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Posts posted by JeffersLos

  1. The Line App on my phone has recently stopped connecting through the home Wifi connection. Messages won't send, or be received. It only connects (sends receives messages) though the data connection.


    Our home Wifi router is 3BB, and the username has 2.4G in the name, if that helps.


    It only started a week or two.


    How to get it back to connecting through the home Wifi?





  2. What are the different requirements for getting annual extensions based on being a parent of a Thai born Thai national, and annual extensions based on marriage to a Thai?


    Funds would be 400,000 baht kept in my Thai bank account. 

    Location is Chiang Mai.

    Married to their mother.

    Name on their birth certificate.

    Visa: Non-O multi-entry based on marriage/family.

    (All would be done after Covid, obviously)


    I previously thought that one had to be the legal Thai guardian of the Thai child, seems I was incorrect.


    So what is needed and what is the process for getting annual extensions based on being a parent of a Thai national that lives here, and how is it different to the requirements and processes of an extension based on marriage? (in terms of things like interviewing neighbors, photos in the bedroom etc)



  3. 20 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    He asked about extension based on parent of Thai national. 

    No he didn't.


    "apply for visa based of being parent ?"


    Perhaps the Child is French, and he thinks he can still get a visa based on it.



    Doesn't one need to be the legal guardian of the Thai national child? As in the Thai parent has legally signed them over to the alien parent. 

    • Haha 1
  4. People can usually go and get the 60 day extension based on family anytime before their 90 days are up, and the 60 days re just added to the 90 days.


    This time, with so many people having gone past their their 90 day stamp by the time July 31st comes around, if they agree to give these 60 day extensions even though both the Visa and the POS stamp is out of date, I will go a week before July 31st.


    Though I suspect that as my visa will have finished in May, as well as my POS stamp, they won't give it. Only those that still have a visa that's in date will probably be granted it. 

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    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, cornishcarlos said:

    Go to immigration on 30th July and apply for a 60 day extension to visit your wife. That should make you good till end of September.

    Have the DOI confirmed that aliens with an expired Visa and Expired Permission Of Temporary Stay can get an extension based on family, and not need to wait until after July and go get their new visa?


    Please link to your source declaring this, TIA. 

    • Like 2
  6. Hello,


    I have a Non-O Multiple-Entry based on marriage to a Thai that expires on May 17th. I would have done a border run on May 16th and gotten my final 90 days, but I presume the borders will be closed. I am based in the North and usually go to Mae Sai crossing. The Visa expires on the 17th May and I last entered around the middle of February.


    Are all borders around the North expected to still be closed in 2 1/2 weeks time?


    Do I fit under the amnesty, and don't need to do anything until the 31st of July, after which I will have 7 days to leave the country, which would be to go and apply for another Non-O multiple entry in Laos or Vietnam in the first week of August?


    Or should I go to immigration and apply for a 60 day extension based on marriage for 1900 baht, which will only take me to the middle of July?



  7. On 12/24/2019 at 9:22 PM, FearAndLoathingInLOS said:

    try Kitcha, while not fully GA, the relaxing medicine will make you so relaxed you wont think about what the dentist is doing. And if you want they can also combine this withe NOS (gas). The medicine wont make you high, but just really relaxed, the gas may make you a little-bit high.



    So far this sounds like the best place.


    Medication to relax prior to the operation.


    And then laughing gas during it. 

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