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Everything posted by zhounan

  1. Yet another arrogant provocation to Putin. Is it so difficult to understand that Americans must take care of their territory between two oceans and not go to engineer other people's societies and minds?
  2. Probably is impossible to know what has really happened. Men has no means to defend themselves for this kind of accusations.
  3. Premiata Forneria Marconi (PFM) is an Italian progressive rock band of the 70s. Enjoy it https://youtu.be/UZmZ5-6yZ3s?si=vkVRpog4oimtCWxc
  4. Two free and real solutions: 1. Walking, as much as possible; 2. Drink lukewarm water, as much as possible. Stay away from cold water and ice cubes in restaurants. Don't take meds, your intestine will be affected in the long term.
  5. Should I bring cash or can I withdraw money with my Thai card? What kind of clothes should I wear to respect Muslims there?
  6. This puppets vloggers could have some embarrassing behaviours, but they can push (ten) thousands visitors to Thailand.
  7. What about Italian Serie A? Is it broadcasted here in Thailand?
  8. My visa expires at the end of August, but early September I have to go to Malaysia and the time for renewal is around 20 days.
  9. What is the cheapest method to watch EURO 2024 in Thailand?
  10. I will contact them tomorrow morning. How was your experience?
  11. I'm not interested to take an old laptop to a service center in a mall paying 5 employees, two smiling girls and a super rent. It's not worth it, that's not my first computer, it was in a box until this morning.
  12. These days I'm checking the boxes to throw away some old and unneeded stuff. A 2015 old and broke MacBook Pro jumped out. I don't know if its problem is logic board or display, but I doesn't turn on. So, I would like to find an honest repairman to diagnose my notebook, if it's worth repairing or not and how much will it cost. p.s. I'm in Bangkok
  13. Clean up the slag and degeneration brought by a large overseas country that has always sought to destabilize countries thousands of miles away from it Instead of treating countless internal problems.
  14. Read Dr.Hamer, most of the energy come from an healthy mind.
  15. This egg face guy has both his hands in the business of injections and marijuana.
  16. Dishonest citizens, home security, money fraud...this is how the surveillance state slowly starts and we accept it.
  17. Do what you want and don't push the others to do what you want.
  18. So called Putin's hunger is only in your minds. Russia has everything.
  19. Yes, there's on Lazada, but the price is around 100$ higher.
  20. I would like to buy an handheld console to play retrogames. The company is based in Shenzhen. Can I calculate import taxes in advance (or can I avoid it somehow)?
  21. What about Anutin, the Egg Face who sponsored the marijuanization of Thailand.
  22. Because it makes people dumb. It will be fine in declining Western countries, not for an emerging country in China influence circle like Thailand.
  23. Excuse my ignorance, what is AN?
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