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Posts posted by cbtstorm

  1. 12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I think she'd be more likely to pick Beto. A Harris/Pete ticket would unfortunately get too much backlash as an all identity politics ticket. Black/South Asian/Woman -- Gay albeit white Man. It's sad such calculations come into it, but in this real world they really do. 

     everything is about some opressor/victim class with marxist identity politcs. very condescending too. hence the #walkaway 


    If Pete becomes pres, what would they chose to adress his hubby.

    First Man?  anyone know?

  2. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    It's a wide open race. Also consider Iowa caucus voters are famously independent. They don't go by national polls. Also California is early this year and that should give a bump to Harris, but if it doesn't, uh oh for her. 


    If democrats are going to go for a moderate like Biden, I'm wondering if that might mean Klobuchar still has a case to make. She's moderate like Biden, a Midwesterner like Mayor Pete, has a reasonably long resume unlike Mayor Pete, and is not an extreme of age, young or old.


    Of course Mayor Pete is still one to watch. He has successfully defied being defined with a label and that could be a big benefit in the general to attract a wide range of voter ideologies. 

    I'll except your deflection of previous comments about biden being attacked????


    Biden/Clinton for big $$$$$ 2020, the rest will get thrown under the bus like Bernie in 2016. 



  3. 19 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    Biden with his latest remarks show he doesn't understand the economy and how China operates. He thinks the average person with a 401K watched the market soar and didn't feel it? The tax cuts have led to a remarkable economy.


    US Steel is opening a huge plant in Pennsylvania. That's a swing state so a few more critical votes for Trump when people go to work. Everything is firing on all cylinders. He doesn't seem to get it, like for realz.


    C'mon man.


    I am pretty certain that last little gaffe pretty much sunk Sleepy Joe.

     you dont have to dig up old Biden clips to sink his boat, he'll do it all by himself.



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  4. 5 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

    For the record the DOJ has refused congress request and subpoena for the unredacted Mueller report.

    The Democrates will eventually get it. The DOJ will be held for contempt and even Donalds loaded Supreme Court will not be able to stop the unredacted report going to the Oversight Commitee which has the highest

    security clearance.

    All that would do is give them a peak into ongoing grand jury cases.

    They Dems might even find their own names there. we'll find out eventually 

    and coup plotters will get theirs too eventually.



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