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Posts posted by ExpatPH

  1. 11 minutes ago, Letseng said:

    Can you afford the treatment?

    Hospitals are often nice and new but doctors can't diagnose a hookworm infestation in a kid.


    Yes, doctors and diagnose are not up to western standard. I visited chemotherapy room, and I was instantly 'back to the 1970s'. For many the lack of western medicine is what frustrates us the most. The huge population and lack of hospitals are very obvious. Bare minimum of staff in hospitals incl doctors, are below par.

    Expect 15000 - 25000 peso (288-480$) per 24 hrs admitted to hospital for more serious condition.

    Minor conditions with treatment 2000-5000 peso. (38-96$).

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  2. 13 minutes ago, Letseng said:

    But not all pinays are like this.

    Not all Thai females are out to fleece you either.


    Absolutely agree on this.

    However we all know that many many foreigners in TH built house in the past, bought brand new car, and was kicked out.

    It happen in all countries worldwide, here too in a far less numbers. Earlier in this topic, many painted TH as much better country, without consideration for that TH has a GDP per capita more than twice of the PH. Very unfair comparison.

    So please excuse me when I compare the few things that's actually better or cheaper here in PH.

  3. 1 minute ago, Deerculler said:

    Thank you very much for your postings on PH.

    I will continue to read them.

    The only thing I would like to ask if you can.

    When you are talking about the cost of things.

    I would like to see it in Peso’s.

    The reason is that it is easier to convert to my own currency instead from the US dollar and it give me a better picture to work from.

    Thank you again.


    Will do. What items objects do you have in mind?  

    Thank you.

  4. PH unemployment rate and the future.


    Unemployment has since early 2000 seen a remarkable decline that seems to continue.


    Building sector obviously have a boom in major cities. In Cebu city, more skyscrapers are piling up month by month.


    2-4 BR spacious luxury condos price more than 2 Mill USD (more than 100 mill peso) has been sold. 1 of these are located on top of Ayala center, with direct elevator down to Cebu's #1 supermarket Rustans, and more are available in Cebu.


    Private housing estates boom following, also in higher price range 100.000 - 200.000$ (5.200.000 - 10.400.000 Peso)


    Although I'm sure it's huge grey numbers about unemployment, the country is moving up and forward.

    If only more quality hospitals was built and run under foreign management, PH would attract expats who require top medical care.










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  5. Huh.  It's just one mans opinion, doesnt matter until we see what new changes the remain of this year will bring.


    At one point, immigration and those higher up will realize that loss of Expats lead to less new houses built all over the country, less new vehicles bought cash, less employees in factories, and transport and tourist industry.


    At one point, they will see it, and realize the value of expats.


    That was my 5 minute day dream.


    One must have a Plan B for alternative relocation prepared these days.

    The good and easy days are def over.

    • Like 1
  6. Driving a vehicle in Cebu.


    Car and motorcycle rental in a limited scale. Tourist and expats dont use them or need them in the city. 7000 Taxi meter and new Grab car taxi available. 

    In province most expats buy a moped or motorcycle. Only a few own a car. Moped and motorcycle are cheaper here in PH than TH. Some up to 1000$ less. Check out 'motortrade Philippines' for prices.


    On Bohol island next to Cebu, many tourist rent a motorcycle and explore the island. Police here was very friendly to tourist, so one could know ahead about driving culture, and usual spots for checkpoints.


    Traffic in Cebu move slowly most of the time 30-60 km/h, no racing motorcycles. New strict laws about use of mobile phone, and lane splitting. Traffic officers on most main roads in out of the city. These officers are strict, no excuse to be a foreigner. Cars are almost never stopped at checkpoints, only motorcycles. We know where checkpoints are, a indication is a huge number of motorcycles parked on the side of the road, with the driver on the mc. They know its a checkpoint just ahead, and wait for it to end. Many dont have a DL or proper registration. Registration of new motorcycle takes more than a year, explains why so many drive illegal with only 'for registration' plate. The law states that brand new motorcycle can only be driven until 7 days after registration. Then one must wait for registration documents. After million of complaints, they came up with a new temporary system and plates, only with digits. This temp plate can take 1-6 months to get. Depends on dealership and their connection to LTO.


    Drunk driving are a big problem late night. I had many close calls. Never seen any alcohol test been performed, or speed control, on Cebu island. Only outside city limit can I reach more than 60-70 km/h. Traffic is just to heavy within city, lack of city planning.




    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, stravers said:

    Here in Quebec, Canada, immigrants learn French or face a huge uphill battle gaining employment.

    It would not surprise me if Thai immigration added the language test hurdle and it's not out of order. 


    People will look back and say "remember how great 2019 was?"   


    If that would happen, how many would qualify?

    Less than 10%? Less than 5%?

    Gaining employment, I can understand the reason one must learn their language 

    Be a tourist, TH prefer we dont speak their language for many reasons.

    But TH is TH, when is comes to visa regulations, anything can happen.

  8. 2 minutes ago, swissie said:

    On a more serious note. As I mentioned before, your Info's concerning Phil are outstanding. You may have noticed that there are other Threads floating around with regard to "Leaving Thailand" and moving somewhere else. (One Thread focusing on South America has drawn a lot of attention). But nobody delivering comprehensive Info's about any of those countries as you did concerning Phil.

    - Checking out SA Countries is like playing Detective on the Internet.

    Folks, interested in SA would be delighted to have an Info-Source comparable to what you deliver in connection with the Philippines.

    I mean it. Well done.


    Thank you so much for those nice words of appreciation, swissie.

    I also mentioned before to join our local forums, for more opinions than mine.

    Colombia, Costa Rica. Dominican republic. Latin America, so many options. Personal safety is a big issue also at those locations. And who knows about hospitals.


    Repeat our local forums related to PH.





    Thanks again swissie.

  9. 1 minute ago, swissie said:

    Do you think the Smoking-Ban will be lifted if the current "Head of State" takes up smoking again?


    Don't hold your breath.

    Not until after next election, and even after that, the political correctness and conservative culture, I would assume that the smoking ban will last forever.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, swissie said:

    Question: Are Bars, Restaurants, Hotels "public places"?


    Every inch of the country is 'Public place' and Non - smoking (except private property) unless,

    - 'Designated smoking area' 

    - Tiny minority of restaurants that got exemption from local city hall.


    In Cebu city I only know bar area at TGIF, and designated smoking area on 4th level Ayala center near The Social restaurant.


    However the smoking guards stop work at 6pm, so we do smoke on the streets after that time, but look out for police and other officials.

    Angeles less strict, according to tourists who been there.





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  11. 25 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:


    I've been trying to find condos around Fields vicinity, but couldn't really find anything that is comfortably walking distance. Any idea if any exist? Ideally with a pool and a gym, but not 100% necessary. Speaking of gym - I assume they exist - any idea where and prices?


    Ask on local forums.


    And Ph-addicts

  12. On local forums we had and still have a never ending banter, can you live for 600-800$ per month in PH.

    I was one of the naysayers, used to city life and nightlife. Until I lived for a longer time in the province. Then I realized It's absolutely possible without suffering, or 'going on local' food only. 

    I got my foreign groceries from city as well, All in, my low spending of only 615$ per month.

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