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  1. Searching for more info on this... Are there any news?
  2. wow...the thread is still going! Unfortunately, it seems to be going backwards. 😆 New players, same old arguments.
  3. True. But the article only mentions one drug: alcohol.
  4. Right....leadership....we've really seen leadership with those muppets I mentioned. 😄 Thanks for the laugh. 🖖
  5. Not "drugs"....just alcohol in this case.
  6. If someone like Bush Jr, Trump and Biden can become president, then anyone can.
  7. And between weed and meth, do you think he lost his licence many times because of the weed?? 😂 Being 77 is no guarantee for rational and logical thinking, it seems.
  8. List the facts then, and not just those that fit your narrative. One fact (3 actually) for example is that, compared to alcohol, smoking weed is far less addictive, far less dangerous to your health (both mental and physical) and far less dangerous tonyourself and others when taken in substantial amounts. If you drink yourself into oblivion you can die of alcohol poisoning. You can smoke non stop for 24 hours and all you will feel is a bit stupid. Now, why is weed illegal in most of the world while alcohol is not? Where is the logic? Please explain.
  9. A criminal! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  10. I've been "in the field" for over 30 years. Is that prestigious enough? 😄
  11. I see the witch hunting is still going strong. Cannabis is nothing but an amplifier of the existing condition. If you are prone to psychosis, it will of course amplify that. Personal responsibility for one's own actions is key. If you're unstable and take mind altering substances, it's your own fault. Those same people could be drinking alcohol or popping pills and the results would be the same. The drugs change but the common denominator remains the same (mental instability)....but let's ignore all that and blame a plant that millions of balanced people use daily without problems.
  12. Yes, they dance and laugh uncontrollably...eat lots of sweets...hug trees, talk a lot. Oh the horror! 😂
  13. 2.1. Marijuana Violence On March 13, 2019, Anthony Comello admitted to, and subsequently was charged for, the killing of Frank Cali, a senior leader of the Gambino family in Staten Island, New York. Both men were allegedly having an altercation over Comello’s romantic interest on one of Cali’s relatives. Although Comello had no previous criminal encounters with law enforcement, reports suggest that he drew the attention of authorities by acting strangely in a federal courthouse when he offered to perform a citizen’s arrest on New York City’s Mayor, Bill De Blasio. Previously, Comello sought a U.S. Marshal to inquire how to perform a citizen’s arrest on the United States Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Comello admitted that, at the time of Cali’s killing, he was high on marijuana and shot Cali because he feared that the senior leader had a gun and would shoot him during their altercation [4,7]. A Mafia/romantic killing, blamed on weed. 😄 On February 10, 2019, a man killed his 13-year-old nephew with a knife in Rustavi, Georgia. The man had a history of marijuana use. For days leading up to the killing, he was complaining about having dizziness, headaches, general weakness, nausea, and insomnia. He would also occasionally suffer from anxiety, irritability, and loss of appetite. His wife stated that he consumed and was under the influence of marijuana, which made his symptoms worse. The day before the killing, he tried to go to a clinic. However, the clinic rejected treatment by telling him to go to a psychiatric hospital. However, under the influence of drugs, he simply went home hours before killing his nephew [8]. A person with a history of psychological problems, yet weed is blamed for his instability. 😄 On February 1, 2018, Nikolas Cruz killed 17 students and staff at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and injured 17 others. Cruz was diagnosed as developmentally delayed at age three and had numerous disciplinary issues dating to middle school. From a young age, he started consuming marijuana heavily. He accounts that he would frequently “hear demon voices” and would consume large amount of marijuana to try and silence those voices. He also attempted suicide. During an interview after his mass shooting, he stated that he used “a lot of marijuana” as well as prescription tranquilizer Xanax [9,10]. Same as above. I could go on, but I have better things to do with my time. Point is, it's undisputable that weed is a psychoactive substance, but is NOT THE CAUSE for the violence. An unstable person should refrain from taking ANY substance that could exacerbate his condition. From the article you linked: In the cases above mentioned, one of the recurring conditions that most likely led perpetrators to commit violence was paranoia. If the demonization of weed is legitimized by and based on such flimsy evidence of a few cases among MILLIONS of otherwise stable users, then it would be a no-brainer to completely outlaw the use of alcohol based on the overwhelming, concrete evidence of the destructive potential of it. (PS: I like to drink occasionally and do NOT advocate for an alc ban)
  14. You might have a point, but...
  15. I take it that you are sarcastic. Nice one. Unfortunately, that's how this witch-hunting madness started, and as you can see from the post I replied to, the effects of the brainwashing still persist today.
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