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Everything posted by Almer

  1. It is easy, confiscate car 1 year inside, if they come our and do it again 5 years it will focus many peoples minds
  2. This lady is out of sync, it wasnt the alcho ban that lowered the stats it was the curfew, they still drunk but at home and COULDNT drive after, and if her comments are reported accurately " only 17831 deaths" is an appalling number and nothing to be proud of, but who has the figures of death related DUI, against death related idiots.
  3. If its not flat what is it, dont tell me its round or we would all fall off woudnt we.
  4. No, you don't ban the bank worker from working in the bank, you ban him from driving and make him find his way to work, it almost sounds to me that if a DUI causes a death or similar he should be allowed to continue on his merry way, often the punishment is a wake up call to others.
  5. Yep, that is why he will see the container next time, plus he hasn't got any wheels now, or do you pat hime on the back and let him do it again tomorrow.
  6. Dramatic or not, its the rules ordered by he who should be obeyed, and always know's best.
  7. I have a suggestion, contact the village headman and advise him due to continued rat infestation you will be putting rat poison outside your property and ask him to advise the troublesome owners to best keep dogs inside for the foreseeable future.
  8. As reported," a Black male Golden retriever" whether it is Black or Golden they are placid, but mix with the wrong gang and they are all trouble.
  9. Or maybes just the supply and demand dituation
  10. Or in many peoples case in excess of £2000 pa and growing.
  11. This reporting is getting worse on facts, who cooked the omelette was it mummy bear.
  12. No, rule 1, drive according to the situation, a corner means slow down and prepare to stop if necessary, not go flat out and hope.
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