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Posts posted by Sunmaster

  1. 4 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Me and my family, we just A2D, and they probably think I'm lost, and me, thinking they're nuts ???? to be kind, since I love 'em.  

    What is A2D?


    OK, so you used your brain to see through and go beyond the religious dogma made of blatant contradictions and childlike allegories. Good for you. I've done the same when I was about 14 and became an atheist. 

    Until I wasn't. ????



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  2. 6 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Irrelevant what I think, as if you are happy in your belief, and adds an extra smile to your thoughts, believing, then probably a good thing.   As positivity, from my reading, is healthy.


    You really don't want my honest opinion, of what I think about people who believe in GOD.  Trust me, besides, it would be against the rules for me to voice that opinion.


    I simply accept, not everyone believes or thinks in the same manner.

    You wouldn't say anything new that hasn't been said here many times. 

    And I wouldn't be offended.


    Your reply makes me think that you had some unfortunate experiences with religion or religious people. Am I right?

    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    With me, GOD is a word/mythical entity to control people.  Nothing more, nothing less.   Belief in GOD, gives some folks false hope of whatever they are praying for, to become a reality.

    Some folks....and what about the rest?

    Do you think I wasted 25 years of my life in the false belief that I am/we are more than a body?

    And if you think that, what makes you think so?

  4. 29 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    But is there a GOD ... we'll just have to wait until we krap out for the sequel.

    I disagree on this point. 

    "God" is not something that is outside or to be experienced somewhere in the future. 

    If we can agree that the term God refers to the Ground of all Being, an all encompassing consciousness, then the logical deduction is that this consciousness is here and accessible at every point in time, everywhere.


    Why waste your life and wait for death to find out, when there are clear and proven ways to do so while alive?

  5. 1 hour ago, save the frogs said:

    even if you accept that, it doesn't necessarily mean all the information is "enlightened". we still have no clue what that "spirit" is exactly. 


    also, is every word being channeled? what if part of it is and part of it is made up? there is no way to know.

    then you also need to trust the person doing the channeling to have integrity.  



    You are quite right in being suspicious. One is always advised in being cautious, especially with these kind of things. There are plenty out there who will intentionally try to manipulate people. There are a few good documentaries about such sect leaders on Netflix and YouTube.

    Then there are those who are not even aware of harming others until it becomes blatantly obvious. Andrew Cohen, a spiritual teacher who abused his students, comes to my mind.


    I like to think that after 25 years of research, my BS detector is pretty fine tuned. That, coupled with my own intuition and experience, makes up for a pretty effective safeguard against such "unenlightened" sources.


    IMO, Seth is not one of them. And neither is Paramhansa Yogananda or Ramana Maharshi. These 3 sources I trust the most.

    But like I always say, there is nothing more effective than personal verification through practice.

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    20 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    then, that's fine. go with your gut.

    it sounds like mostly nonsense to me.

    these people on this thread are playing psychological games if you don't accept what they're preaching. 


    Imagine being so threatened by ideas that you start seeing witches everywhere.

    Some people here would have made great inquisition witch hunters...nudge nudge. ????


    But then, since everything happens at the same time, maybe, maybe they ARE, somewhere, right now...hunting a poor old woman with a black cat....

    Wooow ????????



  7. 11 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    as i mentioned in another thread, there's no time to fact-check everything.

    would take a lot of time and effort to read all the books.

    i'll cut my losses after that one silly quote.

    Right. Why go through the effort of reading a whole book, when you can just pick a short quote and "confirm" the opinion you already had? Makes perfect sense. ????

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  8. 36 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    who the heck are you? never heard of you before.


    ok guys. THIS quote is NOT out of context and DEFINITELY BS!

    no such thing as "simultaneous lives". total garbage!

    “It is not correct, therefore, to suppose that your actions in this life are caused by a previous existence, or that you are being punished in this life for crimes in a past one. The lives are simultaneous.”
     Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul


    If one quote is all you base your opinion on, without having read the book it's taken out of, then it's still out of context. 

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  9. 6 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    well, she's talking about ego.

    maybe that particular quote shouldn't be taken out of context.


    but just because people limit themselves, doesn't mean what SETH is teaching is what people should open their minds to.

    what's worse? narrow-mindedness or filling your head with nonsense?


    Right, both are to be avoided. 


    But you say it's all rubbish after reading a few quotes out of context. You did the same thing when judging this thread...

