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Everything posted by Almer

  1. All these gab drivers though out the various lockdownshad finance to oay with little or no work so the cars went back, end of story
  2. A policeman friend once told me there is only 1 thing a burglar dosnt want and that is to draw attention to himself, so yes flashing lights plenty of cabaret and they will be off some other place where it is more peaceful
  3. In 4 shops and the house I use Yousee, with the app watch from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection, Yousee on Lazada
  4. My Bull Mastiff he is so laid back he almost falls over, but come in unannounced or come in and get to close to the Mrs you can see his facial expression change, but i am sure you are looking for something that dosnt need feeding.
  5. I believe Thailand is the same as the UK if you are taken into A&E with a life threatening condition they will treat you.
  6. This man have no insurance, does he live in a mortgage free property in the UK, does he own a car, the only thing is known is that he came to Thailand and died, niw the family wants a go fund me, the cause of death needs to be made public before I would put my hand any place near my pocket, smoking, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, sorry family you are on your own, if it was as reported he was in Los for 2 months, where is his holiday money, speak to the British consulate they will sort it and make the tax payer pay or take it from the man’s estate.
  7. If you are in ICU I doubt anybody is pressing him for funds, the family don’t want to pick the tab up by the sounds of it
  8. All the people all over the world are saying let’s go to Thailand for holiday, the government say they have Omicron under control.
  9. Who can we blame, the truck or the bike, somebody was in the wrong or not taking care, forget the helmet against an 18 wheel truck they are of little use, of course helmets save lives but without the collision the helmet argument doesn’t come into it. In a country where graft and brown envelopes are spoken about on a daily basis, and if so, why are there not more more police on the roads picking up the cash?
  10. I think they are bright enough but seem not to care , happens everyday and today was no surprise, 2 minutes from my Issan village home motorbike pulls out from a side Soi didn’t look at all, same Soi 2nd motorbike looked but didn’t bother to stop I am only 2 cars length from the Soi, no helmet ladies in there early fifties, the second lady was fortunate there was nothing coming from the other direction giving me time to move over to avoid her, she knew she was in the wrong by the sheepish look she gave when I passed her, nothing new same same.
  11. But they have nothing else to do, this keeps them in work and in front of the camera, this is a task for a Junior nit a hi-so ranking official, pathetic waste of funds , but, what goes around comes around.
  12. Of the 200 or so who attended, hands up all those who have self quarantined as requested, c’mon don’t be shy.
  13. They said 2.3% I’m sure they mean 23% that would make the true figure upwards of 23%.
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