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Posts posted by pookondee

  1. On 9/19/2019 at 2:32 PM, shan777 said:

    good idea for  the app  but take this into account one foreign condo tenant's will not be  bothered  to tell the property landlords when they go way  for  a weekend, so you  will be  fining  landlords who don't know  there  tenants  have gone  for a weekend or  a month  or what ever ? Please explain this ,also  some  Thai condo owners  wont  rent to  non Thais  because  of  this flawed system , because  they cant be  bothered  and  don't want to be  fined  because  they don't  or didn't know the tenant went some  where ,how  the hell, could they .Also owners of condos that  rent  them out  have agents , who don't tell them its a foreigner renting there condo. so this whole system is flawed. you make laws with no ideas on the backlash this will cause .Not only from visitors ,of teachers who come to work here , and  don't want this bs , and  business people who want to invest here ,who also hate this  system. that treats every one like  a  criminal . To live here ,we  provide a government police clearance , to show we Australian expats are good  guys  , we wouldn't get  that if we  weren't, I have been here  over 10 years nothing has changed . have had one  speeding ticket because  I didn't see the  sign , not committed one  offence of any kind  , yet this  tm30 has  caused me headache , to go  report I am home after a four day break , was a 3  hour round  trip not happy.


    The Thai answer would probably be along the lines of:

    "Dont bother, fuel for the trip will cost near 800baht, just wait to see if fined, then give us 800baht"


  2. 31 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

    These are good points.......The Elite visa is really a horrible deal in many ways...If you got cash to burn its can come in handy I guess.....Its sad but the under 50s really have no other choice for long stays after they have milked the ED and tourist visas for a number of years.....


    500K would pay for a 10-11 thousand baht a month apartment for around 4 years....


    And the 5 years will fly by before you know it.

    So, back to no visa, having blown 500k + 5 years living expenses.


    So, elite visa + 5 years expenses??

    id say minimum 5million baht?

    maybe a lot more depending on lifestyle 


    If it were me, id have to work part of the 5 years back home to finance such a scenario.

    Then of course you're blowing more time and money on airfares..

    Which kinda scotches the whole idea of 5 years easy visa right there!


    Come to think of it, if having to fork out $15,000 up front, just for the right to stay somewhere, i think id rather just stay home and be done with it.

    • Like 1
  3. OP, i thought one would look into the conditions first, before outlaying that sort of cash?


    Even i was aware of those issues, and im not even in the market for it, just more out of curiosity.


    Its just a crazy price for what they are giving you..which is in effect really nothing.


    and its certainly a product that costs them nothing to give you, so in my books thats pretty close to corruption.


    I dont know your nationality,

    but 500k baht?

    and you still pay 1900 a year and have to report!!

    im sorry but thats just taking the pเ$$!


    -its enough to buy a very decent car where i come from.

    -or rent a decent appartment for quite a while if i went back home.


    -could even do many trips to my own country and come back here with fresh METV's for that amount.


    Maybe if you are old and swimming in money, but at these exchange rates..

    no thanks!




    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You havent been following .

    Musk stated that ALL Western guys who go and live in Thailand do so because they are pedos and no other reason 

    Ok, no i wasnt aware of that.

    What an arสe he is then.


    This actually reminded me of that flat-earther guy on Youtube.

    Is it Eric Dubai??

    He often gets a few comments of people insinuating hes some kind of pervert/paedo just because of living in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    It was mooted at the time for guys, living in Thailand to take out a class action against Musk. Probably would have been successful if someone had organised it.

    I'd be all for that, but i think the guy would have to name people personally as being paedos.

    I might be wrong, but i doubt if people would be able to sue Musk just on what he accused Vern of, just because they also live in Thailand.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    Don't give stupid advices to people when you don't know how it really works in Thailand. I just wrote in a post about a friend getting ratted out for just carrying food from his car to a bar in Pattaya. Have you EVER seen a farang helping out in a local market? Everything is about where you're staying. 

    Well now that you mentioned Pattaya, it all makes sense.


    No offence, but you would have some of the absolute worst in neighbours in that place. both Thai and farang.


    And yes, desperate people in business trying to claw at any advantage they can over the competition.


    Absolutely no way id be risking doing any sort of visible work in that environment.



    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    It's not mostly farangs that reports you. There are are so many Thai people that doesn't like each other. Maybe they have same kind of business in same area. If/when they see a farang helping his friend or gf,they will gladly rat him out. A friend of mine runs a restaurant together with his wife. They sometimes cater to bars in the neighborhood at birthday parties. When he delivers the food he isn't allowed to carry it from his car to the bar. He did once and a girl 2 bars away ratted him out. 

    I would have thought, if they threw the book at the guy who you say got busted,

    he would have been fined, and/or deported.. 

    not just let out to do the same thing again?


    Anyway after getting busted once, im suprised hes back at it.

    Logic would say If he gets done again he will be toast?


    But yes, i overlooked the " angry competitors" issue.

    I just dont think the typical Isaan folk know about these laws.


    I remember once telling an ex Gf family in Isaan about these work laws regarding foreigners, and they pretty much looked at me like i was telling them 

    somtum is poisonous.


    From time to time ive see foriegners up there, working on houses, tractors, on farms, rubber etc etc

    no big deal.


    the last thing id do is grass em up, but thats just me.


    Even if i dobbed them in to the Pooyai baan, he'd most likely tell me to go away and "Get a life"


    Seriously, after reading Thaivisa a short tine and seeing that this foreigners grassing up others is actually a thing..


    well, all i can say is i hope more farangs leave the country for good

  8. Depends on where you are.

    If in Issaan (with no for foreigners around)

    you could probably get away with it.

    Just make sure no-one takes pics! 


    The last guy got busted selling grill sticks with his wife i think.

