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Everything posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. Funny. You shoot a picture of the owner first, then print it out in the right size, then cut ist carefully - and then you realize, it's a newer Pixel-model and all your work was for nothing :-). Btw: there are different ways to unlock an iPhone. You find the hacks in the net.
  2. Maybe. But following the discussions in insurance topics it seems to me the main point for many is to buy an insurance as cheap as possible. The more important is to read the fine prints of such companies very carefully. I know different people who got very expensive treatments in Thailand or even were taken back to Germany with crazy expensive emergency flights - all fully payed by their insurances.
  3. And the difference to an android phone with face recognition is what exactly?
  4. They prefer to set up a tearful go-fund-me page in case.
  5. I survived many Songkrans in Thailand. The first two or three years I took part in the water wars. Since then I try to avoid it and it's possible even in Pattaya. Your right, for Thais/expats on their way to work it ain't fun to get wet. But outside sin city it's ionly three days of chaos. And the ones who are the toughest water fighters and do not respect any existing rules are often foreign tourists coming to Thailand for that reason and for what they call fun
  6. Songkran and the water wars events are well known worldwide. If you're a tourist and don't like it, don't go to Thailand at this short time.
  7. This tradition is not more "stupid" than Ramadan or Xmass. The water fights have nothing to do with Songkran. I hope, they lock this a.hole in for a while, then deport him to where he belongs and put him on a red list.
  8. So be it. To each his own ????
  9. Agree. Other mothers have nice daughters too ????
  10. Acting like you did is what I would call decency. A few returned bags or wallets more and you should be entitled to become an honest Thai taxi driver in your next life ????
  11. So the thief stole from a potential thief. He got the right one.
  12. Great bike! I still have my stone old Honda CB1300 Superfour from 1998 and I love it ????
  13. For me it's not a question of top speed to prefere big bikes. If someone wants to ride down a german autobahn at +200 km/h and has fun - good for him. My roads back in Europe are much slower. Alps, Massif Central, Pyrenees etc. Small, curvy, tricky. Speed most of the time between 80 and 120 km/h. And yes, an experienced rider on his light 400cc bike will not lose one meter to me on my Z900 or my KTM 1290 Super Duke. What makes me happy on the ride is the pure power from lowest r.p.m on, the acceleration, elasticity, torque. To hold the motor permanently over 12000 r.p.m to feel the power is no fun for me. I'm too old for the screaming noise and I dont't want the marmots on my way all die from a shock :-). But I never would laugh about the rider of a smaller bike. Why should I? We all are bikers, we want fun, we want freedom. To each his own to get there.
  14. LoL. The death count due to the NPP-catastrophy in Fukushima was exactly ONE (in 2018 through cancer). The other 22000 people were victims of the tsunami. But I guess, without the NPP the tsunami would not have happened....
  15. 1. Uhh, what a nightmare.... ???? 1. Me.
  16. The Ninja ZX-4R looks quite nice for such a small bike, but I'm not sure that 4 cylinders make much sense together with a 400cc-motor. 100cc per cylinder mjust sound like a sewing machine. The torque with such shot glasses must be subterranean ????
  17. Poland has no NPPs at the moment. Until now, they planed to build 6 NPPs until 2040. Things have changed. The new plan is to install up to 20 NPPs (BWRX-300). US Export-Import Bank and U.S. International Development Finance Corporation are supporting this with 3.6 Billion USD. The first BWRX-300 is projected to be completed in 2029. I guess, Poland will have a huge market in Germany :-). Germany already has the highest electricity prices and the gap to other countries will widen. Yesterday, E.ON, one of the big players on the german energy-market has announced to increase the electricity price in the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen by 45 % from first of June on. No problem at all, if more and more energy hungry industries leave the country for better shores - says Patrick Graichen, the dark "brain" behind children's book author and economy minister Robert Habeck: "In essence, it’ll probably mean, easy to copy energy intensive industry might go to places where you have those one to two cents". The south-western state of Baden-Württemberg, one of the industrial heartlands of the country, has given 4 red warnings over the last few months, saying the electricity situation is highly dangerous and people please should not use energy hungry items like washing machines etc. and should not charge their laptops between 1 und 5 pm, if possible. Happy times to come ????
  18. So true! And British are generally drunk, Jews have big noses, black people smell and Thais are lazy...hrhrhr
  19. Crime rates are increasing nearly everywhere, so in Thailand. But I feel much safer here than in some parts of bigger cities, train stations and subways in Europe.
  20. Quite comfortable, yes. Open VC with the password, open the password file, copy the wanted PW and insert it to your website-login. 4 clicks.
  21. I don't know sumatrapdf and never had a problem with .pdf. The risk should be quite low, but: "A PDF is not an executable file, so it cannot infect your machine while sitting idle on your hard drive — the malware in a PDF needs to be interpreted and executed through PDF reader software. " https://clario.co/blog/can-pdf-contain-virus/
  22. Correct. No "shared folders" between host and VM. btw: .pdf-files are a risk aswell.
  23. To be save, run your mail program (I use Thunderbird) in a virtual machine. If something goes wrong, you delete it and copy it back from your backup storage. Takes less than 3 minutes.
  24. I use an encrypted veracrypt file stored on a USB stick. It contains a file with all passwords and "sensible" business- and private data as well. Very safe and comfortable.
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