    Do you really believe you can make a fair assessment with so little information? 


    Plus, you don't explain why or which part you think is rubbish or nonsense. Should we just take your word for it? 


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  10. 4 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    You are truly a gentle soul, Sunmaster.  You could have addressed your post specifically to me, as it is obviously in response to how you perceive my approach and you wish to comment on my approach by contrasting it with yours.  Of course as long as you don't name me then there can be no confrontation.  No worries if you directly name me or even call me out.  I enjoy criticism.  As long as it's constructive and not given for the sole purpose of denigrating.  I agree with what you say but I also disagree.  But you'll have to wait on my peculiar perspective until tomorrow.

    I'm not afraid of direct confrontation. It has its time and place in a conversation. 

    I just don't find it conducive as a long term strategy or method. 


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  11. Many years ago, shortly after that shift in perception, I was filled with a new hope and idealism that I could just tell my friends and the world what I had experienced and that would be enough to change their ways. I didn't work.


    I also believed that a bushman could jump from his pre-modern development straight to a post-modern stage, given the right information, set and setting. I soon realised that it doesn't work that way.


    People and societies have their own momentum when it comes to development. It's not possible to present them with knowledge they're not ready for, and expect them to take it in and change accordingly. All the logic in the world will not change that. 


    This became even clearer for me during my 5-6 years of teaching English here. 

    It was me who had to change, meet my students at their own level and gently show them the way by feeding them small bits at a time, in a manner they could understand. Through repetition they would then internalise the teachings, gain in confidence and learn to use what they had learned in real life. 


    This is what I try to do here as well. I'm not interested in confrontation, because that hinders real communication. True communication is only possible when you can accept the other party as it is. Its not up to me to change them and make the world a better place. 

    My only responsibility is towards the Self and to materialise it as best as I can in the material world, be it through my drawings, my writings or simply the way I interact with the world.

    Some people may find the questions I pose interesting and of value. Others won't. This is beyond my control and I have no problem with that.


    Take from this what you will. ????


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  12. 1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

    Well, do you agree with the analogy?  Do you think it fitting?

    Mornings are my best time.  Now I'm far from being a Jane Roberts but I cannot ignore the fact, nor do I even attempt to deny the experience, that in my mornings I am often literally assailed by information of which I know is coming from me but feels as though it was not.  I'll sit in quiet whilst drinking my coffee (I'm usually up hours before the rest of the family awakens), not yet focused on the day's reality, and information comes so quickly that I have a difficult time keeping up with it.  It just flows.

    Part of my problem posting here is that the information I receive in the mornings is oftentimes perfectly that which I'd like to post but it is extremely difficult to recall once I attempt to "slow it down" enough for me to type all of the information out.  You have no idea how many posts I've started only to scrap them because I'm not satisfied with them because I've already forgotten much and as much of the flow as I can recall just doesn't come out the way I think it should.

    My above magician analogy was produced in the way I describe.  But this analogy struck me to be such a wonderful analogy that I kept going over it in my mind again and again so that it was committed to memory.

    The short of it is that we perform our magic via our thoughts.  Our thoughts literally produce not only our experience but all of the lovely paraphernalia as well.  And we are generally completely and thoroughly unaware that we create using thought.  The title of the essay Jane Roberts produced in 1963 says it clear as a bell in one simple sentence.  "The Physical Universe As Idea Construction."  Now others may think what they will of that statement.  They may take it as metaphorical or they can take it as pure nonsense.  I take it as literal.  Purely literal.  Zero distortion.

    We are forgetful magicians, I say.  For who here believes in the concept that their thoughts create their experience, let alone their entire reality.  No one.  I do grant that you understand it, Sunmaster.  Everyone is looking for answers outside of themselves when the reality is that it's all coming from the inside of us.  And so we live, for the most part, in an illusion is which thoughts have no bearing on anything and furthermore it is not we who create our lives (okay, maybe to an extent - grudgingly admitted to) but something else . . . genes, heredity, the hand of God, chance, happenstance, luck, our environments, our past, Karma, the chemicals flowing through our brains, human nature (whatever that is) . . .  anything but US.

