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Everything posted by JeffersLos

  1. 2 of them were well fed. The others might be able to negotiate a reduction of charges.
  2. At 62 you'd think he'd grown out of such behavior. Once a Thai guy always a Thai guy. Going through life feeling so challenged. ????
  3. In other countries: Man crashes his power pole in his car with no pants on.
  4. I fear the taxi drivers, police, members of the service industry and most Thais in general refuse this kind invitation.
  5. I don't think I want to see a picture.
  6. And when the elderly neighbors pass, will the kids/grandkids be very respectful and quiet. Or will they move in there with their 4 kids, loud scooters, drug dance parties, or use it as a pig farm storage facility?
  7. I just checked on ddproperty and there 6 pages of listings for 2 br detached houses between 1.5-2 million THB. Is it better to buy a newly built one, or one that has been lived in? Ones that have been lived in haven't collapsed yet, and would have gone through their teething problems already. With new one they've never really been tested and everything that is under the ground or in the walls might need to be ripped out and redone. A friend of our had their house built and the plumber saved 1000THB by not using glue on the PVC joints and they've had 5 years of various leaks ever since. Are their surveyor companies out there that for say, 10,000 THB go over the whole house checking everything before you buy it? https://www.ddproperty.com/en/property-for-sale?sort=price&order=asc&region_code=TH50&freetext=Chiang+Mai&listing_type=sale&minprice=1500000&maxprice=2000000&property_type=B&property_type_code[]=BUNG&market=residential&beds[]=2&search=true
  8. He's a Great Briton that's seriously ill overseas. Great Britain should make sure to fly him back on their national carrier and treat him in their hospitals for free. Make Britain great again.
  9. Ang Thong has a non touristy promenade. https://www.google.com/maps/@14.5749178,100.450626,3a,86.8y,242.24h,86.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2qEHq_HJjlMTwJYWlYImZg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  10. The next time I order flowers I'll order two pansies and they might just deliver Richard and Lexilis.
  11. The OP really is an insight into how pathetic a certain demographic has become. Evolution has failed. Out hunting with the wild animals to crying about unavailable delivery options from some restaurants 2km away!!! Get up and get out there!! Oh, yeah, if Grab has issues delivering when raining but Food Panda doesn't, if it's raining, get Food Panda! Or is that just too much to compute or to adhere to?!?
  12. There's a thread on here from a guy in a village, he used his own money to clear the village green with a JCB and put down grass, and had a children's playground built. The first night of the new grass the locals got all their rubbish and piled it high in the middle, and used it as a tip. He got sick and they broke up the playground. Some of the women came to visit him, not to see if he was okay, but to ask him when he's going to pay to fix the playground. Maybe you read it, maybe you didn't. I believe it had to be deleted due to all the photo documentation and the defamation computer crime laws and it was a risk to his freedom and safety.
  13. Just as good for wiping your ar$e with than buying things.
  14. Married or not you can be the legal guardian of the land until the child is a legal adult, it doesn't have to be the Thai parent.
  15. At least they didn't mess up by printing them with one of the crop-top photos.
  16. The locals will probably show their appreciation by keying his car or throwing their rubbish bags into his garden.
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