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law ling

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Posts posted by law ling

  1. 9 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    Mis-understandings and clarifications abound in the LOS.[land of screw-ups]

    Indeed, so it seems.


    1. Although this instance came to light, it begs the question: how often does this happen, but never come to light, in the ordinary course of this government?


    2. Perhaps it's true (what I once read on these pages): the entire civil service is devoted solely to enriching themselves ... so this US vaccine business was cast aside as unproductive ... and left for the tea-lady to deal with.

  2. 1. So, he's given up on this year?


    2. Very imprecise as to in what way "better", and more precisely when "next year".


    3. I wish they'd stop making predictions (including meaningless ones like this one), and get on with his present job: vaxing the population.


    4. Too much here of issuing a quirky press release - that leaves us scratching our heads - then off to lunch.



    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, anchadian said:



    BANGKOK — Health minister Anutin Charnvirakul said the government’s plan to fully vaccinate all target population groups will definitely be achieved by the end of this year.

    Anutin also said the government will now turn its priority to providing booster shots, even as a majority of the Thai population has yet to receive their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. To close up that gap, Thailand is now resorting to “borrowing” vaccines from other countries, such as Singapore and Bhutan.



    A somewhat meaningless boast without identifying who are "all target groups". 

  4. Extraction, of say an upper tooth, can also adversly affect that tooth's "pair" on the lower jaw ... a tooth - without a "pair" - will eventually work loose and fall out (as it doesn't have it's "pair" to keep pushing it into it's place) ... so several dentists have told me.

  5. 1. Why not limit land sales to non-Thais to natural persons only, and then require that it can only be sold to a Thai on the death or sale by the owner.


    2. I though the use of companys and nominees, etc, could now be used anyway to effectively own land.


    3. I learned early on (when I was working) that if an underling told me something was wrong, you don't immediately dismiss them (as did the PM in the OP) ... wiser to say: "Ok, convince me why." 

  6. Well, (assuming everyone gets double-vaccinated this year ... although they're presently under 20% of that) it's looking like everyone will be needing a "booster" shot next year ... i.e. boosters for 60 million (?) people ... so why just order 8 million doses? - it's looking like next year's booster shots will be the same as the current system: ordered in dribs and drabs, and always at the back of the queue ... whilst better organised countries ordered big and ordered early.

  7. 1. A lot of good ideas in the article attached to the OP - but they'd all cost much more money than the present incarceration solution, so I doubt there'd be any appetite for change (whilst submarines, fancy street lights and beach restoration projects have a greater call on available funds).

    2. If the police presently profit (albeit corruptly) under the current systems ... then you'd get no help from them - they being the one group you'd need to have on board for any change.

    • Like 2
  8. Tops almost always have them ... both regular (cheaper) and "organic" (more expensive).


    I simmer them in a slow-cooker for a few hours, when cooled then into the fridge ... easy to peel before eating.


    I admire those here that add a pickling stage ... but I reckon they are fine eating without it.

  9. 30 minutes ago, harada said:

    You would think that after 90 years of the same BS Thais would realise that getting rid of Prayut under the current “ system “ won’t matter one iota, he will simply be replaced with another of the same or worse by those with BIG money and guns what’s going on with in the parliament now is simply theatre.

    1. Well said. If the Czar goes, who would replace him?


    2. If they want him to go, they should give him what he really wants: an amnesty - he gave himself one coming in, and he'll need one before he goes.

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  10. 45 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Toddlers must also be jabbed to boost herd immunity, advises virologist


    Chulalongkorn University’s virology specialist Dr Yong Poovorawan on Wednesday suggested that Covid-19 jabs be provided to children aged three and above in a bid to create herd immunity.

    "Even though children may not develop severe symptoms, they should not be virus carriers," he said.




    I thought that you can still be infected by, and transmit (i.e. carry), the virus even when vaccinated (albeit you're less likely to get serious symptoms yourself).


    Yet here a virus specialist argues for the vaccination of this group because "they should not be virus carriers" ... inferring one is not a carrier if vaccinated.

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