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Everything posted by zhounan

  1. "Bite marks and scratches on his stomach"? This guy went to bang a ladyboy.
  2. This guy should be hired by government authorities to promote consumption. "Spend, give us your money, you imperialist!"
  3. I have a perfectly ignorant question, please don't insult me: isn't burning fields a more than centuries-old practice? Has air pollution always been there or are there other reasons, and are farmers being blamed?
  4. 30 years of career, concerts all over the world and come to Thailand to perform without the permissions? Could be, but sounds quite strange to me.
  5. "police found her mouth sealed with duct tape and a playing card lodged in her gullet" This make me think.
  6. Why hire a cop when you can hire an ex-soldier or, better, a Muay boxer?
  7. I will go, I live 200 metres from Rajamangala Stadium.
  8. Ops, they probably don't know that the band is very popular between russophones. It's not the best move for Thailand Tourism Marketing Machine
  9. 10k digital wallet trap is just the door to nanny state and CBDC.
  10. What about those cars parked for 30 minutes with the engine running for the air conditioner?
  11. I have noticed that many people tend to be omertous about sexual affairs. For example, I know of a lecturer at a university (I won't mention the name) who had multi-year sexual affairs with colleagues and students, and the faculty where he works covered it up so as not to create a scandal. That lecturer is still teaching there, with no problems.
  12. A big development plan should of course involve job creation too. Try to imagine if the 10 families that dominate Thailand are forced to invest outside Bangkok, giving the same salaries as here. I am not sure if people would prefer to live in a metropolis with millions of people or in a smaller city if the opportunities are the same. Many Asian countries adopted this one-metropolis development plan, this could be good in the first years to build a certain economy, but then you should develop other neighbouring cities.
  13. Sometimes when I am in the car at night, I stare at the countless windows without lights in skyscrapers. Bangkok has so many uninhabited rooms but skyscrapers keep springing up everywhere destroying Bangkok's distinctive features. Thailand should stop developing only one city and start to develop major cities in every provinces to encourage a gradual displacement of people from the capital city.
  14. This is a good opportunity for Thailand to boost its soft power and try to attract more young wealthy Asians.
  15. Unfortunately the teaching profession is highly coveted by pedophiles and sexual perverts since you are always in contact with children and young people. There are not a few such scandals.
  16. Let them enjoy their momentum of consumerism, hedonism and materialism.
  17. Let's be honest, it was a good company.
  18. They can't predict the weather at one week, let alone months later.
  19. Indian tourists love this sport.
  20. Fatter ladies maybe have much more experience in licking and sucking Calippo.
  21. Did you at least bang one?
  22. Don't worry dude, with a neurological chip we will be able to speak every kind of language! It will be a wonderful and friendly world!
  23. No matter what you have, you would always be a guest.
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