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Posts posted by Schooner

  1. There is a buddist saying that "all suffering is a result of expectations not meeting reality" I think that the Thai's tend to lower their expectations to reduce the suffering where we farang have been brain washed to believe that we can achieve anything if we put our minds to it.

    What works for me is to attempt to make progress and not expect perfection. It's easy to forget that we are still essentually the same humans of 70,000 years ago. The culture might have changed but who we are as a result of several million years of evolution is essentually the same. We need community and we need a balance between work and play. If you put a bunch of rats in a cage and mess with their evolutionary expectations they do all sorts of bizzare things. Same goes for humans as evidenced by the rate of depression, sleep disorders obesity and many many other afflictions related to western isolation and over work.

    It is sadly ironic that we encourage our young people to become educated and experts at objective analysis, but when that analysis produces results that conflict with the esisting structures it is either ignored or attacked. Human emotions are so easily manipulated that people seeking power are using the science in negative ways against people to get them to vote against their own self interest. The combined wrecking balls of Fox and the Koch brothers are a perfect example of this.

  2. Ian read my mind. The only thing I would add is that risk taking is a young mans game and I am grateful that I took the advice of old guys back while I was young and jumped right in. From all of that comes a wisdom that I am happy to have.

    What is sad to see is men my age who lived a safe life up until comming here and don't have a clue about how to navigate this dangerous mine field that is Thailand.

    I can warn them until I'm blue in the face but they need to learn for themselves. It's just sad to see the wreckage of essentually good guys who have crashed and burned.

    Some of these fools seem to be stuck in adolesence and steadfastly refuse to accept responsibility for their mistakes thus learning nothing from them. These are the Thai bashers who make themselves look foolish by blaming all their problems on someone else.

  3. Yes, no, maybe. I don't care. I got here on my wits and cleverness (not to mention BS) and if I run out of money I will do it again. I've been through a few rich/poor cycles and frankly it was the best thing I could have experenced because it made me let go of the fear about it.

    When the SHTF we're all going to be in trouble no matter what we did. There is a pattern emerging of robbing the ones who have always "done the right thing" and that will continue because greed is what underlies everything and a system based on greed is unsustainable.

    I guess that we're just going to have to keep trying and failing until we get it right.

  4. We need to get over ourselves with this word. I know that it used in many ways, but I don't care because I am not what someone else thinks I am.

    One of my friends has trained his wife to say westerner. Good for him but it dosen't stop her from expressing what she wants. It's just a word for gods sake.

  5. US property has already lost about 50% in Florida from the peak and I still think that they have a ways to go to reach a sustainable level based on peoples adjusted income.

    I made a bundle in the 80's on the bubble then but I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole now.

    The stock market is a casino IMO and the only one making money is the risk takers. I remember reading a investment book by some Princeton Economist who actually blindfolded a monkey and had him throw darts and it produced a better return than the "experts"

    I don't know how anyone can predict what is going to happen, there are just too many competing forces.

  6. Both sides are pulling out all the stops to win and there is going to be uncomfortable times ahead. There is a certain amount of brinkmanship in these kinds of struggles.

    Fortunatly Thailand has a long history of navigating through dangerous waters and comming out on top. I have every confidence that they will sort this out and allow their society to progress as it clearly wants. I will stay out of the way and wish them well.

  7. Didn't see any towers, but I confess that while I was waiting for the light I was looking for sniper positions. There was a tension there that made me pretty uncomfortable.

    I've done a little reading and I think both sides have some good intentions, but change comes on it's own time table. Democracy is a good thing in theory, but it relies on the intelligence and good judgement of the voters. Any system can be good or bad it depends solely on the leaders who are in charge. I'm inclined to agree that the best system is a monarchy when the king is a great leader who can balance the needs of the people and can facilitate progress.

    I was a "fixer" in my career. My job was to fix organizations that had become dysfunctional. I was given a lot of power to do that and I tried to produced balanced outcomes. Unfortunatly the pressure to deprive people of progress and the benefits of their labors has been hijacked by greed. Human societies are succomming to it everywhere. The road towards a sustainable balance is long and the process is messy. I'm observing the Thai's trying to get it while my own country seems to be intent of giving it up.

    I wish the best for Thailand and the Thai people. It is their's to decide. I will try to stay out of the way while they do it.

  8. Age has nothing to do with it.

    The economic disparity in Thailand is what provides the women and if a man is not balanced enough to manage it than he is in for big trouble.

    Men come here and expose themselves to powerful brain chemistry that they cannot manage. These same men would not consider experimenting with opiates, but they jump right in to this. Thailand is a dream come true, but I think that these women should have a warning label tattooed to their foreheads. If you do not know how to manage it you will get burned.

