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Posts posted by Sametboy2019

  1. 1 hour ago, Tropposurfer said:

    I am curious Sametboy what your symptoms of having the virus. Were you vaccinated, and if so with what brand of vaccine?

    I imagine folks on the forum would find further information supportive.

    I know a few folks who've had it, both here on the island (both Thai and falangs) and overseas and then come here and come-down with it.

    All were either vaccinated here or overseas with a range of vaccines Moderna, Pfizer etc plus boosters and their experiences were somewhat similar, headaches, back of neck-spine sore, sore joints, some had coughs, sore throats, slight fevers, feeling generally off, some congestion in lungs, sneezing loss of appetite, fatigue etc. None of them ended up in hospital and all seem to have recovered without long-term effects. One of the bug.ers played a sick round of golf with me the other day so he's defintiley not suffering long lasting effects lol ????

    Two vaccines of Sinovac. Nothing serious! Felt bad for a day or two. Chills, had a small fever one morning. Aching body, tired. Worst part was the headache. Day 7 now. Slight cough has came on the last 48 hours. 


    Wife had 2 Sinopharm and Pzizer booster. Bad fever for two nights, headache sore throat and awful cough that hasnt gone away.


    I always believed i had it in February 2020 but didnt have tests then. Now i believe that to be correct. The headache was the same. Although i was far sicker in 20 and the cough was much worse. Didnt recover from the cough for weeks after!

  2. 56 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

    Any investment that requires a  U Tube  video to explain, that goes in 'a bit deep', clearly needs  to be avoided and as for planning investments by way of Tik Tok; words fail me. No wonder people keep getting ripped off. 

    He doesn't give financial advice. Actually is a Blockchain software developer who uses a technology(Tik Took, YouTube) to reach a big audience to explain about different crypto do and in what context their utility could be used in the future.


  3. For anyone who wants to learn a bit about crypto there is a guy with a channel called coinclubcrypto on Ticktok and also youtube.

    Short and to the point and he breaks it down pretty simple. Sometimes he does go a bit deep when he gets on a rant. Probably better to watch on TikTok as some of the video quality and sound is bad on some youtube videos

  4. On 7/2/2022 at 10:45 AM, Henryford said:

    It seems almost every week there is any crypto scam revealed, Luna, Celsius, Three Arrows etc, involving hundreds of millions of $$. I don't know how any one can seriously trust "investing" in this wild west show.

    I would say its the same as any investment. Do your own research. Look at what certain cryptos can solve. Also dont keep your crypto on anything else other than a cold wallet. 

    Right now crypto is going through the purge and quite frankly it is well overdue! What come out the other side is going to be revolutionary! 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I was outraged by it. But the political will wasn't there at that time (not with Obama and not with Western Europe)  in the west to push back adequately and ALSO Putin hadn't pushed his GENOCIDAL agenda yet towards the Ukraine people and nation. Yes of course the west should have tried to stop him earlier, that was a mistake, he was emboldened, and he was very surprised that the response was so different this time. 


    Objectively even with the dark history in Ukraine, Chechniya, Syria, the terrorism he used to gain power yes we should have known how bad a monster Putin was before. But recently he has completely come out of the closet with his extreme horribleness, with his genocidal invasion of Ukraine, his Russian empire rhetoric, his threats to other European nations,  and it's likely linked to his age and very poor health. He wants to do a lot. quickly. 


    To add, sorry to disappoint but I don't set U.S. foreign policy. IF Obama had decided to try to form a strong coalition and push back more aggressively at Putin after he stole Crimea, I most certainly would have supported him in that.

    To be fair they wouldnt of cared about your support. They do as they please. The World Governments are serving themselves not the people!

    • Confused 2
  6. 9 hours ago, placeholder said:

    I stand partially corrected. The head of the IMF was in the same room as Galinghouse but it wasn't anything like a meeting with her.. Galinghouse was on a panel and Christine Lagarde was in the audience. What's more this panel discussion was held over 3 years ago before Galinghouse's shady past was exposed and before the SEC brought a lawsuit against Ripple/XRP.

    What shady past? The SEC have nothing! If they did they would of submitted it by now. All they keep doing is stalling. They have consistantly refused to hand over emails that will implement them and former chair Hinman and the corruption that led to Ethereum being given a free pass so they could get people to invest in it  by allowing money to flow into it making the initial whales very wealthy inspite of the fact its a pretty <deleted> product!


