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Posts posted by ExpatPH

  1. 20 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Thanks there's a lot of confusing info out there, nothing about 3 year visa in Philippines, obviously OP lives there but gives none of the costs of his long stay. 


    There is no 3 year visa, but one can extend up to 3 years total. See previous post.


    SRRV visa is Philippines  equal to retirement visa.

    Search SRRV Philippines for the latest requirements. 

    I know the SRRV alternatives is to deposit 20.000$ or 10.000$ if one meet the requirements. This amount can later be used to buy a condo, or refund 20K/10K when one want to terminate SRRV.

    Most prefer the easy tourist visa route, up to 3 years as mentioned.


    No stress here with always changing Visa laws, it has stayed the same many years, only positive changes with added 6 months tourist visa alternative.




    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

    Thanks for info can you confirm more on costs please.

    What is cost of visa.

    Read that property to rent in the less expensive towns say outskirts although basic start at 2000 peso month which is cheap.


    After the first month in country, one extend with 1 month for 3.120 peso (60$)

    After 2 months in country, one can choose to extend with 1 or 2 or 6 months visa. At this point ine are also required to pay for ACR-I Card. If one choosed 6 month extension before, one can choose another 6 months tourist visa again.

    After this one continue to extend with 1 or 2 months only, until one reach 36 month total.

    Then leave the country and return next day, and start over again.


    For 1 year stay with extensions, and required ACR-I Card, cost is around 25000 php or 500$ 




    • Thanks 1
  3. Old post, but maybe of interest for others in 2019.

    Cebu don't have much nightlife left now.

    Mango square demised since 2017, lisences for night entertainment was not renewed.

    Mango square got new tenants, laundry shop, many small restaurants, and a new barbecue plaza, that's todays family friendly mango square in 2019.

    Few discos left at mango, mostly deserted nowadays.

    Bikini bars are still left, located 5 minute walk down from mango, but they've seen better days. Not many guests on any day, for a reason or two. lack of quality, and increased prices.

    Cebu is not a place for nightlife or mongering, that was the past. Now its just a city for tourism only.



    Bantayan Island, 4 hrs bus ride from cebu city + ferry.

    Malapasqua island.



    Nearby Bohol island.

    All beach life.


    For trekking and forest, I think more south of the country, no personal knowledge. Ask on local forums.


    For nightlife: Angeles city and Subic bay.

    Youtube is your friend.




    • Thanks 1
  4. Pros:


    1. Php Exchange rates to $ and £ and €


    2. Easy tourist visa up to 3 year, take a 1 day trip out of country, and start on another 3 year tourist visas. 

    No stress with changing visa laws.


    3. The ladies who are very caring and will really take care of you. Find the right one, and you can totally trust her.


    4. The people who are very friendly, and a Nation that's famous for hospitality.


    5. English widely spoken and understood, although not 100%



    1. Internet speed.

    2. Hospitals.

    3. Food.

    4. Property rental prices.

    5. Traffic jam.

    6. Personal safety.


    Always be polite, then even hostile situations can be avoided.

    Many many foreigners come with a superior attitude against locals, shouting to them, using the 'f' word to them, in short, unacceptable behavior. Those foreigners end up in bad situations, we others don't.




    • Thanks 1
  5. Philippines did not accept my thai DL.


    My DL from country of birth was accepted for limited time only (Years ago).


    Doubt land transportation office in Thailand will issue a international DL to a foreigner, they are supposed to be issued in your country of origin. Ask them.


    I applied for PH DL years ago, when it was 'easier'.


    Many checkpoints here in Philippines, so be sure you have your documents in order, before you start driving.

    Without accepted DL, or without helmet, or with slippers, or with shorts in many areas, fines will be issued.

    Do not try to bribe the officers. You will be in a hot place if you do.


    Without vehicle registration, 'for registration' only, checkpoint will impound the vehicle. Again, don't attempt to bribe the officers.


    Visit the local LTO office here with a local friend, to ask for the local requirements for foreigners, and speed up the process. It's often not done in a day, drug test, written test for some, driving test for others.


    If involved in a accident here, you will be found guilty, even if you was rear ended. Sound familiar, doesn't it.

    You will be required to pay for the other party vehicle repair, and hospital expences as well!

    Traffic flow here is much slower than in Thailand, and when it often rains, traffic move in less than 30 km/h.


    Your options:

    1. Get a internation DL from country of birth, same country your passport.


    2. Apply for a local DL here, if you plan to stay longer.


    3. Don't drive here, if you only plan a shorter stay.

    Meter taxi is so cheap.





