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Posts posted by cbtstorm

  1. 2 hours ago, smo said:

    Observe Trump's diction: very short sentences that get repeated 3 or 4 times over ("no collusions, no collusions, no collusions; it's a witch hunt..it's a witch hunt...a witch hunt.") Symptoms usually seen in seniors at the onset of dementia (or senility - whichever comes first.)

    How old is Trump now?

    not symptoms of sinility or dementia its the exact opposite , its what one does to the senile or demented or in this case delusional. You have to repeat yourself to tonedeaf people seriously suffering from msm induced tds. I heard some msm news say he said no collusion 231 times over two years and here we are still having to repeat it to the patients at tvf hospice.

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  2. On 4/19/2019 at 10:42 PM, Jingthing said:

    "trump" was happy about the report until he wasn't.

    He's angry tweeting again!

    Barr's lackey act only worked for his hard core base, for which anything works.

    He realizes now there is strong grounds for impeachment in the report and a roadmap to put him in prison if he isn't reelected. Karma bites. 



    hmm is this "the beginning of the end" for trump


  3. 19 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:



    No idea and don’t have a stake in who leads the USA. 


    However, considering trump’s general untrustworthiness, I’d be interested to know what he’s hiding...


    mostly grand jury related. you might not like what you find there as Trump/Russia delusion has been destroyed.



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  4. 10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Can we expect an apology from those TVF posters ( you know who you are ) that claimed Barr would redact anything unflattering to Trump?


    Will be interesting if the Dems do try and impeach, given there probably isn't enough there there to convince Senate GOP members to uphold such.

    have you seen The Good Fight (i only saw season3) its shows the "by any means"

    crowd going full on deranged. crazy show, kinda funny if it wasnt so true.

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  5. 7 hours ago, Guitarzan said:


    Excellent! The only thing in the Mueller report that is troublesome is he found no American colluded with the Russians!  I can think of a few ... Hilary Clinton, John molesta Podesta, and Robert Mueller himself. 


    nothing troublesome about that. think Ukraine.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Guitarzan said:

     Yes indeed, these Russian hoaxers are either delusional or intentionally dishonest, perhaps a little of both.  I think by the time it's all read, and after they have their day or two in the media, there might be damaging information on the democrats, media, top FBI, CIA, and DOJ officials leading right up to Obama, that is unexpected. It was important Trump waited until the report was submitted to get everything on the record.  Trump's opponents I believe are gonna be in a world of hurt very soon. Trump has them all lined up in a nice neat little row.  Now, get out the popcorn kick back and let the fun begin.

    Happy to see Trump has an AG that won't take <deleted> from these do nothing hoaxers.  


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