further her English, many questions were unanswered because of the understanding or lack of, recently I had 2 neighbors in the village ask if I would tutor there children 5 in total, i am tempted just to help but how much grief would I get if somebody gets upset I wonder.
  14. Dear PM, I have lived in Thailand and buy lottery tickets every draw for 8 years, never have I paid anything other than 100 baht a ticket, forget the committee come with me any day any place any time and I will show you.
  15. I did something similar, a bike rider came off in front of me and head on into a car, i was driving a coach in Switzerland and had to change my uniform which was covered in blood before I could carry on after police arrived, not another word was spoken by 40 people on that coach for the rest of the day, I had a letter of praise from both the police and family of the deceased, and yes it is quite a vivid memory.
  16. No leave them where they are, it rids Thailand if the numb skulls who drink and ride home at 1.30
  17. Ah, I’ve only suffered the ones who drink in public and get quite obnoxious even to there colleagues.
  18. Drink and Swedes don’t fair well , again in my experience of living and working there
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