Just another day in Thailand- a young lady manages to get 1mil baht in debt, gets tempted by an easy "job offer" (most likely some form of prostitution) that would solve all her problems (until she creates new ones), then whines about her dire situation (that she created to begin with) to media. Funny how normal Thai women who hold normal jobs and don't drink and gamble manage to make ends meet, but not this delicate snowflake.
It always astounds me how terrible with money some of the women here are- I know a woman who was living on next to nothing (a few thousand baht a month), but when she got a foreign boyfriend (sponsor) she started spending more and more (gambling, drinking and buying drinks for ALL her friends, buying gold, unnecessary shopping, etc etc) to the point the guy was spending over 100k baht a month on her and he had enough. Now she's back to living on next to nothing and all she's managed to "save" was the gold (which is probably already gone too as it's the first thing they pawn when they get dumped).