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Posts posted by ExpatPH

  1. On 6/12/2019 at 4:04 PM, KC 71 said:

    I would love to visit one day,but the big boss has got a screw loose and the internet is rubbish by all accounts


    Manila + Boracay have 30 Mbps internet speed, selected areas in Manila 50-100+ Mbps.

    Manila companies guarantee 50-100 Mbps that cost 20,000 - 50,000 peso per month!


    Bohol was better than expected. And I guess Davao city should be good.


    Remaining of the country, internet speed and reliability are closer to Zero.

    3G Still a dream.


    I'm currently in north Cebu province, Globe has no cellphone signal, or internet.

    Smart has 1 bar signal, and less than 1 Mbps internet.

    No Skype, no Netflix, no Amazon Prime ...


    Can't wait to go back to the city.

  2. On 6/12/2019 at 3:20 PM, cerox said:

    Did you seem them doing a lot of new construction as they do around Cebu?


    Bohol would be my first serious alternative to CNX if I am forced to move out.


    The drawbacks I see are the accommodation issues and the "scam" rates for motorbike rentals. The girls, English, and visa hopefully make up for it ????


    Didnt see much new buildings coming up, strange since the new airport opened up at Panglao island. Bohol local government want more places to become tourist magnet, not only Boracay, but all over Bohol island Present lack of rooms should guarantee safe investment imo, but no obvious building boom. Few new lowrise places advertised on facebook, else majority are old and outdated rooms. Not value for money for a tourist. If they could only copy Thailand ...


    Still lack of frequent transport around Panglao Island are a problem that should be improved asap. This bus service has been on/off last year. Buses without proper paperwork was impounded by LTO.


    Bus Tagbilaran - Panglao







  3. 7 hours ago, SenorJorge said:

    where should I go?  I like girls and the beach.  Should I just head to subic and take day trips to nicer beach areas?  Whats the best advice? 


    Girls: Angeles.

    Daytrip: Subic bay.

    Beach: Boracay, Puerto Galera, and many more.

    Links early in this thread for beaches.






    • Thanks 1
  4. On 5/31/2019 at 11:19 PM, DaRoadrunner said:

    1. Types of visa... cost and ease of obtaining long term.


    2. Medical care.


    3. Cost of rented accommodation.


    4. Potential and ways to buy property.


    5. Food and supermarkets.


    6. Language problems.


    7. Acceptance and attitude towards foreigners.


    8. Women (nature of) and facilities to ensure my knob remains well polished.


    9. Anything else essential you wanna add?


    1. Philippines are stress free tourist visa up to 3 year. Then take a day (or week) trip out of the country and start on another 3 year tourists visas. Expect 500US$ a year for tourist visa extensions, including ACR-I card required for all foreigners who stay longer than 2 months. And required ECC exit clearance certificate, after 6 months stay.

    No stress with visa here in Philippines.


    SRRV Visa if you willing to deposit 10,000 - 20,000 US$ (that can be spent buying condo). Less for ex army personell, and a few others.

    13a visa if you marry with a pinay.


    2. Medical Care fail in the Philippines compared to Thailand, in my personal opinion after been admitted a few times. Others was satisfied with treatment here, so depends of each medical issue. 

    St Luke in Manila is 1 of the very few with good reputation, still the lack of strong pain relief (opiods) can become a big issue for some.


    3. Rentals here in Philippines are very limited compared to Thailand, so expect higher rent for less of everything. Takes some serious legwork to find a place to call home.


    4. Buy property in Philippines?

    Only condo to buy for foreigners, and those who did it mostly complain about red tape, and time spent before all documents was received.

    Try to sell a condo here, and see how long that takes, and to what financial loss.


    5. Food & Supermarkets.

    Western imported food mostly only available in major cities.

    In Cebu I find most that I need in supermarket and deli shop. And often eat out.

    Local cousine are not famous among foreigners for being delicious, so dont expect similar to thai food. Rather imagine bland, tasteless, chewy.


    6. Language problem.

    Minor, no problem when talk with people younger than 40. English is business language here, mixed with local lingo, but overall so much easier than Thailand.


    7. Acceptance & attitude to foreigners, are some of the best things here. Friendly, curious and welcoming. No obvious hate from male population, no hate crime against foreigners.


    Personal safety should be mentioned, dont flash wade of cash, or a top end mobile phone in public. Choose to live in area that other foreigners say is safe.