    Age is not a factor because it is not about them it is about me.

    There are different kinds of relationships, some are balanced and sustainable and some are just wonderfully addictive. Some people can manage beer, but not heroin and they should know the difference before they go experimenting.

    If your still leading your life caring what other people think of you than perhaps you have bigger problems.

  9. Funny how all of the farang I know who try to obey the law and show a little respect have never had a problem like myself.

    I know a few farang who were busted when they were actually breaking the law and were very angry about getting caught. The cops love that and I think that it is pretty certain that when you have an encounter with them carrying the attitude that some of you carry the cop is going to look for ways to ruin your day. Just like in the states.

    Some people just need to have someone to blame for their own problems.

  10. True, I have never been stopped for some BS traffic offence. I have been stopped for driving in the passing lane when no other traffic, 200 baht. Three parking tickets all deserved. For one I was offered to pay an extra 200 baht for a motorbike taxi to go to the Pattaya police station, I declined and paid it myself. I was also stopped at he motorway toll booth and fined for attempting to enter the highway with uncovered stuff in a pickup. I've been stopped 3 times at checks they looked at my Thai license and that was it. Each time the cops were professional enough. Just today my friend was asked by a farang for a ride on walking street and he didn't had a extra helmet, got 200 yards and there was the cop. I think it was 200 baht and the farang payed. There is nothing in my experence here that would overcome the basic respect I have for someone doing a difficult, dangerous job. I don't depend on them for anything. My security and that of my family is my responsability just like in the states.

    I agree with MrsMills, the corruption works both ways and if I do something wrong it is compforting to know that a little tea money will take care of it. This forum is full of farangs getting away with something that they would never get away with in the west. It's their system I'm happy to adapt. I am awake, I do realize what it is like and I'm ok with it. You might want to consider adapting or go home.

    I could write you a book on my experences with jack booted cops in the states. The mods warned against it. Feel free to google police corruption in the US and do a little objective analysis.

    Your argument has absolutely nothing to do with making a donation for the family to provide some support for the mans kids. THIS Thai cop did his job. THIS cop put himself in harms way and paid the price. All your petty complaints will never change that fact. I went to the Pattaya Police station and gave them 100 baht wrapped in the photo of the family. You would have thought that I cured cancer. The desk cop held up the paper and every cop in the place gave me a thankful wai. Some high ranking guy even came out of the back room to wai me.

    Bottom line is I did it because I believe that it was the right thing to do. I did it for my own soul and if it dosen't get to the family that's not my issue. I like living here. I'm grateful for what I have and what I've learned. Frankly I think it's dumb to live in a place that you hate so much as some of you apparently do.

  11. I'll tell you why I want to donate to the family of the slain cop. It is because he did what most of you insensitive fools have never in your life done. He put himself in harms way and paid the ultimate price. I believe in honoring heros and I think I'm a pretty good judge of who qualifies. I even thought of going to the Pattaya Police Station carrying a copy of this article with the photo and ask that they get the money to the family. Maybe I am niave, but I have seen how acts of kindness and support for good can change people. I see it happen daily. Acts of kindness and compassion have power.

    The corruption here is no different than in the west. Cops live in their own world, but they have not lost their support for one anothers families. Taking money designated for the family would be serious bad karma as it should be.

  12. I think that there was a lot of crap built during the boom and those seem to be hit the hardest.

    Quality construction in desirable areas (East Pattaya)are still selling at about half the rate that they were 6 years ago, but the price has not dropped much. I base this on what is happening in my village Nirvana Pool Villas. All but one in village 1 are sold or rented, village 3 has 4 built and 3 sold. The Thai developer lives here with his family as does his inlaws who all work to keep the place a great place to live.

    The crap is another story.

  13. Here's what I know for a fact. Six years ago I bought a small house completly on impulse. It was the only house I looked at after looking at hundreds of condos. I wake up every day happy to be here and my friends who all live in condos, and constantly complain about various discomforts ask me why I'm not out running around every day like them.

    I bought within my budget. While I was back in the states for a few years I rented it out. My net on the rent was about 5% and judging from the price of a recently sold comp (and the exchange rate)it looks like I'm about 8% ahead. If I add the fact that I bailed from the stock market before the crash to get the funds I could add another 6%

  14. blah, blah, blah... the multi billion dollar corporations who are currently building huge new developments know nothing about demographics and are completly incompitent.

    Listen to the jaded posters here pontificating from their 5,000/month room with a fan while they recover from their hangovers and lick their wounds from their most recent breakup with their TG because "they" are the real experts.

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