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Everything posted by Almer

  1. Almer


    Understood, but my class 1 way exceeds the basic compulsory, in the event of a bump who pays out the state compulsory or the purchased additional option?
  2. Why is it necessary to have to purchase mandatory basic insurance 645 baht when the vehicle already enjoys class 1 insurance, or am I being scammed at the annual test /road tax renewal?
  3. On my part it is not an obsession, it is being mindful at a time everybody is shouting to open the country to all. You rightly ask are people dying and are hospitals full, who know’s because nobody like with regard to testing is reporting or the reporting leaves more questions than answers, the devil in this beast can easily be seen in the Schengen block right at this moment
  4. I would suggest immigration on arrival advise all that masks are a requirement or even better a warning leaflet given to all arrivals lest there be no misunderstandings, nothing wrong in giving people clear definitive instructions.
  5. I believe you have to have a UK address and wait 6 months for treatment on the NHS
  6. So it takes an Admiral to make sure the port facilities are up to the required standard, why not a local government official?
  7. My post was in regard to possible transmission from a vaccinated person more than the protection levels
  8. I’m interested no more than that to know where in Issan are people still waiting for there first shot of anything?
  9. Likewise it is highly possible for a fully vaxed person to carry and pass the Virus to an unvaxed sole.
  10. AIS are offering if you happen to have a single sim I phone 11, 12,or 13 the chance to register I think 6 phone numbers working off the back of your single sim, i don’t need this but maybe there is something that lets you keep your number
  11. Somebody else told to be seen to be doing something, so he comes up with a complicated set of penalties, i can as can many others from the more sensible countries sort this in one mornings session, Everytime you do something wrong you received points based on a tariff, 3 points speeding 3 points useing the gun under the seat and so on with each infringement attracting a fine because that’s where it hurts, each infringement means you loose your licence until the fine is paid, get to say 12 points, you are off the road as a public service driver for 6 months, get caught driving when your licence is revoked is 6 months in the Hilton, if you are going to be serious with these things be serious and not faff about.
  12. I thought I read an article that we all had a credit of points and if they all get used up you put some coins in an envelope and start again.
  13. These idiots want want want lower fuel prices, don’t we all, but they can offset all of any increase by maintaining there engines and drive economically, and stop running about overloaded or 1/2 empty, nothing makes any sense to me in my senior days.
  14. It’s not only about the truck drivers, I am seeing price increases on foods 10% on potatoes just yesterday and for sure they will never come down 10% when fuel prices stabilize
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