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  1. Thanks for the feedback, I think I am just going to go to Da Nang for a couple of days and then come back.
  2. Is it still open to do visa runs there? I haven't been through since the plandemic. Anyone have any info on this place?
  3. all of the roads lead to Ausfahrt
  4. My neighbor had the same attitude for pets as you, he was a real prick.
  5. An <deleted> could say the same thing about children.
  6. Immediately following the triple meltdown, The US EPA simply raised the acceptable levels of radioactive exposure rather than letting people know that the former levels had been done away with all together. (Because they are no longer obtainable with the ongoing meltdown.) This has not improved things in the Fukushima area as we do not currently have the technology to deal with it. Hopefully someday we will, until then the "new" acceptable exposures will stand. The EPA knew that if they didn't alter the acceptable limits, then people would panic and they might have to do something to address the situation. What they chose to do was criminal in my opinion.
  7. white vinegar, spray it on the leaves and vines and leave it. It will kill all kinds of stuff and won't hurt you or your pets or the land.
  8. Great, And i JUST SOLD 50, 000 eggs yesterday.
  9. Well, because last time I had to report to the Portland Or consulate to get started with the 1 yr visa, Now that office is closed, and I'd have to go clear to LA from So Or in order to get things started.
  10. I have a non imm O visa (My wife is thai) that I have set to renew every July. My question is: I'd like to go back to the states in the next couple of months for 3-4 months and am wondering if I could go and renew my status early before July. Would I be able to do that sooner rather than waiting until the official renew date? Has anyone here ever done that>?
  11. Get a dozen guinea fowl. They are great sentries. Nothing can get by them.
  12. Tell him you saw a big snake go after a rat in there.
  13. I am only 54ish and I can see the main limiting factor as being my physical health. Lets face it, If it hurts to get up and be active, you will most likely sit around alot. I try to get out and paddle the kayak for an hour or two each day and walk to the night market a few times a week. I like to be at home and even when we go on a trip somewhere and stay in a nice place, I am still so glad to be home. We are lucky, as My wife has 3 sisters that she is very close to and they all live next door, so that is her entire social circle. I am pretty much a loner here in the LOS. Not complaining, it is just that way for me.
  14. Your information is incorrect and needs updating. Livestock (pigs and cattle) are being treated with mrna gene therapy in the US and elsewhere regardless of what your fact checkers say. They are flat out wrong.
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