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law ling

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Posts posted by law ling

  1. 14 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    So they're going to let Omicron in AND destroy tourism. Either do it properly or don't do it at all. Letting 200,000 people in before tightening things is mad. It will be too late by then.


    I'm happy for those who get to avoid quarantine, but this is a case of closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. In fact it's even worse than that, it's knowing that the horse will bolt, waiting until he does so, and then closing the door. 



    Well said, Sir.


    These new arrangements cannot be said to be based solely on sound medical advice - indeed the veil has now been parted somewhat: we can now see that politics and money have a large (or the largest) say in covid policy.

    • Like 2
  2. Indeed (and from the little I know on the subject), some watches, like mine (a Tag), need a special tool to open (and I believe, a special process to vacuum close it) ... and I always had to go to their single service center in Bangkok.

  3. 2 hours ago, moogradod said:

    Some of you say ....I'll stick to Basmati. But where are you buying it ? Do you all live in Bangkok ? I am in Pattaya and in the picture below is what was the Basmati brand that came very recommended. However, it is not available at any place I know ond even online it says "sold out":



    Gate Basmati Classic.jpg

    Where I buy basmati rice in Pattaya: There's an Indian supplies shop just next to the Indian Temple, not far up Soi 17 off Second Road. They have many brands - I get  what the chap on duty there recommended: the "Nature's Gift" brand (B90/one kilo bag). Don't know if they have the brand you mentioned.


    I also get ghee/clarified butter there (which I've not seen elsewhere) - also many brands available. (A fascinating shop jammed packed with exotic spices, etc.)


    A little further up Soi 17, (towards Tukcom, away from Second Road) on the same side of the soi is another (smaller looking) Indian supplies store ... but I've never ventured into it.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Roaming dogs are an issue in most South East Asian countries ... and certainly not less so here.


    The locals, having grown up with them, deal with it better than tourists who are unfamilar with dealing with unrestrained agressive dogs.


    Even the OP states there is an "overpopulation" - but offers little by way of a real solution.


    Rabies has been found in nearby Huay Yai (reported here some weeks ago) - but rabid or not, the least bite will need a course of injections, at your cost.


    As noted above: they may transmit covid (and goodness knows what else).

  5. It's an issue for the Thais, and good luck to them.


    A regulated casino, say for non-Thais only, is one thing ... a greater problem I think are the current unregulated "casinos" ... 


    You're very hard pressed to even buy a lottery ticket here at its B80 face value - despite the PM promising to deal with it ... so how will regulation of casinos go?

    • Like 2
  6. Agreed re Dr. Warrin.


    Of late, I've also had good service from (lady) Dr. Oi  at "Dental Smile" on Third Rd. near the intersection with Pattaya Thai Rd.


    Of course, there are plenty of dental clinics along Pattata Thai Road, near the Tukcom area ... but it's hit or miss if you get allocated a competent, sensible dentist whose first words are not, "You need implants!"

  7. 3 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    im currently in Australia but was heading to bangkok in february so thought it would be better there.


    I dont know if they have caverject in Australia,anyone know ? what about the cream,it may be better ?


    Also anyone have any luckj with penis pumps over a long term period eg do they help with erections over long term?

    1. Yes, I got my Caverjet injections in Australia.


    2. I got my Caverjet some years ago, and indeed there may have been advances, such as creams or pellets, since then. You need to find a doctor who specializes in this area.


    3. Think of injections, pumps, etc, as tools to see what you are capable of - despite being chemically or physically induced - and not necessarily for long-term, heavy use, but to give confidence as to what you're actually capable of.


    4. As a poster said above, some, or a lot of, the issue is in the head - and finding a suitable, arousing helper in Pattaya shouldn't be too hard.

  8. 4 minutes ago, jaideedave said:

    I ended up getting some from a guy i n the Phillipines.It was expensive. Sticking a needle in your penis is not fun. It didn't work every time and you've got to get it exactly in the right spot. Once I inserted the needle too far it it caused minor bleeding. It produced a semi erection that felt like a "rubber banana" 555

    I finally gave up and tossed the whole lot out. It usually was painful most time ( injecting)

    I'd love to get some of that cream to try out.

    Indeed, and not unlike my experiences.


    But for the OP: if it's been too long since any erection, then using the injection method can at least demonstrate that an erection is possible (albeit chemically induced), and move you along, at least a little, in gaining some confidence that maybe all is not lost.


    Ditto for suction devices, constriction rings and vibrators (probably all illegal here as a "sex toy") - to show you what is at least possible.

  9. I've used "Caverjet" injections (but I don't know if they're available here) - and it doesn't fail to give a rock-hard result -


    1. but sometimes it can be painful: making it next to useless, and


    2. sometimes it feels very unnatural: making it very unsatisfactory, and


    3. sometimes it does work well.


    So, in all: not cheap and mixed results.


    Good luck.

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