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law ling

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Posts posted by law ling

  1. Too often here I've had it served burnt on the edges and still cold in the middle - so I just don't try anymore ... too finicky to make at home, I just make do with cooking my own spagetti bolongese - which is good enough (for me).


    Yes, in a restaurant you can send cold or under-cooked food back to the kitchen ... but it should never have been served that way - same thing with "steaks" of chicken or pork being served raw in the middle (and even bigger shrimp).


    There should be a verb to describe the act of "half doing your job in the expectation that the customer will then clearly tell you what's wrong with it, so you can then tell the cook exactly what to do". End of rant.

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    • Haha 1
  2. Too complicated for me ... but, yes, why borrow big money for this project.


    As for people-moving: Assuming that the airline industry one day returns to the good old days, flights are cheap, easy and frequent.


    As for cargo: If they want to send Thai turnips (or whatever it is they grow here), slow trains to Nong Kai already exist, and some cheap Burmese labourers can be employed to re-load the turnips onto the fast train for delivery to China.


    As always Thailand: Don't make simple, easy things so complicated.

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  3. So, you need a passport to enter Thailand - but it appears there's no system in place to cross-check if the passport has been cancelled (or stolen)?


    (Reminds me of the missing MH370 flight: two passengers were found to be using stolen passports - as Malaysia did not subscribe to Interpol's service to check passport validity at check-in.)

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  4. So, what is the sausage-maker? ... a trader just trying to make a buck by cutting a few cornors? (not uncommon here) ... or a mass-murderess?


    Doubt they'll throw the book at her ... she and her tasty sausages will be back soon ... I just hope she's been shamed enough to clean her machinery before making her next batch.


    You almost have to admire her audacity - earlier reports said she also had " halal approved" stickers.

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