    8. Women.

    Easier than Thailand, with 40 million larger population, you won't be alone here. Plenty of coconuts, but they mostly online these days, unless you choose Angeles (mini Pattaya).

    Post a personal add on dating sites, and expect minimum 20-50 messages per day, asking if you like to meet.


    9. Try out different countries, before decide plan B.


    Philippines traffic jam and time wasted travel across the city, can be a nightmare.

    Live near where you most often go to, be it Malls, supermarket, beach, or nightlife.

    Except Angeles and Manila, expect little or no western oriented nightlife.


    If good hospital care is important, only Manila would be my location, still with limitations.


    Rumor mill, faster than lightning. Behave or be very discreet.

    Don't play with good womens feelings, revenge will get a new meaning if you mess with the wrong one.

    Strictly demand proper identity card before you're alone with anyone that might be younger than 18. Police here get better and better, and arrests are frequent.


    Many positives, you will be treated as her King (their words). Always there to make you happy. Total faithful, and demand (!) the same from you. Will save you lots of money, and mostly much less demanding for allowance, compared with some other country in the region.


    Bottom line, not comparable with Thailand, but if one can accept Cambodia, Philippines are a realistic comparable alternative.


    Easy visa, english widely spoken, and friendly natives.


    • Thanks 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Rents are similar a poster said he rents condo in Thai for 10,000 bht that means 15,000 Pesos In Phillipines its very well possible to finding such condos both in Cebu and Pattaya but personally i’am always spending more on rents.



    If ones monthly budget is for example 2000US$, money still last l o n g e r here in Philippines. Posted earlier stats that said Philippines is 8% cheaper than Thailand. And that is my personal experience as well.


    2000US$ doesn't last long for many In Thailand, while here in PH, its easy to spend only 1200-1500US$ and live a similar lifestyle, all included.


    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, cerox said:

    Although the Thai Baht is very strong, Thailand in my situation seems still cheap compared to the Philippines. A typical livable condo in Thailand costs me 10k THB monthly, in Cebu it seems to cost twice as much, around 600 USD. From my research most rooms are just unbelievable small otherwise.


    I am not complaining about PH, on the contrary I find it very interesting. I am just saying that TH, despite the Baht and the expensive ED visa is still better value if we just talk about money and everyday convenience.


    Immigration however will be the major point for me. Also the pollution in Northern Thailand. Plan B is mandatory like ExpatPH said, I totally agree with that.  Yesterday I read something about changes in the ED visa system here in the forum, which was fortunately not confirmed by the school I asked, but it just showed me again the importance of plan B.



    Condos here are mostly 22-26sqm, smaller than Thailands average 28-32sqm.

    Examples of budget condo:

    La Guardia Flats, Cebu, furnished unit 22-29sqm with balcony rents for 15000- 20000php. 

    (9100-12000 THB)



    Other building Ramos Tower, same size condo mostly 20000 - 30000php.


    Equal to 9000 - 12000 baht is possible here, although in limited numbers vs Thailand.

    With so limited buildings in the past, rent stays high vs value for money.


  7. Nothing to do with desperate. 

    Expats live here because we want peace of mind, no stress with immigration. A big advantage over Los.

    We also want to be around people who actually speak english.


    Reading Thai news, isnt fun these days, whats next visa restriction they will come up with?


    Philippines advantages:

    No 800k.

    No tm 30.

    No tm 28.

    No minimum in bank acc.

    No new visa changes semi yearly.

    No residence certificate required to buy a vehicle.

    No embassy pension letter needed.

    No denied at airport.

    No dual pricing.

    No medical insurance required.


    I would say expats in Philippines are more clear sighted, than the very few who still (in these days) defend Los.

    • Like 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    But in fairness there is a requirement to obtain ID card (which is actually a plus for any long stay but often a long wait as no materials to make) and the need to obtain clearance prior to any departure from PI.  As said immigration is normally a pleasant experience.  


    Yes, but I see the ACR-I card as advantage (even it takes time to get the actual card) because it serve as our id card out and around. No need to carry passport or photo copy.


    ECC exit clearance certificate required to leave after more than 6 months stay, are a minor hassle compared to Thailands 90 days reporting, and report change of adress in TH.


    No lease contract needed.

    Freedom to move around the country, without rush to immigration to report new adress.


    Philippines are just way easier.

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    So many pages to go through so I am not sure if this has been raised before, but as an oil worker on month and month rotation, one of the factors that convinced me to move to Philippines was that, with a UK passport, I can get a 30 day visa free entry on arrival time and again without the fear of a tap on the shoulder at immigration inquiring as to why I had so many stamps in my passport. 


