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Posts posted by ExpatPH

  1. Dating and identification card.

    If you plan to date a pinay, many of them do not have identity card. You should ask first, and she should have postal identity card, or voters identity card, or passport. Only these 3 id can you trust.

    Some only have student id card or express id card, these are not reliable.

    Sometimes its difficult to guess a persons age.

    Law states a pinay must be minimum 18 years old, strictly no exceptions.

    They can lie about their age just to be with a foreigner. Do not take any chances here. Foreigners has been reported to police for beeing with a minor in public or private place. Demand identity card first when in doubt, and avoid jail.





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  2. 10 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    The BEEF/STEAKS in your supermarket photos looked pretty darned good.  I think my beef/steak eating experience there would be a considerable improvement, based on your photos!  Beef in Thailand is mostly either c**p local or very expensive U.S. or Aussie imports (except for Thai-French local beef).



    Depends of the Chef ????

    Its like going to a restaurant here.

    1 restaurant have 9 oz rib-eye on the menu for 1700 peso.

    Another restaurant have identical rib-eye for 999 peso.

    Guess which is best? The cheapest one.

    A Chef can kill a good ribeye.

    • Like 1
  3. 59 minutes ago, balo said:

    I think the murder rate is higher in the PH than other countries in Asia. Correct me if I'm wrong. 


    "In 2014, the Philippines has a murder rate of 9.84 per 100,000 people, with a number of 9,784 recorded cases. The country also has the highest rate of murder cases in Southeast Asia in 2013, with a rate of 8.8, followed by Thailand."


    Numbers for 2016











    Costa rica, another popular expat destination,

    12.1 per 100.000




    Latin america, another expat destination,

    24 per 100.000




    Colombia, another expat destination,

    24.4 per 100.000




    Demonican republic, another expat destination,

    20 per 100.000




    Venezuela, another expat destination,

    58 per 100.000




    Worldwide ranking list.





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    I think its time to quote post #1 yet again.


    'With the never ending visa changes in Thailand, I hope this will be helpful now for some present stressed TH expats and others.


    *** I will stress this early on: you will ONLY be happy in PH if you live happily, with less frills and comfort and not choosy about food, or pay 10-15$ for a western meal in a mall. You must be patient, and get used to that manyitems are not available here. Will talk more about that later on. End quote.


    I have said a few times already, PH has many flaws, same most countries have.

    I repeated the lack of health care, numerous times.


    This thread is NOT for those who are married, or have house, or need high quality of life.

    This thread is for those who know already that their upcoming reneval of stay might be, or will be denied, due to lack of, or dont want to deposit 800.000 Thb in local bank.


    This thread is NOT for those who must have all similar to Thailand.

    I can tell you right away, you will not find it. 


    I assume that IF you have already stayed longer time in Cambodia , and accepted how it was there, you will most likely also be ok in PH.


    Thailand is more than twice as rich as PH, if not much more, according to GDP per capita and more.

    Thailand are unique and offer western quality and frills, that most of us are used to back home.

    Philippines and Cambodia doesn't offer western quality same Thailand.


    I hope this is the last time I have to repeat this, so I instead can use my time to make posts of useful content and with images.




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  5. 3 minutes ago, mike787 said:

    In my opinion: A woman that has not asked for money (or is virtually financially free) is a Unicorn.  I don't doubt you are one of the lucky ones who has a wonderful relationship that has not cost you more than $125/mth US, chocolate, and occasional clothes (gifts).  However, I am surprised why you haven't married her, because the "one" you got is the kind of girl many would be honored to speak of.  


    Women 'like that' are in all countries, just take a lot of searching and even more good luck to find her. They are in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and all over the world.


    Why I havent married her?

    I mention a few times, I have a terminal condition and given 1 year to live, or less.


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  6. 25 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Couple of thoughts:


    1. It looks like the peso to baht exchange rate means that if I'm doing this right, you can take every one of Expat's PH shopping photo prices, and multiply it times about 0.6127 to get the Thai baht price.


    2. Don't think it's been mentioned earlier, but I gather PH electricity runs on the 220V, 60Hz standard, so presumably Thailand purchased electrical appliances/devices would at least be compatible there, depending on the plug/outlet compatibility.


    1. Yes, you are right. I calculated twice. First your direct way to Thb 0,6127.

    Then PHP via US$ to THB and the difference was just a few peso.

    Your way work and is correct.


    2. 220V, 60Hz standard is correct. Thai cables fit perfectly. All photos show cables and original mobile phone charging cable, all bought in Thailand and all work. No problem.






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  7. 3 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Somethings and or services are terribly more expensive in Phills then Thailand.

    Aircon bill and internet bill condo rents and car rental for example.

    as i said most expats are logged into Thailand with houses and local partners i doubt they will relocate because a beer can is slightly cheaper in Phills. 


    As mentioned before, electric is around 60% more here, 13 peso per unit.

    Take a 2nd look at my images, much more than alcohol only. 

    I had many images of fruit, seafood, pork, beef, steak, shampoo, cheese and deli.


    Many other expats are in a relationship, not married, not built a house. Don't these and single expat as well have the right (and need) for info?

    People jump to conclusions so fast, rather than sit back and see what comes next.


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