    It most likely started with a Thai putting a pic up on Social media,

    no doubt thinking it was 'cute' and novel to see a farang doing that...


    then farang wสnker "hall monitors" (jealous and with nothing better to do)

     probably stepped in to grass him up.


    As you can plainly see on these pages, it is most likely your friendly "fellow farang" who will delight in getting you in the sหit.


    But Chonburi. im not sure?


    Once again, refer back to what "foreigners" are around.


    When Thai authorities bust people for this sort of thing, id guess its most likely farangs stitched people up and the aurhorities had to act on it.

    • Sad 1
  9. 47 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    I inadvertently walked on a bill for a couple of beers at Bill Bentley's pub at HKT. I did recall seeing the waitress prowling the departures hall as I waited for the boarding call but it was only when I was airborne, I realized I hadn't paid.


    It was 4 weeks before I transited through HKT again but I made a point of going to the bar and asking about the unpaid bill and the waitress. They made a phone call and asked me to wait so I had a beer. About 30 minutes later, the waitress I had stiffed arrived. She had been off-shift and they had called her in. She was very effusive in her thanks for my honesty and coming across that it was entirely her fault for allowing me to leave without paying which essentially it was. Yes, despite a high customer turnover, business is business and she still got nailed for the 600 baht tab I walked on (bloody expensive stuff is Guinness!) and it was docked from her pay the previous month.


    I am the sort of farang that most other hater farangs on TV would call deplorable in that I tipped generously on BOTH the previously unpaid bill, the new one and an extra 100 baht just for the waitress after the staff getting her out of bed to comer in. Some of those other farangs may equate this with what they politely and frequently acknowledge (or refuse to pay) as 'taxi money'?

    To true!

    IMO, Inadvertantly walking and then fixing it up is one thing. (cudos to you)

    but breaking something and then saying


    "oh, im not paying for that" and justifying it with the

    " In my own country...." bla bla


    very poor form to say the least!

  10. 31 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yeah probably in a small shop. However in big businesses breakage is just another cost of doing business. My one experience with that was at Tops where I dropped a bottle of expensive coconut oil which of course made a big mess on the floor. I was prepared to pay for it but the staff there told me to just walk away. 

    Of course, Tops staff dont have to personally pay for any spillage, so they wouldnt care.


    But, if a Tops cashier has to make up for any discrepancy in their till totals...

     out of their own pocket.. 

    you can bet they will not be so "mai pen rai" about it.


    So if its a small ma/pa business, why should they go to work just to loose money because some git breaks something?


    If it were me id be giving them the price of the breakage and a tip for having to clean up my mess..

    just for my being a clumsy oaf.


    Really, no wonder foriegners get a bad wrap for being cheap Charlies here!!

  11. 7 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

    If you speak like you write they probably couldn't get a word in edgeways. The 800k / 400k has been around for close to two decades, and for the most part getting an extension hasn't changed during that time, other than the scrapping of income letters for some countries in the past year. If these rules get subjected to further changes (which may well happen) it will be for the worse, not for the better. 

    id bet a yee-sip he is Swedish


  12. Anyone with any business sense whatsoever should be able to take the hint after 5 minutes of looking into the rules and regs of foriegn owned SME business here.


    There is always a sneaky way of going about things if you really want to ban something, but pesky

     "international political correctness"

     prohibits you from doing it implicitly.


    And Thais are among the best in world at doing that kind of thing.


    Its a stacked deck peoples.


    But there will always be the guys willing to try it on, just like the guys who try to circumvent land ownership laws.


    Usually always ends in tears!





  13. On 9/16/2019 at 12:09 PM, tgeezer said:

    “happy marriages” how true! 

    The only problem is that your note tells them to put sugar and pakchi in! 

    กรุณาอย่าใส่นำ้ตาลหรือพักชีในอาหารของเรา ขอบคุณครับ 

    See the word อย่า says ‘do not’. 

    You are technically spot-on of course.

    But just IMO though,

    A beginner making a statement with:


    อย่า (dont,not want)


    could actually sound a lot like อยาก


    อยาก = to crave, and also used as "want to eat"


    just one of those many Thai words where the opposites sounds familiar to the untrained ear.


    For me at first, i got in the habit of avoiding those words and using others,

    that offer less risk of you saying it wrong or being misunderstood.


    But of course knowing:

     อยาก and อย่า

    are esential to avoid a lot of confusion when you hear Thais speaking them.


    and then there is


    which is also gonna be miss-herd by most beginners but thats another story.555


    if i dont want to bother, i just use


    or mai-sai,

    (as you mentioned in your other post.)


    As the learner starts reading more Thai and seeing the difference,

    seeing the ก (gor-gai)

    sound on the end of อยาก will become obvious how its spoken.



    But i notice a lot of guys here particulary tend to resist learning reading Thai. 


    So if anything, this is an example why its really essential to read,

    Unless you are going to memorise a whole lot of words and sounds,

    might be best to choose other words for stuff like:


    ยาก, อย่า, อยาก




    • Thanks 1
  14. On 8/17/2019 at 5:44 PM, KhaoYai said:

    Really? You don't think a man in charge of Bangkok's immigration department should be 100% fluent in the international language?

    It does not really matter what i think.

    The fact remains, a lot of government employees here probably never had a need (or chance) to brush up on English.


    Even many former Thai prime ministers had very VERY basic English.


    This general, if he is high up, probably has zero face to face contact with foreigners anyway.


    • Like 1
  15. Unbelievable posts on here.


    The weirdest thing is, why do you guys even get yourselves in the position of being in a room with these "sหit of society" types that would steal your wallet/money?


    umm well yeah, i think i know.


    maybe a case of "som num nah" 

    • Haha 1
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