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Oliver Holzerfilled

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  1. I doubt Thai does any passport verification pre-flight. I've had old passport information saved in multiple airline websites. What matters is that you present a valid passport at check-in. Surely more than just a few passengers have made typos when entering their passport information, considering how many tickets they sell. Your typo might just be only in the year field and off by one year if you catch my drift. Such a typo would allow you to complete the purchase on the Thai website. But as others have noted, if you want to 100% rule out any issues purchase from a third party that doesn't require your passport information.
  2. Fred you are wasting your time arguing with someone whose whose fund of knowledge comes from "stuff" that "went viral for a year." 🤡 The second sentence in the National Geographic article about the study states "The young U.S. citizens received poor marks generally in geography. But then, as results showed, their counterparts in other countries were hardly star students."
  3. Hopefully away from the cameras the cop will put both hands around his neck.
  4. Go here and check your email address. https://haveibeenpwned.com/ If your email address is associated with any known compromises or breached websites it will list them. Are any listed?
  5. I've read that they proactively suspend accounts if an associated email address and password show up on a list of known compromised accounts. If you use your ID.me email account and identical password on any other websites that might explain it.
  6. When they contacted you did they make you reset your password? And if so, did you reset it to a password you have used previously at any other websites?
  7. Agreed. I've had 2 different cards used fraudulently six months after I last used them.
  8. Just here visiting and he already wants to buy a condo. Sounds like he's rushing into things. Did he meet her in a bar?
  9. Without the Russian reporter there Putin wouldn't have even known about the meeting. Chomper playing chess while the rest of you commentators playing checkers.
  10. Peanuts. Wear the helmet Lou. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesna_Vulović
  11. People who live in blow up doll houses should not throw stones.
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