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Everything posted by Almer

  1. That’s the tricky bit,!the translator willing to stamp there feet a bit
  2. Anutin this statement could be your downfall, whilst you are enjoying your Xmas and New Years feast, this strain will be gathering pace, if you have a secret pkease tell the whole of Europe because they are panicking for sure and Khonkaen and Kalasin have seen the start with Omicron showing itself.
  3. How have strict measure’s for containment been achieved, passport office, bus driver and passengers and friends of bus passengers and driver and on it goes, governor don’t say containment, better to say it has arrived take care.
  4. I do believe that many avoid a test for fear of field hospital, test and if you go +with no symptoms be trusted with local checks of coarse to self isolate, if you do not comply, trouble can be expected. The local community would help police it for sure.
  5. There are some pretty selfish people in the world, but they have to be set an example of to deter others
  6. Or wish to disappear for which ever reason
  7. Why do a runner and why does it take 500 metres to pull over, Police make a fresh start and investigate this, or if you are to busy I have some knowledge of how you go about it.
  8. Can we have a finding from Comornity/Pfiser on the effectiveness against the Omicron strain please, then we can compare the good doctors findings.
  9. What trial has been done doctor, and can you supply the findings ,peer reviewed or not will be fine.
  10. Suitcase at the ready, parachute packed and ready, in fact everything at the ready
  11. Report report report, burning is illegal and wrong for the environment we all no, make enough noise at local level and things will be done,!if you are in a village speak with the head man he has a lot of influence as long as he dosnt own the field that is burning, a fine for the farmers has to be a deterrent not allow the fine cheaper than the removal from the field.
  12. It is getting coercive and I fear this will go to ruling parties heads, they don’t like something Chuck in a curfew or two. Not just in Los this is worldwide and beginning to be used at will.
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