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Everything posted by zhounan

  1. Policemakers - amnesty Vaccinemakers - amnesty Doctors - amnesty When you get your jab, you have to sign a paper. Think.
  2. Brian, you have once again forgotten to attach the vaccination chart. Please be serious tomorrow.
  3. Use natural products with lemon.
  4. Every country has 4-5 Doctor Star hired to constantly massage public opinion with their odd theories. Dr. GSK Yong is one of the Thailand Big Brains.
  5. Working class. The most exploited, most denigrated people, but the only ones who keep the world going, despite millions of state parasites and salarimans.
  6. 2020: Government done well, Thailand Covid-Free, Thais immune to Covid, it's because wai 2021: Government bad, Thailand Covid infections rise, Thais vulnerable, it's because no enough vaccine. What was the watershed? Then "The government failed the move speedily to secure vaccines and rejected Pfizer and other effective vaccines as far back as November instead relying on the ineffective Sinovacs Vaccine and the much-delayed locally-produced AstraZeneca jabs" How you can still read typists that are persevering to write this kind of misinformation?
  7. zhounan

    Herd Immunity

    Look at the faces, interests and past of those who promote herd immunity through the vaccine. Do you trust them? Give yourself an answer.
  8. Poor Vs Poor. Divide et Impera. The Establishment perfect strategy. Struggle is not horizontal, it's vertical, but the mass is clueless.
  9. All this waste paper is being produced by those who claim to sponsor vaccines as the miracle drug that stops Covid. The cures are there, successfully used by thousands doctors everyday, and Vaccine Producers are diabolically obstructing these old and inexpensive treatments.
  10. .Unbelievable! We may have found a smart and informed Thai doctor! Probably they will fire him.
  11. Thai promoters are outperforming western promoters in idiocy. However, if Dr Pheerayuth's wife does not feel satisfied with her sex life we are happy to help her.
  12. Going out to eat? Is still possible in Phuket? What a backward town!
  13. When intentions and promises turn into deeds then we can discuss.
  14. Poor against Poor. It's always the same game. And the èlite is preparing the New Great Capitalism.
  15. If he reside in Thailand why he's still paying taxes in Sweden?
  16. Thank You Brian! If you were not here, this forum would lose much of its value.
  17. When you claim to cure a headache by banging your head against the wall, something is obviously wrong.
  18. Any Burmese in Phuket available? Thai Government will pay you a two-rooms home in Myanmar for take responsibility in front of the press.
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