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Posts posted by JeffersLos

  1. Dy5Wkd0.jpg


    We bought some indoor plants, but will buy a lot more soon.


    How much water should we give them?

    And how often?


    200ml every 3 days, 100ml once a week, 500ml twice a week? for example.


    And temperature wise, are they suited to air-con rooms (living room) where the temp will sit at 24 degrees for a few hours a day, then return to 30-40 degrees or whatever the temp without aircon is, and have this temperature swing everyday? Or keep them away from air-con areas (kitchen/bathroom/stair's landing etc.



  2. 1 hour ago, DJ54 said:

    Bought a new 9mm in US 3 ish years ago. Keep it at my sisters.One thing I do not like is No safety. It’s locked in two cases... and no children around

    Sounds like a great purchase.


    I bought a gas powered remote control jeep as bit of a toy. No need to keep it locked in 2 cases, and is actually fun to use.



    Yeah, I know, us crazy Europeans and our complete disinterest with such things as a 9mm kept in another house and locked away in 2 cases.


    To be honest, I think that circumcision has a lot to do with American guy's obsession with such silly things, psychologically. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, northsouthdevide said:

    Ferns and orchids are good, but please be careful if putting plants above a fridge, as watering can become a fire hazard. 

    Great, thanks.


    I'll look into those. 


    Around how often would ferns and orchids need to be watered? And around how many CC's of water?




  4. Our kitchen is one of those kitchens that was previously an outdoor kitchen at the back of the house. 


    It's since been built in, so it's a normal room and not outside.


    It doesn't have any direct sunlight, but with the house's natural light coming through the living room and big windows in the wall that divides the kitchen and living room, it isn't dark.


    I want to put some plants on top of the fridge and some shelves.


    Are there any indoor plants that would survive or thrive in such an environment?



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