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Everything posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. Ah? Why in Pattaya? Because there are so many poor foreigners that cannot afford to live in a hut between the ricefields outside nakhon nowhere and have their daily bottle of Leo beer and a Mama soup?
  2. You seem to believe foreigners want to live in Thailand because it's (still) cheaper than their home countries. Believe me, there are oter reasons for some ????
  3. I'm sure they know what's going on. But if you still have family in Russia you should be very careful, I think.
  4. It's quite easy to be a brave protester behind the keyboard, isn't it?
  5. If in Bangkok there are different Shoei dealers: https://www.shoei-asia.com/dealers/
  6. Good idea if you're looking for further trouble. The officer offered to send the fine so it was clearly not a try to get some pocket money. The OP could drive on unfined because the officer could not provide evidence or maybe he recognized to be wrong. An apology would have been a face loss for him. One should not expect that.
  7. Edit: Sorry, I did not read exactly and thought it's just a matter of saving existing files.
  8. Today, yes. But the Royal Navy acts foresightedly. Climate change leeds to rising sea levels, you know.
  9. According to (German) Wikipediea it's 45 m average and 85m maximum. But ok, Wiki often is not the best source to look :-). With an average 58m the royal submariners are out of trouble ????
  10. Sorry, 50k not on one set :-). On my crossover bikes the ST2 came to it's end after maximal 6k km. More often between 4.5 and 5k.
  11. I do know that one needs a work permit to work in Thailand. Quite easy to comprehend. But it seems you have difficulties to understand that it is your interpretation of the law and nothing else if you claim all proessional activities are defined as "work", even if it has nothing to do with Thai labour market, Thai tax system, Thai laws and the only possible connection to Thailand is to use a domestic ISP. It would be more than your opinion, if you had ONE example of a foreigner was charged for illegal work because he took part in anonline meeting or wrote a software script for his company at home while relaxing besides his pool. And by the way "retired but working more"? Do you have a work permit? or is your work no work?
  12. Very good choice. I drove more than 50000km with ST2. Excellent on dry and rainy roads. Good enough for gravel but not a real offroad tyre.
  13. In short: you can't provide a link that confirms your interpretation about what the law states as "work" and what not. Thank you.
  14. So if China's buying 90 percent of Australia's lithium, where may the LI-ion batteries mainly come from?
  15. Is this your interpretation of the law or is it to read somewhere in official papers?
  16. And where do you think most Li-ion batteries for cars and scooters come from?
  17. Many banks in- and outside Thailand limit the access to accounts to only one phone or one phone number. Has nothing to do with joint accounts.
  18. Because this happens very rarely. I had hundreds of flights over the years and no plane ever crashed. Does that proof there are no airplane accidents?
  19. Are you sure? It would mean your acting illegaly if you're hollidaying on a TV in Thailand and holding team meetings via skype, maintain company-pcs via teamviewer or manage your investments online.
  20. 6. We're aware of the fact, that the Gulf of Siam has an average depth of 45 meters
  21. If one does not want to spend the rest of his days for free in Germany - what I really understand - there's another way to save money: Become a climate worrior! Stop flying, stop driving, stop your aircon, stop to make children, in the end stop eating and breathing and save the planet.
  22. Option 1: Go to a visa free country near by, then throw away your passport and cross the border Wherever you want. If you're stopped, say the magic word "Asyl". Option 2: Go from Turkey to Greece. As soon as you're inside the EU, take a train or bus to Germany, say "Asyl". Option 3: Take with a few others a boat in Libya or Tunesia, and a few miles from the coast wait for a rescue ship from mission lifeline (or call them by phone). They give you a free ride to Italy. Then take the train to Germanistan. If you're lucky, the Italians will give you the ticket for free just to get rid of you. For further information please ask one of the millions of ...aehm...refugees who made the trip since 2015.
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