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  1. My advise is go for it, some excellent plastic surgeons in this country. I bought my wife a pair 20 years ago as it's the gift that gives on giving. She gets older, but her breast stay the same.
  2. Why would Amazon refund you the money since it was delivered to you. You just have to go to the customs warehouse and pay the import duty tax on the item, that's all. Since it only cost £25, the duty shouldn't be more then a couple of hundred bhat.
  3. They treat team no different then Thais treating Burmese labored works. They stay for the same reason, $$$.
  4. Sorry, I just thought you are new and clueless....No hard felling's as it's hard to tell with some people in this forum.
  5. Soi Kophai is notorious for local gang violence and rampant drug use in South Pattaya, it's no suburbs.
  6. Last time I was there, there was a fine of 5,000 Bhat for anyone attempting to swim at May Bay.
  7. Just a hunch, but I think she was declined due to the high influx of single Thai females flooding South Korea pretending to be tourists and ending up working in the sex trade.
  8. Your not be liable to pay any in laws debts as it's a deal you made with your wife when you married her, your fault. You got to lay down the law and not let them bully and take advantage or look for a new wife. If my Thai wife put a gun in my head to demand these requirements before marriage I would tell her good luck with your next marriage.
  9. Yea, real smart having he perform exclusively in the worlds most expensive city/country.
  10. Quite entertaining scenes, at least the good news is no women got injured in this riot.
  11. Blame the corrupt Phuket police and Thai justice system for continuing for this type of actions to continue as it will never change. I bet if this Swiss elephant killed the doctor it will be justified because she was sitting on his steps.
  12. My 90 day report was due on the February 10th, I applied online on February 4th and it says it's still pending. Will they still approve it even though it expired?.
  13. I was expecting photo's of the raid to look more like this.

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