  6. 2019 now, and a influx of former thai expats already. Guessing the latest new rules to 'retirement' didn't go well with many expats.

    No re-entry permit here as mentioned before, 

    Visa laws don't change much in Philippines, so no stress, not same in Thailand.

    Only know a few who use Philippines retirement option SRRV, a few payment options 20.000 $, 10.000$.

    Most here stay on tourist visa forever.

    Take exchange rates into consideration, as a big big bonus.

  7. Continued part 2.


    frequency of power-outs?


    Depends of location and if they have power back up generator or not.

    In Cebu city, 1-4 times a month, in the province, weekly or semi weekly. All who can afford it, buy a diesel generator for 1000$++.

    Most hotels have back up, but even they must close generator after 8 hours use, for 2-3 hours cool down.


    Advantage in the Philippines:

    Exchange rate to the Usd. Todays exchange rates:

    Thailand buying rates 1$ = 30,99

    Philippines buying rate 1$ = 51,75

    Philippines buying rate 1GBP = 66,77 !


    Visa can be extended for 1, 2, or 6 months, maximum 36 months stay before a quick visa run out/in is required.

    1 year stay visa cost aprox 500$.


    Lease apartment condo. Cebu don't have much new build in lower price range.

    Up to 250$ mostly older apartment with old or without furniture.

    From 300$ one can get a 5 year or newer place, but mostly 15-18 sqm small.

    From 400$ one get 24-28 sqm in a newer building. The norm is 1 year or 6 months lease. Shorter lease than that, takes time and serious searching to find. 

    Hotels monthly rate start at 600$ a month.


    Smokers beware, Philippines has a law against smoking in public, and citation / fine starts at 20$ and increasing up to 100$ when jail or deportation is possible. Absolutely no smoking in public, unless one find a small smoking area.


    To OP or other that are curious for more info, can send me a PM, or search 2 Philippines general forums, dedicated for Cebu.


    For now I really enjoy a short holiday in Thailand, minus the horrible exchange rate here, returning to Cebu early April.

    • Thanks 1
  8. I been living in Cebu since 2012, with frequent holidays to Thailand. Expat hang out in Cebu is mostly Ayala Center, morning and daytime at Bo's coffee shop, afternoon and evenings at The Social located on top floor of Ayala, or Tgi Fridays at ground level, near the Ayala center park.

    Other hang out places, Time Out bar at Ramos street, Marshalls Irish Pub near previous infamous Mango square, All stars sports bar located at Gen Maxillom Ave next to bikini bars, and El Gecko in same area. The former Mango square used to be Cebu's walking street. Officials closed down all that was unwanted. Since then all kind of restaurants has moved in and taken over mango square. Cebu is not a place anymore, for anyone seeking temporary company. Cebu expat community are mostly older gents age 60 up, who meet daytime, in the malls. A very few younger expats, who normally work in Cebu It Park, or online.


    What to do in Cebu as expat? Good question. No answer. Still wondering about that. Not much.


    Traffic is Cebu is horrible, equal to Manila. I walk faster across the city, than travel with a car. 10km might take 2-3 hours with car in rush hour in Cebu city, time 07-11 + 15-21.


    Be aware that air quality is very poor, so if one is sensitive to breathing problems, consider another location.


    Bohol, Panglao, Alona beach is beautiful and clean, last time I was there. Some hotel room only 30 feet from the water line. Bohol is for peace and quiet, no action of any kind, just a romantic place for couples and good friends. If you plan to be there for a week, bring a friend from Cebu, unless you prefer alone. Bring a few books and recharge, in a pitoresque place.


    For those seeking beaches more like Phuket or Pattaya and nightlife, Boracay is the closest one get. Since the reopening after Boracays clean up,  things are said to be more under control, also there.

    Angeles city is sin city and only for those who drink 24/7 and chase skirts. 1 week is enough, says the grapewine.


    Dumaguete City has a larger expat community, lots of Americans (veterans) and Brits, and many other nationalities.

    Better air quality than Cebu, and less traffic, although rush hours has increased in that small city as well.

    If you older than 50+ and might need a good hospital, only Cebu and Manila are acceptable. Not same quality as Thailand.

    Internet speed are usually horrible in Cebu 0.2 - 3 Mbps, (except new condos with Fiber) rent is those condos are usually from 400$ up, and fiber internet speed 5-10 Mbps. Other islands, only Boracay and Manila have good and faster internet speed.


    Internet and brown out / black out, are frequent any place. Most have landline or wifi, plus mobile internet as back up. Those who need reliable good internet speed, rent a chair in a call center for 200+$ a month. 

    To be continued.

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