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  1. I worked in the airline industry for many years. Aircraft weight and balance calculations are critical to flight safety and are usually based on standard weights which are derived from survey data conducted by aviation authorities or by the airlines. These standard weight assumptions for male, female, children and infant passengers and crew, including carry-on baggage, are detailed in their operational procedures. These standard weights do change over the years. For example, internet research suggests that the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) calculates the average weight of a male passenger at 84.6 kg and females at 66.6 kg whereas the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) estimates adult male and female passengers at 90.7 kg and 81.2 kgs in summer changing to 93 kg and 83.5 kg in winter), including carry-on baggage.
  2. My long-time live in Thai GF likes to watch action and horror movies (English with Thai subs) but hates gratuitous sex scenes, or where women are scantily clad adding nothing to the movie plot so immediately loses interest and walks away
  3. Brit here. K-Bank account at Hua Hin, opened 2013 with an O-A visa and used until O-A EoS expired 2020. Maintain the account with minimum funds to prevent it being closed so I have a local account available when visiting Thailand. Currently spend time in Cambodia on long stay visa with Thai GF and visit my UK residence a few times a year. CRS email received on 24 November, completed and returned same day with copy of new passport and notarisation by a local lawyer, that I got last month. Stated 'A check of bank account details would show that I was not a US citizen' and that a TIN is not issued by UK (because they use a NIN which is not just for income tax). Requested acknowledgement by return to confirm receipt but nothing yet heard.
  4. Having liked and worked in many countries, it is clear that food is very significant in body odour. Whilst Westerners may not be able to differentiate smell from yourself or other Westerners with similar diets, I was advised many years ago by my Hong Kong Chinese staff that Westerners generally gave off a body odour akin to a supermarket cold counter, specifically dairy products, so have a slightly sickly sweet smell.
  5. I have used the free version of WPS Office for many years without any problem
  6. The Little Bird is designed to perform a wide range of missions including light attack, precision attack, anti-armour, security and escort, reconnaissance, combat search and rescue and troop insertion and extraction. The new helicopters will replace seven ageing Bell AH-1F Cobras now operated by 3AvBat, based at Lop Buri/Sa Pran Nak in Thailand’s central Lopburi Province. https://aerospaceglobalnews.com/news/royal-thai-army-ah-6i-flies/
  7. I posted this a few days ago but no comments so maybe I did it wrong
  8. Not sure this will be permitted to be posted but thought it might be of interest to some. ISOC are, apparently, attempting to ban the sale of a Thai language version of a book about the Thai military's history of involvement in politics. News article at https://prachataienglish.com/node/11128. Has anyone read and can comment on Infiltrating Society: The Thai Military’s Internal Security Affairs?
  9. We both have 12 month visas which are easy and simple to obtain. I provided evidence that we lived together and it was accepted that we were in a long term relationship, living in Cambodia, so I am at a loss to understand why the Home Office believed that there was no incentive to leave the UK. Re-application probably next year from Thailand
  10. My GF earned her own salary and paid all family expenses until we decided to live together with me supporting her because, otherwise, she and her family had no income. Her parents are elderly and could only get piece work on an occasional basis so I funded a project by buying a small-holding for them to grow fruit and vegetables, raise chickens and have a fish pond. This is a full-time activity keeping them busy and, as well as providing food for them, allows them to sell the excess which they are very happy with. I also pay for her son to attend Bangkok University but this is not expensive as he was granted a scholarship after the first year. I paid a great deal more when married to my farang wife ...
  11. Hi Cameroni, European food products available at major supermarkets although expensive and limited selection. In Siem Reap our go to for our weekly shopping is Angkor Market and Makro.
  12. Some of the factors areL 1. Overall cost of living. Food can be slightly more expensive but house rental costs are a lot lower. We stay in Siem Reap and enjoy the weekend night outs around Pub Street. 2. Safety. A lot less crime, no guns, knives, punch ups or manic driving so never seen any traffic accidents. 3. Immigration. No reporting or visiting Immigration. Just go to a travel agent and they apply for a visa which arrives within 2 weeks.
  13. In a relationship with my Thai GF for 4 years. We decided to live together in Cambodia so she quit her job with H&M fashion and we both have 12 month visas. I pay all expenses for her and her family in Thailand who she visits regularly. This arrangement works well for both of us with the distance meaning no unexpected family visits or interference although maintaining almost daily video calls. Wanted her to accompany me to the UK to meet my family and see some of the South Coast. Chose July 2024 due to the warmer weather. Followed the UK visa application process to the letter, as well as including additional documentation to evidence that everything was genuine and above board. I also loaded her bank accounts to show a substantial amount of money. Result; rejected on the basis that she did not have a job, no income and no family ties to Thailand despite Thai bank accounts, house and land titles et al! Appeal said the same thing and, additionally, that further applications would likely also be rejected. Apparently the Home Office employ people who do not think that monthly deposits from me to her Thai bank accounts, spending in Thailand, and that having house and land, as well as family in Thailand, is a reason for her to stay in UK, which neither of us want! Not a happy teddy so was in the process of writing to the Minister but timed because of the election. I will probably re-apply from Thailand next year.
  14. I know of 2 instances where Brits were in a similar situation. They each had a child with Thai partners and, when the relationship went South, they did not want to leave their pre-school children. They each obtained a Thai passport for their children and then registered their pre-school child’s birth with the embassy which enabled them to obtain a Brit passport for the child. With the collusion of another Thai female they produced a letter of permission, purportedly from their Thai partner, to take the child out of the country on holiday and showed this to the IO at the airport. The Thai female accomplice then answered the IO phone call to confirm and they left Thailand together. Both children have been in UK for many years and are doing very well. Both father’s ensured regular contact between the child and mother. One of the father’s returned to Thailand alone a few years later in an attempt to reconcile with his Thai partner and ask her to live in the UK so the child had both parents but she would not leave Thailand. He was slightly concerned that he would would have an issue with the RTP but nothing happened.
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