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Posts posted by Sametboy2019

  1. 26 minutes ago, happydreamer said:

    Ya I agree with most of what you're saying here.  Definitely has a long way to go before it has a chance to actually replace fiat.  As of right now its a crappy substitute with far too many technicalities for the average non-technical person over 40 to understand.   I used to think the idea of decentralized currency was good but the recent events and how brazen the people running these businesses are has really turned me off to the idea.  Its like a new level of distrust.  if one doesn't trust their  politicians thats one thing but if you can't trust the people who are custodians of the basis of your wealth...thats not really a world I wanna live in.

    Im continuing to accrue passively thru the rewards programs on my credit cards but I'm done with staking and exchanges.  Not worth it.


    Best of luck...hope you make some good choices ????

    I dont believe it replaces fiat. CBDC's are coming. People get scared about this but it doesnt have to be like China. Its like all technology...it can be used for good or bad. The most worrying thing is being switched off but even if physical money was obsolete we would find a way to trade with each other.


    Decentralized currency isnt a issue, its who you choose to be the custodian. Always store your stuff on a cold wallet. Remember that banks arent clean either (2008). They basically take your money and invest it. If everyone went and tried to take their money from their banks we would see its not there just like these crypto exchanges.


  2. On 11/13/2022 at 11:40 PM, aldriglikvid said:

    Bitcoin keeps falling today (as it did yesterday, and the day before) and even more crypto-exchanges are exploding in realtime. People are starting to realize it's all a ponzi. Be safe and stay out of made-up internet-money. 



    Yes this is all part of the process. The space has been built on a foundation of sand. I feel there is much more pain to come. Then in steps regulations and most crypto goes away.

    Invest wisely!

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, happydreamer said:

    Interesting perspective.  Why do you think they would want people out?

    Because the first shift will happen in banking. The petro dollar game is almost up. With a new financial system comes a massive transfer of wealth. Mega wealthy dont want anybody else being wealthy....they just want more!


    I feel there is a whole lot of pain still to come though. DYOR and buy some coins.....stick it on a ledger and come back in 3 years!


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  4. 2 hours ago, happydreamer said:

    I'll say this much.  I'm a long time Bitcoin adopter and holder.  I believe in the tech, I believe in blockchain as a concept but we are in some really dark days right now and it's certainly not looking good for the current ecosystem.  

    We dont know what happens now, the world has never seen what happens during a crypto bear market.  Maybe this is the fallout.  13 years for something like this isn't a long time to have all of the <deleted> worked out especially given the cavalier approach since it's inception.

    It's a risk.  A huge flipping risk and a lot of speculation.  I asked myself last week why I was still in it after all thats transpired.  The answer is the same reason it was when I first got into it. It's interesting to me.  The evolution of technology and use cases are interesting.  However I'm pausing my involvement at the moment until the smoke clears and we get some solid rules around this.  My exchanges were Gemini, Binance and BlockFi.  I didn't use FTX, never trusted them since they were based in the Bahamas.

    Do I think it's close to being right?  Hell no.  No way.  What this has done right now is expose the criminals within the eco-system.  And when you consider what BTC was initially used for in the early days it doesn't seem now like to far of a stretch that the biggest holders are the criminals who dealt in it from it's inception.  Kinda like the other criminals we know who occupy various administrations in various lands of various people.  They're all criminals.  This being as new as it is has the most loop holes and therefore ways to get burned.  And thats whats happening.  


    there's no one in the crypto space right now who's NOT feeling the burn of the current state.  I dont care who you are.  You're pinched some way.  BlockFi shut off my credit card.  I found out when I went to pay for something while being out on Saturday.  I mean even something like that is a huge inconvenience and impact on someones life.  I have to to in and adjust approximately 15 different services that autobill to that card now costing me time, frustration, and ultimately money.


    Am I cashing out? No.  Am I completely done with it? No.  Am I going to continue to support these lawless exchanges by using their cards and paying interest and buying crypto from them. No.  Gemini , I will.  they've made a big effort to separate themselves from the pack.  I still dont trust them though and wont leave any money on their exchange.  All my stuff was migrated to cold storage. Still waiting on the final 10 % of it to complete processing.  Shall see what happens.



    Its all part of the plan! We are on the precipice of adoption of blockchain and they want as much people out as possible.

