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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. Actually neither are legal to smoke in public. Unfortunately that doesn't stop anyone. I wish they enforced this law better because hookahs have become a huge nuisance and health hazard in most nightclubs - you simply cannot escape the smoke. I'm in favor of businesses running as they please and patrons voting with their legs/wallet - but in this particular case non-smokers have no other option if all venues are full of hookahs.
  2. Another day, another ****. Kinda like that celebrity lawyer that got the Bay Hill parties closed (for a week) - really accomplished nothing except being a party pooper. I doubt this guy will ever work in Phuket again - who would hire him after this? As far as the complaint itself - it's not very valid - in most venues "simple" jobs like waitresses and receptions are almost exclusively filled by Thais, I can't think of a venue where it's not. It's the more skilled jobs like DJs and managers in foreigner oriented clubs that are being filled by foreigners and that's simply business - a foreign manager understands the needs of tourists better and able to communicate with them better than a Thai would in most cases. DJs there are both foreigners and Thais - there aren't many DJs so variety is good. I doubt any Thai DJ is sitting there whining about foreigners taking their job, lol. I do agree venues should be more proactive in securing valid work visas for their managers - there's definitely room for improvement there - it's not that the foreigners don't want to secure legal status - it's that venues are very slow at actually getting the proper visa. (I have many friends in the industry and most of them waited a very long time before finally getting one)
  3. You're in Thailand- women can be men too.????
  4. So basically you pulled a hooker (holiday girlfriend) out of a bar and took her on a trip, then when she asks for money you're shocked? She came back because she still thinks there is potential to squeeze some money or value out of you. Just don't be too surprised when she disappears for a few hours here and there - if you're not paying then she'll find someone who will. And yes- she is a hooker. A normal girl would never ask you for money. If she asked for it then it 100% means she's used to getting it.
  5. How about starting with actually enforcing current laws? Smoking weed in public is already illegal - but you can't go two meters in any nightlife venue without getting some stink in your face. And while they're at it they should enforce the shisha law too - it's a huge nuisance and makes any venue that allows it like being inside a chimney. It's illegal but they're openly selling it.
  6. This clown again? Covid is no longer available so he's moving on to the next "crisis"? Monkeypox is very easy to control - don't have gay sex - problem solved. (and for those who are gay or into chicks with ***** - limit your sexual partners and make sure they are clean - which is kind of good advice regardless...)
  7. Whatever happened with that guy? Did he walk or get some sort of sentence? Anyone know?
  8. Very likely an inside job then- if they just got back from France how would the robbers know they were there and had money and watches with them? What likely happened is they carelessly left money and watches out in the open while the "friend" was there, and they told someone. But regardless- that house does not seem expensive - especially in the middle of nowhere - I doubt anyone who's actually wealthy would stay in the middle of nowhere in a house like that, with no security and no cameras. But then again according to Thai media we're all "rich" so I guess it fits in their world. Anyway- makes me happy I choose to live in a condo, with security guards and access keys and cameras. And even then I don't leave valuables visible for others to see.
  9. Just another day in Thailand- a young lady manages to get 1mil baht in debt, gets tempted by an easy "job offer" (most likely some form of prostitution) that would solve all her problems (until she creates new ones), then whines about her dire situation (that she created to begin with) to media. Funny how normal Thai women who hold normal jobs and don't drink and gamble manage to make ends meet, but not this delicate snowflake. It always astounds me how terrible with money some of the women here are- I know a woman who was living on next to nothing (a few thousand baht a month), but when she got a foreign boyfriend (sponsor) she started spending more and more (gambling, drinking and buying drinks for ALL her friends, buying gold, unnecessary shopping, etc etc) to the point the guy was spending over 100k baht a month on her and he had enough. Now she's back to living on next to nothing and all she's managed to "save" was the gold (which is probably already gone too as it's the first thing they pawn when they get dumped).
  10. It's quite amazing how they don't understand this. I remember pre-Covid on our vacations in Pattaya, me and my friends made it a point to visit the 100 baht drinks bars and the ones who had 2-for-1 specials every night, while mostly avoiding the bars that were double priced (or more). It's not that 100 baht extra will kill us, but if we drink 10+ drinks each the difference adds up fast. Also it helped that the cheaper bars were always full and lively while the expensive ones were struggling to get customers in...
  11. Was the price not clearly displayed on the menu, or did you not bother to look? 55 baht is a little high and personally I might think twice before ordering if I saw that price and maybe opt for a water instead, but I wouldn't go as far as calling it greedy. You can always vote with your wallet and just not buy.
  12. Are they sure it's monkey pox and not an STD????? Joking aside, my friend recently nearly died from Syphilis complications, which he acquired in Phuket. There's some scary **** out there.
  13. What's this about?? If the TM6 is suspended how exactly are they going to make sure? stop tourists on the street and demand papers? That always makes me feel welcome...
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