    And just like the audience member who perceives the sleight of hand and sees the mechanics behind the "magic" anyone can become that audience member and see and understand the mechanics behind the magic trick which is our life.  The analogy doesn't fit in one sense.  The audience of a magic show are in full awareness that there is no real magic being performed.  They are all fully aware it is they who cannot follow along and they understand just as well that their attention is being deliberately and intentionally and artfully diverted to the magic happening rather than the process by which the illusion is conducted.  And when that member of the audience who perceives the devices, the sleight of hand, and stands up and proclaims he knows the magic then the audience applauds and beseeches that member to divulge the workings of the trick so that they know, too.

    The analogy fails in that in r-e-a-l life the audience does not applaud that member who perceives the mechanics behind the trick.  Rather they attack him.  Viciously at times.  And they disparage his explanations as nonsense.  And worse.  I, for instance, am a deceptive cult leader who attempts to lead people away fro the r-e-a-l 'truth."  :laugh:


    Anyway, the short answer I've given you is not one which you are unfamiliar with, Sunmaster.  But as I've said before, the devil is always in the details.  And there are a lot of details.  It's funny.  I find that folks often expect short answers to explain the mechanics of life.  Despite have a deep realisation of how complex we are and how complex the world is.  But still, if you can't provide one paragraph explanations then they've neither the time nor patience to hear any more.

    Hopefully folks understand that the above is not a judgement.  It is, rather, just an accurate observation of what is and nothing more.


    Yes, I agree with most of what you say. But being a practical person, I wanted to know how you make that shift. 
    I want to know what you do in practical terms. 
    It's of no use to tell people "This is how it is, how it works" and expect them to take your word for it. 
    So, what do you think people should do to validate what you're saying? 

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  13. 42 minutes ago, save the frogs said:


    you made a comment about "information that has been passed down thousands of years".

    well, you would have to assume that the information was kept in tact for those thousands of years.

    never corrupted or modified or tainted in any way.

    passing through thousands of hands throughout those thousands of years.


    your comment reminded me of a quote attributed to buddha.

    "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

    You're quite right.
    The difference between that info (I'm thinking Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and similar) and the bible for example, is the level of practical engagement.
    The Yoga Sutras (a collection of Sanskrit teachings on the theory and practice of yoga) encourage people to practice and experience/validate the information by themselves. By doing that, the knowledge presented in the teachings is always kept alive throughout time and validated on a personal level, again and again.
    What the Christian religion does through the use of the bible (I'm generalizing of course) on the other hand, is "this is the truth, you better believe it, or else". There is very little focus on practical application. And for that reason, such teachings are easy pray of distortions and corruption.


    In a nutshell:

    If 100 people learn the info through direct experience and they can all validate it to some degree, it is extremely unlikely that person 101 can willy-nilly put his own spin on that info.
    If 100 people learn the info on an intellectual level alone (belief), than you will have 100 different interpretations of that info and none of them will know for sure, because they don't have any direct experience of it.

    42 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

    Amen to that.

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  14. 37 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    I have a question for the more religious and spiritually members here. 


    How do you find this forum, with all the different members spewing in my eyes toxic posts day by day, never ending story. Why are we here continue the same story over and over, again and again, often days and weeks. 


    Well this tread pauses naturally after awhile when we all had our say.


    How do you cope with negativity in daily life? 

    Good question, but it should be open to everybody, not just the religious/spiritual ones.

    This thread is the only thread I actively follow and the only forum I visit. 
    I stopped following the news many years ago, and I think it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The daily bombardment of negative news is very bad for our mental state, in my opinion. It does absolutely nothing to improve our lives.

    I think it's very important to be conscious or aware of the information my mind receives and I try to practice something like an ecology of the mind...or "a clean house" if you will. Stop negative drama from entering and at the same time keeping the house clean and in order by practicing meditation. 
    Meditation, for me, doesn't just help me to clean the house, but it also helps me to discover new rooms and floors I didn't know existed before.

    I consider myself a pretty good listener and that often attracts people who need to unload their drama on others. It's not easy to be compassionate on one hand and safeguard my own sanity on the other. 

    That's basically how I cope with negativity in daily life.

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  15. 1 minute ago, save the frogs said:

    please don't give me homework.

    i watched 2 minutes of it and my initial impression is that he's completely fabricating everything.

    not that past lives or atlantis doesn't necessarily exist.

    but this guy looks like he's inventing stuff to make himself famous. 

    i could be wrong, but i don't have time to watch.

    Fair enough. Strange though, I got the completely opposite vibe from him.

    Disclaimer: I don't know much about him (so, not promoting his ideas per se), but I watched that video and felt he was being sincere.

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