    Ripple is winning this case or more likely they will settle at some point. I cant help thinking its all a bit of a charade

  7. On 6/21/2022 at 12:51 PM, placeholder said:

    I don't see how anyone could ever have seriously proposed Bitcoin as a replacement for Government backed fiat currency. As I understand it, there is a limit on how many bitcoins can be mined. I believe the number is somewhere in the vicinity of 21,000,000. How could this possibly work as a currency?

    I didnt say Bitcoin. Bitcoin tech couldnt do it anyway. Look at El Salvador

  8. 1 hour ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    You trust everyone?

    Who these "everyone" is not important,  but what they do is. Do you know what they do?




    And people say crypto has no value. Although Bitcoin isnt a suitable crypto to use as world currency or even for a country to use but others quite possibly!

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    • Confused 1
  9. Given that marijuana will no longer be illegal in Thailand starting June 9th, 2022, health authorities have urged the public to smoke on private property. Otherwise, they could get arrested for causing an “odor-based nuisance.”

    The Department of Health sent orders to related agencies about the “inappropriate use” of cannabis and a warning that it could lead to arrests and will be charged for causing public nuisance under health laws. People who indulge in smoking cannabis can also face arrest if a nuisance case is filed against them. After the first warning, repeat violations will be fined THB ฿2,000 and a month in jail.

    There is no limit on the potency of cannabis. However, creating secondary products such as hashish or oils with a potency of over 0.2% will be condemned. 



    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Hummin said:

    From last time, btc stayed low for 2,5 years before pumping again, why buy already now? And time from highest peak to new high was exectly 3 years and two days. 


    why will it go faster this time? 





    Sorry i didnt mean buy Bitcoin. I meant other coins

  11. 20 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Why do you believe any of those established cryptos would be part of the new financial system?


    If there will be a new financial system, every "coin" will be new coins, new system backed by governments. 

    Define established? Only "New coins will be CBDC's." 

  12. 1 hour ago, Mark Nothing said:

    Yes.  Bitcoin and all the others are going to zero.


    Central bankers and governments will not allow competition with existing currency and the impending full implentation of central bank digital cash. The goal is to fully eliminate cash and track all incomings and outgoings.


     I think bitcoin was an experiment funded by central bankers to determine best methods prior to worldwide rollout.


    The carnage will lead to the illusion of central bankers and governments saving the day and protecting citizens from never getting fleeced again.

    Do some more research. All others are not. A small few will be used for the new financial system

    • Haha 1
  13. On 3/12/2022 at 2:42 PM, digibum said:

    Unfortunately, almost every crypto project is either a complete scam or in order to replicate what banks do in a way that would make them competitive with existing banks, they basically create a centralized service which just means an unregulated bank.  

    And crypto doesn’t solve fractional reserve banking.  

    Even most crypto enthusiasts shrug their shoulders when you ask if they really believe Tether is backed 1:1 with USD deposits.   

    Like i said regulations will remove most. In Crypto circles is has rumored  for a long time that Tether is not backed 1:1 and they will probably be sued by the SEC or implode like Luna.


  14. I agree with everybody about the negative consequences of digital money but as noted in this thread that its becoming more and more common especially with the young! 

    I havent been to the West for a few years now so i cant comment on its popularity but its very common in Thailand. 


    Like all technology they will say it wont catch on and its a fad  but in the end its inevitable! 


    Global reserve currencies have historically lasted in cycles of about 100 years as seen on the currency chart. Fiat currencies have historically recorded an average life span of 27 yrs. The USD has been serving as a global reserve currency for over 90 years, 40 of which as a fiat global reserve currency.


    With the amount on US dollars printed in the last couple of years and the end of the petro dollar where does this end?


    China, Russia, and other countries will ditch the dollar and use yuan, gold, and potentially Bitcoin to trade oil. It will be the end of the petrodollar system, and it is imminent. For over 50 years, the petrodollar system has allowed the US government and many Americans to live way beyond their means.


    BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill coined the term BRIC (without South Africa) in 2001, claiming that by 2050 the four BRIC economies would come to dominate the global economy by 2050. South Africa was added to the list in 2010.


    If the US wants to stay on top they are going to have to innovate and make some big moves. This is where blockchain technology and CBDC's come in to play! The US is starting to make regulations on crypto and once its finalized then that will be the green light for the BIG boys to pour their money in!


    Its gonna be a bumpy ride and all the ponzi and crypto that doesnt have utility will be regulated out of existence but a very small percentage will survive that will create the new financial system!

    There is the opportunity to make lots of money if you pick the right horse



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