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Posts posted by Sunmaster

  1. 1 minute ago, save the frogs said:

    true, the movie doesnt reference any absolute God.

    but Engineers who created mankind.

    and those Engineers were themselves created by sth else. 

    Sure, but evil engineers are not an indication to an evil God, just like evil people, cancer in children, or natural disasters are not an indication to an evil God.

  2. 38 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    FYI ... in case anyone is interested.

    I just watched the movie Prometheus. 

    And this is what I got from the movie.


    They basically try to find "God" by going to another planet to seek out an alien race they believe created mankind.

    But they all end up dead. They got punished for seeking to know who God is and why God created us


    So the moral of the story seems to be that they got punished because they are asking questions that we are not supposed to have answers to.


    Been quite a while since I watched it, but as far as I remember they were trying to find humanity's creators who added their DNA to our planet, not God. They expected those creators to be a benevolent father figure, but that was a deadly mistake.

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  3. 42 minutes ago, mania said:

    That is because dogmatic religions cornerstone  is "Faith"

    Faith  as taught to them thru stories sadly so often misinterpreted texts written by men.


    For them to say "I could be wrong" would crumble their faith/house as it is all they have


    On the other hand though, you have maybe 90% of materialists who have no idea about the actual science behind their beliefs and blindly follow whatever the men in white coats tell them.

    The vast majority then goes on to change the "we think it's like that but we are not sure" to "it's like that. Full stop." And when challenged, they have the same reactions as those who believe in religious dogma. They lash out and become aggressive, and there is no chance of a rational discussion. 

    This is because people need certainties in life, something they can hold on to and build their lives upon. It doesn't matter whether those "certainties" are religious or scientific. Just look at how many people believe that the brain produces consciousness or that a mysterious explosion started the universe. They treat them as facts, when in reality they are just theories. 


    It's good to be objective and see both sides. Dogma is bad in both camps.

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  4. 30 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

    Hi @Sunmaster,

    It looks like your post shows that synchronicity is at work here...

    Or were you inspired by reading John Carter's long essay on consciousness, which he published on his Substack on May 11th?  Considering the time difference between US and Thailand, you posted at approx same time (or just a bit later).


    The Permittivity of Free Thought

    Three ways of thinking about the brain’s relationship to consciousness, and what this implies for AI

    His long essay consists of 5 parts.  First he writes about the brain and its function, then he explores 3 models of explaining consciousness: emission, transmission and permission (based on the work of Iain McGilchrist) and finally he discusses the implications of the above for AI. 

    Although I think that his essay contains a fair amount of verbal ballast and that his message would have been more powerful if he had practiced 'the Art of Synthesis' and limited his essay to the essential, there are many worthwhile diamonds of thought in what he wrote.  So I do recommend it to the other person interested in the subject (besides myself), that gave your post a Liking.


    I'm not familiar with this author and I don't know what substack is. 
    I'm always interested in all aspects of consciousness, especially now with AI making big steps forward. Recently I found Lex Fridman podcasts on YT, which are very fascinating. I recommend checking him out.

    What do you think about consciousness and AI? Do you think a machine can become sentient?


  5. 6 hours ago, swissie said:

     In India alone there are over 30'000 Gods (yes thirtythousand).

    Humanity always had trouble understanding the concept of being born, only to die a short time later.
    The "Gods" came in handy, as practically all religions offer "a life after death". The spiritual "best seller" of all time.
    The only firm anchor in their life. They NEED this anchor. For most, the thaught of lifes only meaning is "reproduction" is unbearable for them.

    - Imagine a TV evangelist, preaching "we must worship God, but there is no after live". He would lose his followers overnight.

    I remain: Eternal life is the spiritual "best seller" of all time.


    Who is "they"?
    Your logic doesn't work really. Not in my case, nor in many other cases. 
    Sure, the idea of an afterlife (or eternal consciousness) brings solace to a lot of people, religious and not, but it's not the cause of the belief in God....it's a byproduct of that belief. Two very different premises.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Two of the biggest movies ever with true meaning and explanation of human nature and life,  is Life of Brian and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 

    Interstellar and Contact for me.
    And series: Battlestar Galatica and Star Trek Voyager. 
    Never get tired of rewatching them. ????

  7. A sub-topic worth exploring...

    I was thinking about the increasing complexity of biological systems and how these systems are related to consciousness.
    My primary assumption is that panpsychism is correct in saying that everything in the universe is conscious to some degree. Starting from the tiniest sub-atomic particles to the vastness of galaxies and beyond. This, coupled with the fact that conscious individual agents bond together in more complex systems, giving rise to a consciousness that is more than just the sum of its parts, brings us to a very interesting deductions.

    In simple terms, take cells for example. Cells have their own individuality. They interact with their surroundings, they reproduce, they have their own goals and purpose. When they bond together to form an organ, they all work together to fill a higher purpose. The organ itself acquires new faculties and tools to interact with their surroundings. This new entity thus seems to be more than just a mere accumulation of cells. 

    If we go one step further, we arrive at the human being, who is a collection of organs and parts. Yet, most will agree that we are more than that. There is a consciousness that oversees the function of all the different parts. Again, there is a new identity, there are new tools to interact with the world and new purposes.

    But what if we take this a step further? What if we are all part of a bigger "organism", resulting in a higher order of complexity and consciousness? 
    If this drive to unite individual agents into more and more complex systems can be seen throughout nature, does it make sense to you that it would stop at the human being, as if we were the glorious culmination of a very long evolutionary process?
    Or would it make more sense to identify the human being as just another step of this process? 

    In short....
    Lower systems are transcended and included in higher systems, resulting in a consciousness that is more than the sum of its parts.

    What about consciousness?

