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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. The MC pulled out and moved across to the overtaking lane at that point next to the hospital, when the OP pulled out from behind a pickup truck at 20kph over the speed limit and almost killed him. The rider looking behind would have seen a slower moving pickup obeying the speed limit in the middle lane, when suddenly the speeder appeared in the overtaking lane at excessive speed almost killing him.
  2. He moved into the outside lane at the hospital, not at the u-turn. With the distance between the hospital and the uturn sign and the OP speeding at 20kph over the speed limit, it would have been impossible to have seen him pull out of the hospital if the incident happened at the u-turn sign. You're wrong. Why you support an abusive traffic law breaker that breaks the law in such a dangerous manner is anyone's guess.
  3. Fail. Your graphics prove he was speeding (at around 20kph over the legal speed limit) Do you support speeders that pull out from behind a pickup and kill a person at 20kph over the speed limit, or only those that very nearly do?
  4. I'm pretty sure that they can, will and have. Along side people that died 120 years ago.
  5. So the OP was illegally speeding, 20Kph over the legal speed limit. He pulled out in the overtaking lane - any vehicle in front that looked behind wouldn't have seen him as he pulled out from behind a pickup truck at excessive illegal speed. Then he blames someone else!!! No wonder he hasn't the posted the video, if the police see it he could be done for speeding and dangerous driving - fortunately not dangerous driving causing death (this time). Get off the road before you kill someone.
  6. Sometimes they're even installed incorrectly and need to be redone, a process, if going by the roadworks near us, takes around 127 years.
  7. Did you buy your driving license, OP? Just what is your excuse?!?
  8. How utterly awful. 1st world problems in a 3rd world country eh.
  9. No, what brakes a car has or hasn't doesn't make any difference at all. ???? JHC
  10. Lock up your brakes?? Get ABS for the love of George. Your car doesn't belong on the road.
  11. What does the crab-dance have to do with anything? ????
  12. The pavements are a disgrace, some of the bumps could easily throw the riders off their scooters.
  13. 1m baht. Can this person get you taken care of for 500k? Yes, they can. A lesson learned.
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