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Oliver Holzerfilled

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Everything posted by Oliver Holzerfilled

  1. I thought that restriction only refers to roaming data after 3 months. Have they threatened to shut off your calling and texting? From Google - Suspension exit: When your data has been suspended for extended international use, you can still use your phone to call and text, but you will lose international data access until we have observed significant usage in the United States for at least 30 days.
  2. His wikipedia page suggests he's got a screw or two loose.
  3. "University officials confirmed receiving complaints from both students and parents about inappropriate conduct, including selling pornographic material allegedly filmed within the faculty room...The lecturer joined the university’s Faculty of Liberal Arts" Of course he did.
  4. Neither apparently are some godless lefties. Learned recently from my sister that many of her hippie cohort that fled Los Angeles and other big cities in the early 70s for rural Northern California, Montana etc. are antivaxxers.
  5. I used to carry a sharp dental pick through multiple countries but it got confiscated by Hong Kong security. But I've probably crossed through HK at least 40 times with an electric toothbrush in carry on and they've never said a word.
  6. Graffiti Tunnel, free and walking distance from the London Eye - https://maps.app.goo.gl/ndWZV49vyWw3re5M6 Sit on the front row on the upper deck on one of the bus routes passing interesting areas like 9 or 24. Daily Changing of King’s Guard at Horseguards Parade
  7. Told the next door neighbors kid this is a photo of Led Zeppelin from their 1994 reunion tour. 😂
  8. Looks like they'll be no more gender affirming surgery for the dancing boys of Afghanistan.
  9. It appears she was sent to prison in 2016 as a result of skipping court on her third DUI.
  10. I doubt the girls prefer the Bed Bug Inn over the Hilton but it's your money.
  11. "The Biden administration was terrible at explaining that we’re a world economy, where we were actually doing better than all the other G7 countries." He still doesn't get it but why would he when he's rich and living in a bubble. Boomers with paid off houses and cars, fat pensions and 401ks are doing great. A majority of other people burned by inflation and struggling.
  12. I know, my point is money seems to be good across that ecosystem. There is nothing to sell if marketing doesn't get people in the door to make the sales.
  13. I have a friend doing sales in a similar clinic in Bangkok and she makes about the same. She said she lies to her friends and family about the salary because she doesn't want them knowing how much it is.
  14. Except he didn't. Now you know.
  15. Ocasek was already 35 when the first Cars album was released. Mick Jagger was only 6 months older than him. Orr has been dead 25 years time flies. Great singer.
  16. I missed where the OP said she was 24.
  17. What a bizarre statement. Not all Thai women are low self-esteem bar girls.
  18. "Mr Claus emerged...shouting about his wealth" Bet the thai wife was happy to see the tightfisted German slip up while intoxicated and start talking about his money.
  19. After insisting all this time they don't like Indians the Thai girls seem to have a bit of curry fever.
  20. For ones that fly from Bangkok to JFK or Newark these all pretty much have newish to top of the line business class seats - ANA, Japan Airlines, EVA, Singapore, Etihad, Cathay Pacific. For a couple of these there might be older business class on your connecting flight within Asia but the long flights should be good. Another option is connecting on an Asian carrier then Delta, AA, or United for the longer flight. All the US airlines have newish seats. These should have new or acceptable the majority of the time but not guaranteed Qatar, Emirates, KLM, Air France, Asiana, Finnair, Lufthansa. Here's an example of Emirates being sued for a bait and switch based on their advertising https://businesstravelerusa.com/news/two-passengers-sued-emirates-for-deceptive-advertising-in-new-zealand/ Definitely confirm for these Korean Air Turkish British Airways I'm not aware of an easy way to tell about a particular route since some have schedule changes throughout the year. You could post here, or in a Reddit thread for the particular airline, just provide the dates and flight numbers. Or Google something like (Turkish business class seats review) and limit the search to the last couple of years to get an idea of what is on offer. Calling the airline is probably the worst option since they may be clueless or give you incorrect information.
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