    However you may define consciousness, I think we can agree that human beings are conscious. 
    Who or what else is conscious in your opinion? Lots of people believe that mammals with big brains are also conscious (dolphins, primates), but also dogs, pigs, horses etc. 
    Then it gets more difficult. Can we attribute consciousness to "lower" life forms, such as birds, bugs or worms? Why or why not? 
    What about plants? Are they conscious?
    How far down the scale are you willing to attribute consciousness? 
    What about cells? Atoms? Subatomic particles?

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  8. 6 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    Yes. I think that the Bible IS taught in very simple terms to young people, starting obviously with Christmas (presents) & Easter (chocolate), and then progressing to the Immaculate Conception, the Circumcision of Jesus, and then the Resurrection. Eventually the Creation and the entire history of the Israelite nation will poke it's nose in there.

    By the way, what is MATH an abbreviation of please?



  9. 2 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    How would one know what is appropriate to their mental facilities until they have actually read it?

    I personally much prefer the story of King Arthur to that of the Bible, and their accompanying musicals Spamalot & J C Superstar. 555

    I'm not sure.
    I'm thinking about math as an example. While all of the math theorems are available to all at all times, it is quite obvious that a school kid is likely not to understand more complex theories. They have to be taught the basics first and as they progress, more and more complicated systems are introduced to them. 
    Maybe the Bible should be taught in a similar way. In simple terms for young minds and more in depth for adult minds?
    The more important point though is the mental maturity of those that teach it. Without that, all other efforts will be for nothing.

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  10. 1 hour ago, VincentRJ said:

    The issue to contemplate and address is 'what laws, opinions, views, and interpretations actually work, and/or are beneficial to our survival and well-being'?


    When individuals and/or communities suffer, starve, get killed, and so on, it's usually because of wrong views. Exceptions would be certain natural disasters which are beyond anyone's capability to accurately predict.

    Maybe we differ on the nuances of "what works", but I completely agree. 

    A society that is focused only on the material aspect of reality and refuses any deeper understanding of our place in the universe, is a society that doesn't work. Nor is a society that blindly follows a dogmatic religion without direct personal experience.

    Which reconnects me to a previous post, where I tried to identify a universal belief system for the 21st century that would make sense (and would work) for all individuals. A truly inclusive framework that recognizes the accomplishments of science and spirituality alike and one that isn't a closed system, but rather an open-ended system that allows for change and growth.

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  11. 19 minutes ago, VincentRJ said:

    In other words, God is a creation of the human imagination. ????

    Yes and no.

    "God" as a concept is a mere approximation of the ultimate consciousness, that which can not be put into words nor concepts. In that sense it is a creation of our imagination. 

    But that's just our way to reduce the unreduceable in terms that are easier to grasp. It says nothing about the actual ultimate consciousness, which is not a product of our imagination, but is the source of all, including our consciousness and imagination. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    I don't know.

    Haven't put much thought into it.

    Do not kill, do not lie, do not steal is a good place to start.

    Maybe modernize it for robots - Do not harm androids.

    Basic values that should apply to religious folks and atheists alike. 

    That's a good start.


    So, integrity, honesty, kindness, respect, compassion, but also a sense of justice, altruism, humility and forgiveness. And above all that, love.


    What would the world look like if we could make these values the foundations of our society, free from religious dogma, cultural straight jackets and political ideologies. 

    And more importantly, what can we personally do to make such a world possible? 

  13. 2 hours ago, save the frogs said:

    This guy is a pastor ... and admits that the Bible can be bad for you.



    As a pastor I’ve seen people do real harm to themselves and others with the Bible. This is why I have on occasion counseled a troubled soul to either restrict their Bible reading to the Gospels or even stop reading the Bible all-together for a season. There have also been times when I have instructed people to stay away from the Book of Revelation until they were in a healthier mental state and had received some instruction on how to properly interpret it. (An ignorant and irresponsible reading of Revelation can really mess people up!) 

    The Bible is a repository of knowledge at its basic function. Interpretations vary and depend on the personal development of the reader in my opinion. 

    The pastor simply warns that people without sufficient development and faculty of understanding more complex knowledge can misinterpret it and should limit themselves to read those parts of the Bible that are appropriate to their mental faculties. 


    A practical example, a person who interprets it literally will extract a very superficial, shallow knowledge. This person will believe all sorts of things that are meant to be allegories and metaphors. 


    On the other hand, a person who is able to grasp deeper truths and see wider connections will interpret it very differently and I think more in line with the core truths in the Bible. 


    I think it's fair to criticise the Bible as a source of spiritual information. There are much clearer and more precise sources out there that don't cover the truths in heavy coats of stories and are much better suited to the modern man. So, while there is and there should be a place for the Bible and religion in modern society, the main focus should be on the core teachings that unite all religions. Universal values that unite all people, religious and atheist alike, should be taught at schools and observed by all. 


    What would such universal values be in your opinion? 

  14. 21 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Can you be more specific about what rule(s) are nonsense and why?

    Mate, I stopped reading after the first "rule". One man's prayer may not get rid of all the diseases in the world, but it has been proven to affect the wellbeing of the individual who prays. To deduct that "God" doesn't exist based on the assumption that we should be able to eradicate cancer worldwide with a simple prayer is the nonsense I'm talking about. 
    Not worth my time going through all those "rules".

    Maybe read up on the positive effects of prayer and contemplation. There are many scientific studies explaining how they affect both physical and mental wellbeing. Whether or not that implies a creator God, is for the individual to decide.

    Asking a materialist to prove God is like asking a bricklayer to perform brain surgery. 

    If you put your trust and faith in that....well, good luck.

    I think it would be far more interesting to read about your own personal opinion, rather than these useless links.
    Up for it?


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