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Everything posted by Almer

  1. I’m not much use at crosswords, just thought you would all like to know.
  2. Need to find out who the importer of all the A4 reams of paper is that may give a clue to why so many
  3. He didn’t know if tourists will have to spend 1 night in there arrival city, well I suggest he starts to find out, what is the point of a test if you don’t wait for the result, best get out of the way and let a kindergarten child sort it out
  4. I was at a job interview and a quick pee was needed got the old chap caught by the foreskin, i laugh now and love telling the story in Pattaya or Cowboy and then play acting a bit.
  5. Ha ha they have been caught out already.????????????????
  6. The girls can come as tourists and “hole” up in a hotel for a week and sell there wares.
  7. I get a feeling they will both be unable to attend due to being busy on that day, sorry.
  8. Easy, just scan the QR on your certificate and hey presto just like magic, within 10 minutes of leaving after my second Pfiser ( Udon Thani) this was on my phone, efficient and professional throughout both jabs just took a while for Anutin to get into gear,
  9. I and many others know the rules, but people also must not gamble, watch porn etc etc, i am only telling of my observations that coffee sales in eating places served in large containers is a booming business.
  10. I fall into the “wealthy “ bracket based on I spend more here than the millionaires who wont be coming, so i and many like me need to be looked after not continually shat on.
  11. The good doc is right, vaccination first then open up, the virus transmits easily at 10 or 11 pm, just imagine the carnage if by a miracle Pattaya sprang back to life this weekend, bars crammed, girls galore, food places heaving, the virus is yet to be contained so open at your peril, don’t worry so much about the foreigners worry from within, there are many girls in Issan wanting to get back to work but only a few have yet to have there first jab, these girls are from i Issan not the metropolis of Bkk or Phuket and will travel unvaxed at the drop of a hat
  12. They are and it is easy to find a beer after 10 and it will be easy to find a beer after 11, that was my meaning 10 or 11 it makes no difference.
  13. Sorry to disagree but I think it is a return to same same, then a flop flip, and another turn U.
  14. I fail to see what difference 22.00 04.00 to 23.00 03.00 makes. If it is to control late night drinking it does nothing, tell drinking establishments that if they get caught selling beer after 22.00 they will be closed down forever and the owner of the premises will do 6 months and banned from holding a liquor license for ever. People want to socialize and are being driven underground to be able to do it so the governments dream of control goes out the window. Bin the curfew, open up, and get the police and army out there then you have people spending money and control, win win.
  15. Correct indeed, this is a new broom man spouting off and getting attention he needs
  16. I fear a lot of the more senior pilots haven't kept there flying hours up
  17. They have an army doing next to nothing all day, 3 weeks to train them to shove a probe up your nose, job done. A self funding Army that can be deployed anywhere.
  18. This is why doctors spend many years training to know right from wrong
  19. It translates “ you got the smallest dick I have ever seen but I love love”
  20. Why didn’t he take the easy route “ we will have to wait until the committee makes a statement at the end of this week” but no he has to waste time talking about, maybe or possible etc however he is no I different than any other wannabe leader.
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