    Immigration in Philippines are a breeze compared to Thailand. Although local forums mentioned some who was questioned why they come to PH so often, if they have business here. Except that, it's a much friendlier immigration here.


    After first 2 months in country, one can apply for 6 months visa, 2 times, within first 16 months.

    Then 1 or 2 months extension up to 36 months.


    No 800k.

    No 90 days report.

    No 24 hrs to report new adress.

    No one denied at airport, unless one have a criminal record.

    Stay up to 3 years.


    Big advantage in Philippines vs Thailand, where requirements get stricter all the time.

    • Like 2
  10. Topic is Philippines,


    and Cebu city has both acceptable and less acceptable air quality. Those like me who like walking will feel it soon enough, bikers too.

    Most people are healthy to age 50+, but suddenly one day, you realize that your body are not so strong anymore. I been to Thailand often since I moved to Philippines. 3-6 months stay in Thailand, no cough or other problem. Back in Cebu less than 2 months, and start a horrible cough. Take medicine for 1 week and ok again, for a few months. This happend every time I return here.

    Davao and other places seems to have cleaner air than Cebu. My hope is that Bohol will be much better.


    • Like 2
  11. Cebu isn't heaven, or hell. I posted many news articles regarding air quality that local goverment and news stations find alarming. Something also international news have confirmed. This is not hysterically, this is facts.


    Traffic jam and lack of roads vs number of vehicles, are another well known problem in news and local forums. Exhaust fumes from jeepneys, trucks, building boom, dust,  have all been reported in the news, for many years. Breathing problem in common,  and pneumonia.


    Infrastructure lack a lot, compared to Thailand. Hospitals should be much better. Internet should be much faster, best locations here are usually 1/2 - 1/4 of Thailands internet speed.


    Still many expats choose to stay, we adapt, we plan our day around traffic and weather, we plan atm withdrawal before holidays, we are prepared for brown out (black out) seldom in city, often weekly in some provinces. Expats with house buy generator.


    Food wise its better than many think. Imported food , deli shop, expats who make homemade bread, bratwurst and other deli, for sale. It's certainly not as easy as Bangkok or Pattaya, but good food can be bought here too.


    In the end, we get peace of mind that visa requirements has stayed the same for years, or inproved, in our favor!


    Pst: can we keep on topic about Philippines




    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Small Joke said:

    I contracted Pneumonia in Cebu. Ended up in hospital in Clark. 

    There were complications. 

    I lived, but $17000 dollars later, I was glad I had renewed my insurance a mere month before. They paid in full less a tiny $100 excess.

    I'm 58 which is very relevant to the discussion.



    1. Cebu is toxic.


    2. Insurance is a good idea whether the govt. mandate it or not.


    3. Be aware YOUR HOME Government will NOT accept you are a 'resident' of the PI on an indefinite tourist visa. You'd have to revert to the ten grand residency option.

    This may not be a problem for some, until it is, then it's a BIG problem.


    4. Want to get married? They don't accept divorce in the PI, you can divorce in your home country, even online, if you're Australian, but if you live there, divorce is just not how they roll.


    5. Opiates (for chronic pain like Cancer) are all but impossible to find or have prescribed, I understand less than ten doctors nationwide are licenced, thanks to their all pervasive drug paranoia.


    All valid points for older guys with inevitably deteriorating health.


    Excellent post,

    I personally was in pain worse than hell and all a top private hospital

    had was morphine tablet, nothing stronger!

    It was a night in extreme pain.


    How I wish I knew what doctor who would give stronger pain relief, next time.


  13. 13 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Can you briefly explain us why you still have chosen to continue living in Cebu instead of living in Thailand with the better medical facilities and the less respiratory problems for you?


    1. 800k requirement in Thailand. Have more than 800k, but expenses back home put me below 800k to transfer.

    2. Have child here in Cebu.

    Bohol might be next permanent residence.


    • Like 2
  14. 17 minutes ago, Deerculler said:

    Is it okay if I chip in here and ask about the medical in Ph?


    Sure, welcome to join in.


    Medical has been mentioned early in this thread. Very short version, acceptable for minor things, less than average to horrible for serious medical conditions. 

    Expats fly to Singapore or Thailand for serious illness, if even possible, else suffer here.

    Even private hospitals are lack of staff, lack of medicine, lack of follow up.  Not comparable at all to Thailand.


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