    Nobody in their right mind would be investing now but as they say "He who dares wins"

  5. 12 hours ago, aldriglikvid said:

    Are you guys still investing in made-up internet-money such as Bitcoin and the other Ponzi's? If you can't spot the fraud a mile away, I don't know what to tell you. 

    So, 9 if the largest exchanges worldwide have either ben outright criminal frauds, hacked clean or ponzi's. But not yours, right? ???? Chasing that legit 17% APY. 

    True but you dont think banks do the same thing? Remember the 2008 crisis?  People in Lebanon now robbing their own banks to get their own money. 

    Imo this crypto purge is to destroy the exchanges and hand the technology over to government custodians. 

  6. Interesting thread. The op has some balls spending 200k on bitcoin.

    All these bad players in the crypto space will usher in regulations and most cryptos will dissappear.

    There are a handful of cryptos will real world utility and I think they will be at the forefront in the next bull run.

    My thoughts in BTC and also ETH is what makes them different to any other technology that was the first on the scene like VHS was to watching movies or tapes were to listening to music. Newer, faster and all round better technology comes to the front and makes them obsolete. 

    I don't think most  people really understand where this technology does or where it's going but it will literally affect every part of our lives.

    Hopefully for the op Bitcoin has a part to play.

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/12/2022 at 10:34 AM, SkyNets said:

    Sorry yes that's the Bruce Banner.

    Yeah will buy more, no crazy headache just a deep buzz. Only thing is it sticks the village out with weed, best smell in the world but have nosey neighbors ????


    Aww BAOX is CBD, was not sure, smells very nice.

    Lot of the CBD stuff smells and taste great. Mix this with some cheaper Thai stuff and it gives a good result!

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  8. 1 hour ago, peterfranks said:

    There are plenty of posts on this forum, that have posted evidence that it will cost a LOT more to transfer crypto to Thailand, then using a SWIFT, because the fee is not your only concern.


    Also you will not be able to withdraw 10 million baht worth in crypto in one go.


    So please stop spreading false information









    Again you keep showing me stuff about bitcoin.

    I'm not talking about bitcoin.

    I have shown you information that you can verify in 10 mins using Google but you keep choosing to dance around the information I'm giving you.

    Also yes you can withdraw 10 million baht. There are people moving much more.


    You obviously know nothing about the subject and I can't be bothered to keep going round in circles 

  9. 31 minutes ago, peterfranks said:

    Looks like you only want to divert from the real issue.


    It doesn't convert to Thai baht when hitting a foreign currency account. In fact it remained in Euro for the following 5 years, until I decided to exchange at the rate applicable on that day.


    My question was, what will be the cost, which you avoid answering, since you know it will be much higher than 25 Euro, and you wont even be able to withdraw it into Thai baht for that amount.

    Im sorry i didnt know you planned to keep it in Euro on Thailand. Not sure why you didnt leave it in the Euro account if you planned to keep it for 5 years but up to you as they say here.

    Ive told you the cost twice now....with XRP its less than a cent!!

    Now if you wanted to keep it in Euro then buy XRP to send (less than a cent) when in your other account buy EUROC {Fee is just over a cent) leave it until you plan to sell to Baht i presume!

  10. 1 hour ago, peterfranks said:

    I already pointed out what was untrue, it didn't take 2-5 days to arrive, didn't cost 3-5% in transaction cost either.


    I haven't seen google writing a post on this forum, what I saw was you making that post and claiming the above as facts,


    Now tell me how I would transfer 300.000 Euro to a foreign currency account with Kasikorn, and keep the balance in Euro using crypto.


    Also tell us all, that even IF it was possible, which isn't. what would be the costs.





    Edit to correct: Looked the transaction up in my passbook, and there was no fee at the Kasikorn side at all. Euro's arrived in my account was 25 Euro less of what I sent

    "Now tell me how I would transfer 300.000 Euro to a foreign currency account with Kasikorn, and keep the balance in Euro using crypto."

    Why do you need to keep it in Euros when it gets changed to Baht when it hits your Thai bank?


    As i said earlier the cost would be under a cent! Thats the incentive with a crypto like XRP and other crypto coins and the 3-5 seconds it takes to finalize. 

    You could send Euros using EUROC (a digital Euro backed coin) but i wouldnt know the cost. The end game for XRP is for retail to not even know they are using it. Essentially its for Central banks. If they adopt it fully then you will be just sending the currency of your country and the banks would use XRP as the settlement mechanism which would then be converted to the currency of the country that it is being sent to.



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